Which one do you think has a brighter future Jow Forums?
Sweden vs Brazil
Brazil... Sweden is an irredeemable shithole
Sweden for sure. Brazil is a land of evil.
Brazil, Sweden just can't seem to uncuck itself.
In Brazil beheading is a common practice, I'll let you figure our which has a brighter future.
sven is cucked.com
Sweden has more winters so Brazil .
At present, Sweden is a better place to live. In the future, it could be Brazil. Sweden had everything and is giving it away, but Brazil got dangerously close to rock bottom and is looking to have a huge turnaround. Good times make weak men and all that.
Brazil because it needs to be nuked.
What's up with this post-idealization of Sweden? We've been plagued by the cancer that is social democracy for over a century.
haha jk bamboovled epic bravzilian style trolled
literally who cares
It's your future at stake m8
Both countries have no future.
funny cause "white" countries nowadays are irredeemably cucked and destroying themselves. While we elected the most conservative congress/senate in 30 years
In the long run (100-1000 years) I'd say Brazil. The country is friggin huge and very far from Africa and the middle east. One does not simply walk into Brazil (unlike Sweden..)
I the next few decades or so, Sweden will still be better off. But we are rapidly turning into a lawless muttland so it's only a matter of time before we are equal.
We have a shitty climate for foreigners and there is nothing special about us except for welfare gibs and leftist activists running the show. Once we stop giving that out and the 68-left goes the way of the dodo, they will go back to whence they came or find greener pastures. Sure we might end up in a sort of civil war for a while but we know this land and are bound to it in a way mutts like Brazilians (or anyone in the Americas for that matter) can never be.
What is your definition of white?
Sweden obviously. Only a fucking retard would say Brazil.
But never forgetti all the mutts that have already been born in the last few decades, and that will continue to be born for many years to come (at least another decade or two). They will make up a big part of the population within a generation (20-25%?) and I don't think they'll leave.
Yeah but you can't deny that Sweden was a terrific place to live until recently. Social democracy works if the population is homogenous since everyone will know the unwritten rules of conduct and people can trust each other. If you try to make it a heterogeneous society it will unravel instantly since all groups will vie for control over national resources and segregate themselves while also having their own ideas of right and wrong. It's why socialism could never work in the Americas, too many interest groups fighting for only themselves. Blacks for blacks, asians for asians, hispanics for hispanics, whites for whites etc.
True but they can be absorbed into the greater population as long as the Swedish majority remains. That or race war but you and I both know that won't happen, and even if it did the outside world would never allow it and would use it as an excuse to "Liberate" us.
Both don't have a future but I would say Sweden
I don't care, our country isn't white and cucked like european ones
We'll know in three weeks. If the socialists win again i'm out of here
Do Jow Forums hues like Bolsonaro? He seems like a cool guy but I only know of him through leftist propaganda in my country talking shit about him.
No, race war isn't going to happen, that's for sure. We may get some nice rioting in the suburbs though which will be interesting to watch.
And hopefully you are correct that most of the recent year immigrants from Africa and the middle east will eventually return once the money has ran out, and that the mutts can be absorbed into a Swedish majority. But still - I don't want my kids to mix with them. (I grew up in a suburb in the 80's and 90's with an ever increasing amount of immigrants, but before I started my own family I made sure we lived in a 99% Swedish community..)
>white in Argentina.jpeg
>"refugees are the scum of the earth" - Bolsonaro
Brazil has a chance, while Sweden is beyond saving at this point.
Both countries full of niggers.
Sweden is falling from grace, but Brazil got blacked a long time ago, so it can only get better from here.
Ask yourself this simple question, OP: which one, as of today, is more cucked?
Going to say Brazil.
First time I'm rooting for the Huevolution.
Sweden obviously
The ones that mix with arabs and africans have less in group bias and other undesirable traits. These will disappear from the gene pool and our gene pool will be stronger, but smaller. Everyone in Brazil is already mixed. There has been a great injustice done against us and I hate the people that are behind it - there are many. And I hate the people that take joy from watching it. I think it's very likely that we will get a victim mentality on the level of the jews in the future and that's a good thing. Hopefully we will get revenge against the people that have done us ill and their children/grandchildren.
Vi måste hata mer. Alla Svenskar ska hata icke-Svenskar.
Sweden. Not even Ragnarok, Russians or Germs defeated it, so I place my bet on them.
Oh but I can. Social Democracy doesn't "work" at all, it always destroys the country. Sure, if you have a lot of money it doesn't matter all that much which political ideology you follow (see venezuela before the oil crisis) but that doesn't make the ideology working or good.
Sweden was one of the few countries that stayed out of WW2. Sweden had a booming industry, a hard-working, homogenous population. Other countries in Europe were also infected by Social Democracy, so of course we became one of the most successful countries.
If you want to see the true failure of Social Democracy, look at Switzerland and compare them to Sweden. Their economy is much, much stronger than ours, and if you ignore the Swedish government propaganda you will find that Switzerland is better than Sweden in almost every single way. They have more personal wealth, their industries are more efficient, their health care system is better and more efficient. Why? Because Switzerland was in the same situation as Sweden, but chose not to pursue Social Democracy like we did. And the "Switzerland became rich on Jew gold" is a myth. The banking industry is big in Switzerland primarily because they have an extremely robust, stable economy, much more so than any Scandinavian country.