I understand most people believe that if you just "go outside" and be a "normal person" then Jow Forums isn't really accurate to real life and you can stop worrying about politics.
But I can't. Every time I go outside I see the direct effects of politics and kikery. People are getting worse. The country is getting browner. Infrastructure, art, architecture, it's all going to shit. I'm not 'blackpilling' here, but I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm afraid of the future.
How do you guys keep your head up? I live in a brown and liberal area.
Jow Forums depression/anxiety
prescription drugs are great if you live a normal life but still have issues like depression/anxiety. if you are living the NEET life its no wonder, anyone wouldn't be in a great place in relation to mental health (although its probably why they are in that position to begin with). to sum up drugs good if you live a 'normal life', if you don't try to fix your problems and see if things improve
People who don't have much going on in their lives feels that way, now buckle up you fatfuck and stop worrying about things that does not concern you.
Whatever kid you've only been around for 20 years and you were prepubescent for most of them. If you actually subscribe to anything in this LARPing echo-chamber seriously then you are beyond help
I'm not a NEET and I refuse to use drugs. My dad had the same issues I do and Xanax and Prozac made him suicidal.
leave retards
There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself through materialistic ways, sexual ways, through drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy through own creation that people calls as life.
We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.
We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.
We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself through sexual ways, materialistic ways, through parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Through that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Through physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else is manifest of it.
What (((they))) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.
Read more history
The present really isn't that bad we're just pussies
You're hopelessly stupid
What the fuck is with redditfags like you? You're so obvious. "everyone here is larping" "you're stupid" like get the fuck out freak
very bluepilled. prescription drugs just bury the symptoms and make you zombie, it does not cure anyway. It should be used only if there is some physical, unfixable reason for it.
I was a lefty until I actually had to live and work around blacks. Reality is the ultimate redpill.
Really bad shit is still happening bro, but we should focus our attentions into good, because we create this reality together. This is meme magic.
I know, I've been seriously blackpilled too when i only saw degeneration, ignorance and pure evil around. It took me a while realize deep enough that best thing i can do about it is to make my own light within and trough that shine it around. After all, blackpills does not help anyone.
And this timeline seems to be really rushing into bright places now user. I see pure bliss when i look into the future.
Do what you can to connect to Logos, this is the force that is going to fix all this bull shit. If it's writing code, taking psychedelics, journaling, whatever, but practice using logic in some kind of outflow. I write screen-plays and poetry and its honestly the best, even though I know that I'm probably the only person who will ever read them. It's just a way for me to prove that I have a concise and clear method of thinking and communicating, so that if the world ever decides to stop going to shit, I will be able to contribute to its betterment in some capacity.
Shitpost irl.
Make shit funny. Not for others, for you.
Here, try the following.....
Walk up to some random degenerate and open and close your hand in their face saying ‘huh? Huh?’ And mutter about electrical infetterence. Get a friend to film it. Then pretend to steal something from the shop and yawn really loudly.
Because sometimes people are dumb enough to not realize this board is a giant joke and if you're not part of the joke you are the joke. Other lurkers are laughing at you right now and there are people are larping in this very thread because they know they can take advantage of your extraordinary weak mind
ha i write poetry too, but none of those things every satisfy me. I've tried a lot of that (except psychedelics) and they're just temporary distractions.
thanks for your contributions finn friend
well you can seek treatment without drugs. im not sure what you want us to say, if you want things to change you have to do something. rarely do things just treat themselves
did you even read what i wrote? your conclusion agrees with what i wrote. no shit they are undesirable but if they are your only alternative to being a functional human then you may as well. better to be a zombie than to suffer for the rest of your days.
Use it to motivate you to get ahead and richer than them, and to dress better, look better, to have more property, and attract hotter women the dirtskins can.
>im getting triggered wherever I go
You literally turned into a right wing tumblrina good job
do it you dog cunt. and cold showers
there are no hot women where i live
thats a lie
i live in brooklyn
>brooklyn population of 2.7 million people
>not a single attractive women
yeah nah mate
I smoke a ton of weed and it helps
Move to a decent place if you can, countryside is specially good.
REad hte Stoics to think like a man, you can see the decay around you and aim to better it but depression will and must stay out.
Only 35% of the women are White. Of that, half of them are Orthodox Jews. The other half are dykes. The only attractive women are the misguided young girls who come to the trendy parts of Brooklyn that I don't get to meet.
but I want to live in a city... It's just that they're all shit and filled with shitskins and they're getting worse. They look more plastic and soulless every day.
was gonna try this. how the fuck is there weed in the UK though
I watched my town go from a quiet white suburb to a brown shithole, I know that feel. Anyway, you're gonna have to find meaning within yourself and if you search for it from external sources you probably won't be successful or will end up becoming an addict.
This man is a snake and his assumption that outwardly happy people are wonderful people assumes people never lie or change. These street shitter gurus have been peddling this feelgood crap since the 60s, it's funny that he sprinkled in a bit of phenomenology to get your noggin joggin then sold the lie.
>but I want to live in a city...
Do you?
Is that "Pun Pun"?
That manga creeped me out
Work on getting out of the brown liberal area.
you are stuck in your ways obviously. you have to be room temperature IQ to believe no attractive women exist in a population of 2.7 million people lmao
Then stop going outside but get off pol.
Haven't cared about politics since before Trump wave. It's been a blast. But you're right, if I go out then I do get sucked into that shit. Can definitely see it being worse when your peers invest all their political capital on being the victim.
Amusingly enough, I don't have the same experience on pol. Maybe like the difference between watching a train wreck happen in front of you, and watching a train wreck on TV.
Assuming he's only attracted to white women he's got a pool of 150,000 "whites" to choose from, minus any lesbians, married women, or women who are too old. If he wants a white wife so badly he should use his big brain and move from away from the main Jewish hive in the US.
>worrying about politics
what a pussy
politics are hardly personal if at all
its even more than that, out of curiosity I looked it up. 36% of the population is 'non hispanic white' which equates to about 1 million people. Lets say half are women, so there is a pool of 500,000 women. Of course out of that some are too old, too young and married but the number of available white women would be quite large. To say there are literally 0 attractive women in that sample size (which is easily at least 100,000) he'd have to be intellectually disabled to genuinely think that
its the harsh reality, whites are going to cease to exist and a browner, dumber race will serve the juden.
((they)) have turned white women agaist white many and made them lust after fat black cock, while promoting asian wives as suitable substitutes.
if whites don't stand up in australia and other countrys soon their childrens children will look nothing like them, the routine attacks on "whiteness" will only grow untill full blown lynchings have begun.
the sad thing is most whites are so pathetic and virtuous they bring their doom upon themselves and their kin.
Jow Forums actually helped me improve my life a lot.
A lot of the blackpill threads, especially related to women, made me realize that i wasn’t self-grooming nearly as much as i should be.
I’ve lost 15 pounds since i’ve become a frequenter here, and i’ve adjusted my lifestyle to make sure it stays off. Still need to lose another 10, but we’ll get there. I walk 15k steps every day ; just a little miniature goal to keep my mind focused.
I still have problems with depression and anxiety ; the depression is mostly just a result of feeling like i never have enough energy to take on my tasks for the day; but i still do it, if for no other reason than having some shred of pride in myself and for the occasional stare from a female
>How do you guys keep your head up?
36% "white" minus 23% jewish leaves 13% white, which is about 6.5% female. 2,500,000 * 0.065 = 165,000. (First time I did it I did 0.06 out of lazyness.)
I'm not arguing that there are 0, which is a stupid idea, I'm just saying the chances are slim of finding a good wife in a place like Brooklyn.
Exercise. Lifting, kickboxing, and a three mile run 5x a week. It changed my life.
I don’t keep my head up. I L
keep my head down. I read H.P. Lovecraft and the Holy Bible for comic relief and existential hope (interchangeably.) If you aren’t fit, you are depressed no matter what, so get fit. Learn the wisdom of smiling and nodding and don’t redpill people who aren’t interested (don’t cast pearls before swine.)
Cities have always been a flesh playground for the wealthy and a chance for underclasses to get a few points more pennies to save and GTFO and have a family. The invasion is over. Both Republicans and Democrats, at the behest of Jews and Corporate interests have opened the demographic floodgate. This is over, the dam broke decades ago, and now that the insulation is soaked we feel the mold in the air.
tl;dr (1) get fit.
tl;dr (2) fuck this faggot kike:
I can´t see those depression drugs as anything more than recreation drugs, could never take any
Meditation, exercise (through a martial art like BJJ or Muy Thai), eat turmeric, drink water, and stop being such a faggot!
Drugs don't help. They simply you dull your mind completely. So if you want to just be a little dumb drone then live on drugs all you want.
So long as i still feel rage i wil never take the blackpill. I just train, wait and hope for that great war to come.
Take a break from Jow Forums. Fighting 24/7 will do nothing but leave you depressed. Stop going to social media, play a game, do something that isn't related to kikery.
Sometimes I even forget how much I hate multiculturalism and manage to leave a normie life when I do that. It's a weird but pleasant feeling; I'm fully aware of how bad things really are all the time, but at the same time acting like a bluepilled NPC comes completely naturally to me to the point where I even enjoy degenerate things without my blood pressure skyrocketing.