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U DUN GOOFED, Jow Forums
Ian Butler
Isaac Gray
Congress flips back and forth. Supreme Courts last for decades.
Bentley Johnson
if congress flips trump will be impeached
Hudson Watson
This. Fighting battles vs. winning the war, chess vs. checkers, etc.
Angel Nelson
Ah yes, the mighty Blue Wave we keep hearing about. LOL, sure.
Connor Gonzalez
If Trump is impeached there's no more reason to play along
John Campbell
This, absolutely.
William Hall
On what grounds?
Colton Rogers
We last for forever
Thomas Johnson
I doubt it
Elijah Bennett
Not true, Jew CNN.
The Brett Kavanaugh news pushed Republicans to want to vote in the midterms. The polls show Democratic enthusiasm only grew by 2 or 4 percent. Republican enthusiasm grew by double digits.
People that didnt care to vote are voting Republican.
William Flores
Everything i have seen says that it has energized republican voters because the dems have gone apeshit
Julian Sanchez
Hahahaha. Then we get Pence, the electric fence. Listen, faggot, sodomy laws are coming back. abortions are getting banned. bwhahahahahaaha.
Nicholas Ramirez
If it happens it ll be the same as what happened last time with Obama.
But, this time, when the economic crash happens, Trump will say "Look! The dems prevented me from doing this stuff!! They crippled us, so i coulndn't stop this crash from happening!! Sad!!".
And thus the dems will definitively die off, and will reform their party.
Logan Gutierrez
It’s literally impossible for the Dems to get a supermajority
They can’t do shit
Dominic Cruz
Supreme court is litterally OP in the american political system. Unfortunately there's not two teams, only one. The AIPAC
Eli Barnes
and after the blue wave, Dems will have new bill proposals to end lifetime SCJ appointments
Nolan Brown
>Pence, the electric fence
fucking kek
Jose Cruz
Do you remember when he was going to be impeached as soon as he got into office?
... How many years ago was that now?
Ryder Clark
How did you misread a post so badly
Nicholas Parker
Sweet. I love Mike Pence.
Brandon Collins
And here I thought the blue wave was a sure thing before the Supreme court stuff.
Lucas Carter
Pfft... Hahaha! AHAHAHA!
My sides.
But in all seriousness we can't let congress get the congress codes.
Josiah Cooper
>Kavanaugh is a neocon
>Kavanagh is a Catholic puppet
>Kavanaugh is too pro-life
>Kavanaugh is too pro-gun
>Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a girl 36 years ago
>Kavanaugh exposed himself to a girl in college
>Kavanaugh ran a sophisticated gang rape ring
>Kavanaugh is a violent drunk
>Kavanaugh lied under oath
>Kavanaugh doesn't have the judicial temperament to be on the high court
>Kavanaugh threw ice at someone in a bar back in the '80s
>Kavanaugh is a pedophile
>Kavanaugh is secretly left wing
>Kavanaugh is a Russian plant
>Kavanaugh is illegitimate because Trump is illegitimate
>Kavanagh will cost you the midterms
Angel Parker
Why are they not chimping out? Is Soros out of money?
Jordan Baker
absolutely worth it
supreme court has more power than even the president in a lot of ways
Luke Smith
That's racist.
Isaac Barnes
Polls show the democrats losing favor while the republicans gain.
The democrats overplayed their hand on this Kavanaugh debacle. They showed their truly evil side and people recognized it. Republicans started to rally when they saw the circus democrats were putting on in an attempt to destroy a squeaky clean man’s life just so they could gain power.
I recently moved to a new state and I didn’t really have any intention of voting until I witnessed the sham. I registered to vote last week and I’ll be voting for any republican running against a democrat, and probably will for the rest of my life thanks to all of this horseshit.
Joseph Watson
Congress can be very temporary, having a conservative SCOTUS can last decades. Lets be realistic and say congress hardly gets shit done, but the SCOTUS is forced to get shit done
Austin Morris
Dems are gonna be mad as fuck when the Repubs hold the House thanks to the Dem's Kavanaugh fuck up.
Camden Martin
it’s how the poz brigade got their faggot marriage and shit over there, right?
Jaxson Ortiz
You'd think lefties would settle for Trump over Pence. Let them do their worst and see how Ole Pence is
Colton Bailey
Yeah because those angry femiists were all REALLY going to vote Republican at the next election if only we had appointed a leftist judge
Trump is right - McCain, Romney and the other "good losers" are wrong.
You fight to win, every step of the way.
Daniel Cox
It's how every major left wing social change has happened in America in the last seventy years.
Damn right the leftist faggots are scared.
Carter Ortiz
Charles Martinez
Yes, the Supreme Court ruled that states couldn’t decide on their own, which is weird considering we have an amendment that says any issue not directly outlined in the constitution is supposed to be left up to the states to decide for themselves.
Lucas Evans
Lold at this post.
Supreme Court > congress > basic judges in court.
Anything ruled unconstitutional or contested can be pushed to Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has final say.
Ayden Foster
Bingo! Fucking liberals always trying to change laws with the belief they have any rights to begin with
Christopher Clark
we will have both
thanks, democrats
Andrew Morales
Democrats may have destroyed their party in an attempt to stop a GOP SCOTUS nomination is the correct headline.
Joseph Wood
Probably because it didn't make any fucking sense.
Jordan Thomas
Lol cnn
Dylan Russell
dnc is bankrupt, they won't be able to run a proper campaign in for the mid terms
Chase Ward
Demuhkrats = party of mexicans and terrorists
Ethan Myers
And some say the dems just had their Waterloo.We'll see after Nov. 6.
Clip and save, bubbe.
Lincoln Martin
Hillary literally ate all of the DNC's funds when running against trump, they are pretty hosed for a long while until they get their finances straightened out since you can't run a campaign for Congress without cash, and right now the Democrats have none.
Adam Davis
Huh, that's weird. Looks like republican odds have drastically improved over the past week. Face it, the dems shot themselves in the foot with their fake sexual assault smear.
Landon Brown
Finally order and discipline has been restored. Liberal lunacy and degneracy must be put to an end.
Christopher Mitchell
They managed to spend a fuckton of money on special elections also.
Nicholas Young
Blake Lopez
kav literally got voted in because the dems changed to majority vote in their favor years ago. talk about a roast
Joseph Williams
>Pence, the electric fence
All of these are literally my favorite political meme
Gabriel Ward
>new bill proposals to end lifetime SCJ appointments
There's literally nothing wrong with this. Senile cunts like ginsburgowitz need to go. End "lifetime" appointments to congress with term limits too.
Michael Davis
This loss might actually have made them go catatonic.
James Powell
Do you even know what Impeached means?
Its not kicking him out of office if thats what your small libtard mind thinks.
Christopher Thomas
it's almost as if democracy is the enemy of whites. who woulda thunk it.
Dominic Scott
Whoever wrote this has no clue how debt works.
Daniel Thomas
Not true. Blue wave killed itself even before dirty politics with outright stupid.
Even if that were true it would be worth it for lifetime appointments to a court that the left has been using for decades to get around passing actually legislation.
Joseph Nguyen
Ending lifetime appointments for the Supreme Court is tacit admission that you intend for the court to be a political institution when it was never intended to be one.
The Supreme Court exists to settle matters of constitutionality, not make political decrees and manufacture rights.
First they'll end lifetime appointments, then they'll increase the number of justices, then they'll gut the constitution and go full on authoritarian socialist. And it'll all be "legal."
Christopher Richardson
the absolute state of CNN
Thomas Moore
they'll have that Cortez socialist chick beg for donations on reddit again like Bernie
Isaac Williams
red wave incoming
first of all
and they are going to vote
MTV is telling them to vote
they will vote TRUMP and trump will tell them to vote red
highest black midterm turn out in history
highest GOP black turn out in decades
Eli Ortiz
how big is her bean clit?
Gavin Ross
Even some cuck on CNN said that if there’s anything you should throw down your political capital for, it’s getting a Justice in.
Adrian Stewart
I never understood this "appease your enemies at the cost of your own supporters" thing all cuckservatives love so much, has it EVER worked?
Wyatt Clark
Nope. The whole Kavanaugh debacle has shown everyone what raging lunatics the Dems are. Combined with the #WalkAway movement cutting the left in half, the SCOTUS shitshow has energized the right just as there were worries that we were getting complacent.
Robert Wood
Congratulations Justice Keggernaugh
Samuel Foster
The only blue wave will be the one in Canada, where the conservatives are blue, the commies are orange, and the less commie commies are red.
Adam King
>the odds are currently in favor of reps
Though it might prove to be difficult to keep that fire burning until the midterms.
I bet dems already have set something in motion that will put some bullshit anti-trump matter into the spotlight
>muh russia, muh LGBTBBQ, muh blacks
Hudson Brown
and thats a good thing
get over it
oh sweetie
Benjamin Sullivan
Youre 16 and dumb. That's politician talk for "vote for me". HE CANT BE IMPEACHED. THERES NO CRIME
Leo Brown
>implying GOP voters wouldn't have stayed home if their representatives cucked out (again)
>implying the disgusting tactics by Demonrats being laid bare on a national stage didn't show people what the stakes really are
Uh huh
Evan Flores
It's because they are mostly Rino's or cowards
Aiden Barnes
on what grounds? being a meanie?
He's declassifying all of their crimes and there will likely be martial law and military tribunals soon
Grayson Fisher
I hope this lasts forever. To live eternal. Mattress conquest.
Angel Evans
our congress can't get anything done
our SC can
Jason Johnson
No actually it's because most of them are bought by Israel and/or blackmailed by them
Trump is about to expose their planned coup and then have most of Obama's cabinet hanged
Chase Russell
It makes sense when you realize cuckservatives care only about their self-image, not their constituents
Most of their gracious fawning is masturbatory and pretentious
Dominic Sanchez
David Martinez
Well worth the tradeoff. The red states can now start passing their dream laws and have them validated by SCOTUS
Elijah Hernandez
>increase the number of judges on the supreme court
>change the constitution to suit their needs
Hmmm that’s pretty much what Orbán did - and people on /pol call him based
Justin Lee
I live in Illinois near Chicago and have very liberal friends. None of them are excited (or even know midterms are in a month). If a blue wave is coming I don't see it.
Landon Price
you impeach 45 and the blood will be on your hands which is good i mean you always talk about violent revolutions right?
Samuel Phillips
It made perfect sense you retard.