I’m a 20 yo white male. Green eyes, brown hair. Told I was handsome frequently. 6 foot 1 or slightly higher. Slightly overweight but go to gym frequency so I’ve got muscle. Slightly autismo and gone to an all boys school so I’m a kissless virgin. How do I get some pussy? Or for a more general question, how does someone become a Chad?
How does someone become Chad?
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Move to Asia.
First you stop posting with a memeflag.
>>Jow Forums
become a bartender... that's what I did... you'll loose all respect for woman because they are whores... wrap your tool... always fuck at her house and go home to yours...you're welcome...
You're 6'1" your life is already easy mode. Just fucking interact with people retard.
David DeAngelo. He wrote the book on this. Literally. The man is a genius.
LoL i made the chad meme.Its a meme you fucking cuck.
LMAO 6'1" is still manlet status.
>6'5" master height
If you have to ask, you're probably not a chad and probably will never be one.
If you don't play basketball then you are just a freak.
Get your weight, figure out the amount you have to eat and exercise.
Doesn't matter if you're weak user because you're working to become the best version of yourself which is better then not trying at all
this desu
>How do I get some pussy?
Marry a virgin and impregnate her repeatedly
GLR wasn't a Chad, he was a proper MAN.
>B-but how?
>I’m a kissless virgin. How do I get some pussy? Or for a more general question, how does someone become a Chad?
Justin Bieber is chad
Cristiano Ronaldo is chad
many women desire them
you only need to emulate, copy their behavior, and girls will see in you that what they are longing after
if youre 6'1 and handsome just make sure you get as lean as possible and stay there
added muscle is nice but unecessary
then just enjoy life congrats youve made it
Lift routinely to build confidence and improve your figure. Learn to cook, but go to the kitschy grocery stores that are overpriced for small items like avocados (don’t waste your entire income) and wait for a chick to make eye contact. Hot bitches love dumbass grocery stores. Look for younger women, chances are you look too young for women 22+. Time will cure this, but while you’re under 26, aim for chicks a couple years younger.
you'll never be as Chad as Ed Sheeran. A ginger man
Forgot to mention. You’ll know when the eye contact is an invite to say something. Don’t be snarky, just be straight forward, and slow. Start with hey, follow up with an admission that you find her attractive and see where the conversation leads. Offer to cook for her. My strat is suitable for longer term relationships as it isn’t built on a vapid connection. If this works, chances are the woman would agree to marry you so long as you aren’t a total failure in other aspects of life, like career and personal growth.
What helped me was learning how to be smooth with women you're not interested in. Old coworkers, ugly girls doesn't matter. "smooth" is not a mode of operation when you're flirting or asking a girl out. Smooth is the level of comfort and confidence you say things. What this means is that when you practice being smooth, you can say whatever you want. Practice cracking jokes, making points, laughing at yourself, laughing at others the idea is to be smooth about it so when the time comes, you change the words and not the attitude and can speak to women you're interested in more easily.
Also no fap.
Never script what you're gonna say to a girl unless its super loose and you've already come pretty far on your journey. ALWAYS fly by the seat of your pants. That's when you're at your best. If you're not comfortable doing improv and aren't sure how to come up with something funny, start trying to hang around more genuinely funny/interesting people and study how they behave. Also, re-read the above paragraph.
Get’s empty after awhile, user.
Always came natural to me.
I just don't give a fuck about white knights or bitches. I workout and get money. Fuck your moral code that's why niggers fuck your bitch!
Incels get upset over this because the truth hurts
Follow the rules don't party and don't have any fun. Make sure bitches think you are lame as fuck goyim!
you're welcome
You must be a bitch, never got old to me.
Only reason I sit still aint fucking every bitch I meet is because I have a trad girl who I snatched up as a 18 year old virgin.
Alpha males gonna alpha male!
This is true. I can literally not even talk to bitches, they come to me.
If you don't know that feel then hit the gym and quit being a bitch!