I fell for the meme, Jow Forums. They took her from us and turned her into one of their brain dead zombies.
I fell for the meme, Jow Forums. They took her from us and turned her into one of their brain dead zombies
Other urls found in this thread:
famous entertainer who works in a jew industry comes out as a leftist
This is just propaganda to help her Carrer stupid burger
Remember what i said about the limelight? And how you should never trust a man or woman who is in it? Of course not.
>celebrity raised from birth to shake her ass on tv
>gee wiz I thought she was based but I done got tricked
user... honestly...
I was under the impression that all women vote democrat anyway.
Why are women so defensive of faggots and so happy to endorse "LGBT" causes?
The reality of homosexual life is a deviant and depraved scene indeed
We have Kim Kardashian
All non-white women. 53% of white women voted for Trump.
Aryangoddess.org was one of the best memes on the internet until they SHUT IT DOWN
Bring back the memesite you fukn butthurt jews
There are no less than 4 threads on Jow Forums about this and all that anybody says in any of them is that they don’t care. Please stop feeding whoever is making these threads.
She's being paid to help Bredesen in the midterms. Funny thing is most of her fans are under the voting age.
another shill thread. kava really made you desperate didnt he. I dont rember this much shilling since anti gun statemwnt she made.
Trump also supported Democratic politicians in the past. It's not the end.
>brain dead zombie
nigga pls. She is the most accomplished pop performer in America, maybe in history. She can't be anything but calculated. This is a knock against Trump, a small one so long as she doesn't campaign for the next Dem for Pres (she won't) He went the Kardasian route to appease black voters. This is her payback one white to another. She'll prove it by an even more shocking conservative appointment but only if Trump makes amends. That's how TayTay is and I know. My cousin met her at a party in Burbank last year. They ended up fucking. He said it was totally sub-par. She got shit all over his dick, and violently queefed at the end.
Same user. Now I gotta change all my backgrounds
Who gives a shit.
At the end of the day when it omes to politics there's a simple rule
It was sheer amdness that we ever let them vote and they've been fucking it all up since.
No, she was ist one of them all the time, she just kept her whore mouth shut to not alienate a large part of her fan base.
thats some damn fine math-u-matics
I will post this in every one of these awful threads until it gets through your very thick skulls.
The curse is going to hit her HARD for this
It is over. Jow Forums got instathoted again.
When will you virgins ever learn?
She is nearly 30, no husband, no kid, has not saved her virginity...
those are the type of women who always vote for leftists - take away the vote from unmarried women and Obama and Trudeau both couldn't have had political careers, simple as that
The curse shall strike down traitors
Traitor Swift
Told you faggots not to trust women, what the fuck were you thinking.
She's hitting the wall and she's desperate your best options are to ignore her and watch her cling to relevancy., not that I dont want to see her suffer for this (And not even because I liked her, rather because she had Jow Forums as a security blanket) it's been a long time coming but still lets be honest here......when the fuck was the last time you heard of her outside of Jow Forums.
>Just shoop a bunch of kanye over her dumb ass if you wanna twist the knife
Pretty fucking stupid thing for her to do, considering most of her fanbase lives in red states.
She is a woman. She is weak
We didn't protect her and she fell under the democratic horde.
It's our fault
We failed her
She just didn't want to alienate her conservative fans, but now its advantageous for her to go democrat, she's a terrible artist you guys should of never liked her.
>It's never wimyns fault!
Eventually you dumb niggers are going to have to wake up you know.
those hatchback cars are soooo fucking gay, I could picture tay tay and one of her social terrorist friends driving one
She's still beautiful no matter how stupid she is.
>takes millions of photos with black and gay people
>"our girl!"
she was never your girl,you wanted her to be because shes hot as fuck
>That's how TayTay is and I know. My cousin met her at a party in Burbank last year. They ended up fucking. He said it was totally sub-par. She got shit all over his dick, and violently queefed at the end.
Quit using 40k quotes for your cringy bullshit
>supp BLM, donate to some SJW shit, women March
yea, faggot, you're are surprised about this or what?
Stop making me feel worse about it user. It's been a really bad break up.
Jesus Tay is my waifu too but you you got to get over it. I’ve seen at least 20 threads on it since last night. What do you expect? She’s a woman working in the jew industry and probably was paid to endorse him. Also I doubt half the people in the industry are really that liberal, I would guess at least half are LARPing to not piss of (((them))).
Well at least all the retarded shills who thought Tay was >FUCKING BASED will hopefully fuck off back to ledit
Why are you defending her?
Oh right the shills, Yeah if you are Taylor Swift or support her unironically go end you life, what type of psychopath shuns Jow Forums this bitch is dead in the water surrounded by faceless hate filled jealous sad "ex boyfriends" she is actually done.
>Probably gonna end up with corn up her ass too with the way things have been going lately
She's a woman. Who cares what she thinks?
What the hell does this mean?
Do you know how to fucking read retard? explain to me how you read my post in response to that other tarded post and somehow came to
Dur she's a woman who cares what she thinks, mother fucker what was I saying in my post?
You know not of what you speak, pleb
Those old cartoons were great.
Why is Jow Forums obsessed with traps is it a meme or are you really all gaywads?
>implying Taylor cares about politics
She does whatever her handlers want in return for millions of dollars of cash. You didn't take the memes seriously, did you?
>being surprised that a (((Hollywood))) celebrity would endorse the left
>being surprised that a woman would endorse the left
>being surprised that a woman who has been pretty and pampered since leaving the womb would endorse the left
>being surprised that a woman under 40 would endorse the left
>being surprised that an unmarried, childless woman would endorse the left
>being surprised that a woman who can't seem to stay in a relationship for longer than a cell phone contract would endorse the left
>being surprised that a woman who is friends with Lena Dunham would endorse the left
>being surprised that a woman whose lipstick lesbian lover (Karlie Kloss) who has a black godchild would endorse the left
Imagine being this retarded. She's hot as fuck, but that's it. If you ever thought she was BASTE KWEEN TAYTAY OF ARC you're delusional. Black boyfriend imminent, adoption of at least two Congolese bulls imminent, giga whoredom heel turn imminent. She's essentially the physical embodiment of white beauty; you couldn't have actually been so foolish to think she wouldn't go (((unscathed))), right? Next you'll be shocked that Emma Watson went down the retard route.
>This is about being spurned
>This is about taking revenge
Why do you think this thread was made, pick one.
Those stupid ebil Dems opposing women's rights. Thank God we had the party of LINCOLN and giving slaves citizenship to give women the right to vote right my fellow magapedes?
Cry more faggot. I’m sorry you legitimately thought a WOMAN in HOLLYWOOD was going to hold rightwing views because of the maymays.
They turned her into a NPC
Read my posts retard.
How were we spurned exactly?
She’s a lesbian, she fucks Karlie Kloss the retard who pretends to code. Old news.
I said pick one, you picked spurned.
I dont believe we are shunned by this I believe you're all retards for believing her in the first place, so think logically after all those threads kissing her ass dosen't it make sense people would want to make threads shitting on her?
>This is just people taking this chance
has she put her twat on the internet yet
I never believed the memes, what are you talking about?
This unironically feels worse than that time a qt 3.14 blonde cheated on me
Are...you a fucking brainlet, i'm explaining to you it had nothing to do with being spurned or believing the memes, it's all about revenge on the people that praised her so much.
Who the fuck educated you, and why the fuck did I think for a second you could reach a natural conclusion.
>a girl you'll never meet having stupid political views feels worse than a girl you cared about (I assume) taking another dick
Matey, I...
Swift supports murdering children, degenerate homosexuality, and illegal immigration. She's also a self-loathing white female for supporting the agenda of those that want to eradicate White Americans.
Apparently some retards do feel "spurned" by their make believe waifu, my mistake!
>Real smart to give this place credit, looks like I'm as stupid as all of you fuck heads.
Ok user, have your revenge on a bunch of anonymous trolls who were just fucking around.
>Your revenge
You are seriously retarded, are you aware of this?
I dont think ive experienced anything as self destructive and rage inducing as being cheated on
They didn't take anything because she was never a conservative. Refusing to admit to her political views was always about money and not isolating fans.
Stop being so butthurt about Taylor's Instagram user
Go easy on me, goyim for I'm a newfag, but Jow Forums convinced me she was /our girl/, so fuck you Jow Forums, fuck you.
The average Jow Forumsack is a cuck when it comes to dealing with women. You should never respect or put any trust in a (white) woman. Women are only tool to create children with and to have a role in raising those children. If a woman misbehaves, then you should beat her. Of course you can't do that now in practice since you will go to prison, because women with the support of some (cucked) men control the state through the democratic system. And, the state has a monopoly on violence and an interest in preserving women's rights, including the right to vote, since women on average has much higher preferences for a larger state.
She was and still is /ourgirl/. That Instagram post is just a lie meant to deceive us. Did she ever say any of her political beliefs in person? No? Then don't believe it!
This is why you would never trust holes
she got shit on his dick? i'd imagine a lot of those singers would be a dud fuck.
You're just making shit up now, like you realize you have failed to follow the conversation entirely drawn your own conclusion been corrected twice and you are still doing it.
Look, I dont have time to play tame the tard just accept that you are a moron and that I pity you.
>And I pity those that have to depend on you
She was never our girl
It all comes out, he was shilling the entire time.
I told you you were fucking retarded.
I did cunt. I am also not a child ausltist like your self and can understand that people have different views.
I hear she is getting fat, and she came out as a leftist. Also, 30 is 2 short years away.
Luckily, she likes cats.
>blaming Jow Forums for your inability to think
user, stobbid.
calm your spaghetti, new fag
Ok then link me to my first post, go ahead.
Someone superimpose the NPC face on her. They literally gave this mindless cunt a script to post on her Instagram.
>If a woman misbehaves, then you should beat her. Of course you can't do that now in practice since you will go to prison
This is why I love this place. Pity about the meme flag though
What’s it like taking pozzed nigger cock in your ass?
You know at least you are honest, half of these fuckers dont even know how to highlight posts and come in mouthing off about stuff you already shut down.
Take this big (You) you honest man.
You have no response, you are a retard.
Here is your post.
And here is my first post 14 above it
Here is what I responded to you
And this was your response
Kill yourself.
I would say the same if media kept printing im a nazi doll and my fans would literally buy these fake news.
I still want her to sit on my face.
I thought she said she didn't want to take side in politics.
Why the sudden change?
all the mutts fell for this one. Wasn't even bother coming on today until I saw this crap about Swift. anStill a sexy bitch.
We just like her cause shes pretty. Who cares what she thinks? We're not going to ever fuck her or be with her.
>Why the sudden change
That's like asking why the sudden shilling, money.