He's right you know. Trump is the laughing stock of the UN and now your Supreme Court is a joke as well...

He's right you know. Trump is the laughing stock of the UN and now your Supreme Court is a joke as well. Amerimutts tired of winning yet?

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He’s right you know
*sips tea*
The left can’t mem-

This is proof op just hit a homerun captain butthurt

nice memeflag dipshit

But you are just baiting, how is this better than a memeflag?

Spoken like a true kike

It’s over

How is this not a good thing even if this article is true and not a hackjob from the Guardian? It means the US government will have to work together to make laws instead of kicking everything controversial to the SCOTUS to allow for end run around the people's consent to legislation.

>questioning legitimacy of the US government
They really do want a civil war, don't they? Or rather their owners do, and they are too stupid to realise the implications for USA and for themselves. Their owners understand everything though. They hate USA.

That's just common sense, it goes the same way every time.
>OP makes a post with an unpopular opinion
>in most cases it doesn't make much sense
>OP either refuses to debait the topic alltogether or just abandons thread

Like I give a fuck what some German Shiza cuck thinks

Not tired of winning.
Why would you think we'd care what you or "the world" thinks? We're in it for our country, not to please (you).

>german pretends he knows what winning feels like

I'll never get tired of winning, Germanon.

The UN like the EU is an expensive charade. Watch how the world health organization handles Ebola.

How am I baiting? Trump has been confirmed as retarded multiple times by his own staff. His administration is a joke. 2020 will be the year he commits suicide after losing.

I hope you know it is legal for your country to use propaganda against it's citizens, and it's all thanks to that nigger obama

Bullshit. Kavanaugh won fair and square. The democrats trying to assassinate his character should be ashamed.

I've learned not to read kike comments once I realize they are kike

US politics have always been a joke. For me it's just my casual late afternoon entertainment. Just imagine the insanity Trumps election has enabled. You have seen nothing yet. Kanye 2024!!!!!!!

please tell me the great things merkel is doing for your country, whenever you got time to stop taking the refugees cocks out of the women's mouths that make up your family.

>German calling someone else a laughing stock

My sides

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>The democrats trying to assassinate his character should be ashamed.
if there were any justice in the world, key instigators would be charged for obstruction of senate business, you dont fuck around with that (I mean, look at that democrat staffer who is facing a maximum charge of 50 years for releasing republican senators personal information, that's peanuts compared to obstructing a supreme court nomination)

Oh yes, please tell me good Amerimutts...how many troops did you send to fight Germany? Both times you came in after Russia and other countries did the bulk of the fighting for you. Russians are sub-human filth but at least they don't exaggerate what they did.

Not gonna lie. This last week has been incredible and the future looks bright for the first time since 2016.
We're gonna make it lads

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>muh feelings mean your victory isn't a victory you fucking gentile!

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Who cares what Germany or the world thinks of us. What exactly can anyone do to us? Nothing at all. If you think the Samson option is scary what do you think would happen if we decided to just mad the world we have the power to do so and there's not a god damn thing anyone can do to stop us

Germans have been brainwashed deep. Are we ever able to break their conditioning?

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What's with all the kikes calling everyone kikes?

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They lost Legitimacy with american enemies

You sound upset, why don't you go suck on a refugee's dick to calm you down?

>leftist dipshit vomits something in his (((newspaper))) column
Anything else?

I've traveled all the way across the world to Guam, Saipan, Alaska, New York and I can say that Heathrow was by far the most disgusting shit-smelling paki infested hell hole I ever had to travel through.

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God damn the shilling never ends. Kavanaugh is a fucking Zionist tool who wrote the Patriot Act, these fucking Kikes are jizzing their paints with joy that he won a lifetime appointment.

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Kike detected and confirmed

All according to plan...

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>>>(((Ze Guadrian)))
fuck off kike, how's #BoycottTheGuardian going for you? The goyim know!

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>not bowing down to the unsubstantiated claims of a raving mob islosing legitimacy
Ok retard

I think you underestimate how little of a fuck we give what some black euros think.

>Jews are why I can't get laid :'(
>Why won't women just suck my dick for bring nice to them?

Jow Forumsincels needs to be re-opened so you dorks have somewhere to go

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someones a little self conscious

Fuck off with this freudian horseshit. He said nothing at all about sex, women or MGTOW. You pulled all this incel crap out of your ass.

>laughing stock of the UN
>the UN

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MGTOW, Kekistan, Jow Forumsincels, Jow Forums... there's a reason they get lumped together often. Groups of unfuckable males who blame society for their failures. By all means don't let me stop you.

lol who cares about you niggers?

Now you're just repeating the same nonsense. Somebody rightly calls you a shill because your OP is a loaded question with no argument and you respond to that by making up something about sex. You argue by creating a story about sex and trying to paste that on something where it doesn't fit. And that is delusional.

>Trump is the laughingstock of the UN.

But the UN is the laughingstock of the world. Who cares if literally retarded socialists don't like him?

>HURR DURR It doesn't agree with me so it's illegitimate.

Doesn't mean shit. Entire world is moving to the right. The US is ahead of the curve. Soon Leftists will be "illegitimate relics." That's the way the pendulum swings.


Stay mad Kraut
Form the Rhine to the Oder :)

>Entire world is moving to the right.

Ummm, no sweetie. The "alt-right" party here didn't even break 13%. You Drumpftards are a dying breed thank god.

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The supreme court is packed full of psycho commie jews who hate the constitution. It's been illegitimate for awhile, but less-so now.

It would seem that the progressives now want to neuter the supreme court since it is no longer an instrument for their bullshit. I hope people are willing to abuse it for self interest in opposition to the bolshevik Dems instead of laying down arms.

Na Sören, bisde wieder die Welt rettend?

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Fuck off Merkel shill.

It's literally like a bunch of juggalos thinking their judgement means anything. The UN and this guy are a joke.

Liberals: Russias are interfering in our elections
Other Countries: Your sovereignty is now illegitimate

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>57 replies
Dope dude

How many Muslims did Merkel send next door to rape your future wife? Try asking the questions that really matter Hans.

I couldn't name a single person, current or historic, on your supreme court, or even verify if you have one.
In other words, stay irrelevant you assblasted moron.


What does this even mean? Yeah, you go ahead and ignore the SC rulings and see how that works out for you

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>SCOTUS is a joke because a bunch of feminists and faggots were duped into believing a sexual assault hoax

What exactly does it mean for a court to not have “legitimacy” anyway?

>and here’s the link:

>the UN

no one fucking cares

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>Ginsburg, Breyer, Stevens, Sotomayor, Kagan have said that they have and will continue to use foreign laws to determine US Constitutional law
>implying there was any legitimacy when they did this

Why is it delegitimized by a judge who hasn't ruled on anything yet and not, say, Wickard v. Filburn, Griswold v. Connecticut, Roe v. Wade, etc.? The institution was never legitimate.

Basically, an illegitimate court is one that might not output Progressive rulings and a legitimate court is one that rules in favor of Progressivism, t. a Progressive. What a revelation.

FUCK GERMANY YOU KEK. Your country lost 2 world wars and now a cultural war. Your women are sleeping with sand yogurt niggers and Merkel is ruining your country. Fix your shit you fucking faggot OP. Love from Los Angeles. Trump is literally making my country richer than yours by the day and no, please don't come to America with your faggot ass policies. Germany fucking sucks, literally the last country I ever want to "experience."

Got the one millionth time. No one cares what the UN thinks. No one will ever care what the UN thinks.

Nobody is "clawing" their way to go to shit Berlin. They wanna come to my country cuz it's 100000x better than fucking Krampus shit land. Do me a favor you faggot, stay in Germany and root in your shit. Don't bring it to my beautiful and rich country. GERMANY SUCKS BALLS.

Why do people bait like this with their flag still on? Do you know how much of a stain this kind of thing puts on it?

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