What did ad / propaganda kikes mean by this?

What did ad / propaganda kikes mean by this?

Attached: barron.jpg (249x230, 62K)

Who cares? Its Donald running the country, not Barron.

Probablly don't have a kid when you are over 60.

Attached: REEEEEEEEE.jpg (766x740, 66K)

>Have we reached peak Zionism?

Attached: 1469240845740.jpg (592x543, 152K)

They're worried that Barron has a 146iq at the age of 12 and is being raised and reared by the meme god, before whom all liberals fall like our unemployment rates.
They're scared shitless.

Attached: Alex Jones army Barron Trump unleashes.png (500x566, 261K)

He's woke on kikes

Barron drew this, seems OK to me

Attached: 1510561347422.jpg (650x395, 68K)

oh honey...oh...oh sweetie...

God I wish that were me.

>still believing this

kikes are fucking vile, how do you not know this yet?

Attached: 1476136102409.jpg (748x859, 120K)

There was a time in American politics, and it wasn't that long ago, that there was an unwritten rule about attacking, smearing or mocking a politician's children. It was verboten. Anyone who would do such a thing would have been called out for it and condemned.
The way things are going now with GOP politicians and their families being doxxed, harassed, assaulted and attacked, it's just a matter of time before something terrible happens


You know it's like this.

Attached: 1538837880135.jpg (222x227, 5K)

I refuse to click these. You click it and give the QRD

Memes aside, does Barron get headaches or something?

He's a psyker and is still training his powers.

Get in here.

He's a few points away from the technological singularity.
If he even reads one more book (even a short one), he could flip and transcend humanity into a Greater Journey.

He read about telekinesis and tries to light candles all day, Melania is very concerned.

Donald is a vessel controlled by Barron

His father is retard and his mother is cheap slavic whore. So why he should have high IQ