Attached: quran.jpg (260x195, 10K)
Ask an ex-muslim anything
Eli Perry
Nathan Baker
do you still like Hezbullah?
Jack Hughes
Are you safe?
Grayson Brooks
Are you brown
Dylan Perry
How big are your balls?
Asher Cox
What do you believe now?
Christopher Parker
How do you see Muslims Immigrants in European cities that more or less escaped the Middle East, but now are repeating the thing they ran away from?
Ryder Foster
>Ask a shameless asslicker anything
Carson Morgan
Fuck no. I was raised in a Sunni family. Hezbollah are shias.
They're war-mongerers and a puppet for the Iranians.
I live in a decent neighborhood in the capital (Beirut). Moving to Edmonton next year to do my MBA.'
My skin is white, buy my facial features aren't. Nose is a bit rounded like a nigger.
Left ball is slightly bigger than the right one. Since I've never fondled another pair of balls before, I can't really tell if they're above average or not.
Nothing. I used to be a cringey athiest in my senior year of highschool, then I grew out of it.
I no longer think about the afterlife, god...etc. Just trying to do improve myself both physically and intellectually.
Joseph Jones
وَمَن يَرْتَدِدْ مِنكُمْ عَن دِينِهِ فَيَمُتْ وَهُوَ كَافِرٌ فَأُولَٰئِكَ حَبِطَتْ أَعْمَالُهُمْ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ ۖ وَأُولَٰئِكَ أَصْحَابُ النَّارِ ۖ هُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ (217
Gavin Adams
Ask an ex Buddist anything he even exposes the deli lama click here right now
Bentley Nelson
>properly disposing of the Qur'an per shari'ah
The irony is palpable. I don't even think you knew, ya kafir.
Matthew Robinson
Oh that's good, I hear all the time about ex-muslims getting shanked by their parents and stuff.
Elijah Richardson
>How do you see Muslims Immigrants in European cities that more or less escaped the Middle East, but now are repeating the thing they ran away from?
Whenever I read news about sandniggers raping and ruining the EU, it boils my blood.
We're dealing with 2 million Syrian and Palestinian refugees (our total population is 4 million), instead of the EU wasting money on assimilating them. They should just ship them back here to one of our camps and increase humanitarian aid until the crisis is over.
Bite me
Michael Stewart
How good is bacon?
Ryder Young
What does your family think about it?
Parker Hughes
I shit on Rafiq Harriris grave
Joshua Clark
Thoughts on Jews? What's your favorite anime?
Noah Watson
good one kunuck cuck kek
Kayden Campbell
Do Lebanese consider themselves the same race as Arabs?
Gabriel Jackson
die kike
Adrian Harris
do poos consider themselves humans?
Ryder Morris
wallahi i hope hezbollah find you and set you straight kafir bastard
John Gray
Fucking savage.
Jaxson Sanders
hahaha, i like you more than that murtad
Jason Barnes
>Nigger nose
And I don't care about your shitty post anymore. Eat shit and burn you monkey mixed nigger ape.
Lucas Sanders
Superior than you, David from Damascus.
Sebastian Foster
a sandnigger calling others a sandnigger
somethings just don't add up
Angel Baker
Doesn't really happen in Lebanon, it's the most westernized Arab country, mainly due to having a 40% christian (french-speaking) population.
Didn't tell my family about it at first. As time went along I discovered that my siblings also followed suit. My parents know and are okay with it, but we don''t mention it in front of relatives.
Amazing. A pain in the ass to clean after thoug.
Anime is for faggots. Jews are fine by me, wish we could have peace with you niggers to our south, but that won't happen because of Hezbollah.
Some retards like to argue that we're not Arabs, but "Phoenicians". I'd stay it's because they want to feel better about the fact that they're sandniggers.
Jordan Long
Called humor, do they teach you that in Morocco fellow sandnigger?
David Collins
your bantz are as lame as your people's attempts at white women.
Grayson Ward
Adam Richardson
how many children did you marry
Daniel Ramirez
>burger projecting
Liam Lee
What pecrentage of Lebanon is atheist? Is it growing?
Angel Sanchez
What made you decide to leave islam?
What is your view of islam now that you've left it?
Brody Reed
there are many people who are born in a religion they don't want to be part of. many of my former muslim friends pretend they practice Islam so they don't get ostracized or abandoned by their families.
Thomas Price
Read some of chris langans work
Joseph Adams
>Syrian Christian
>In America
At least I live in my own country mate and unlike you I won’t run away if we face a civil war
Mason Hall
Poojet. Run away if you value your life
Easton Gonzalez
Pajeet please, all if you pajeets can't even curl 5 points. Stop acting as if your people have any strong convictions.
Jace Smith
Asher Adams
>implying self awareness is a bad thing
really activates the almonds
John Martinez
It's got a point you culture vulture.GTFO back to your own shit hole.
Hudson Martinez
Congrats if you know the Christ and have received the Spirit. This is the fullness of God.
Benjamin Harris
What do you have to gain by leaving Islam that you can't get from being a Muslim who doesn't care about Islam?
Henry Ortiz
oh look a foreign pajeet defending a domestic pajeet.
Justin Nelson
Wallahi if you come here I will behead you
Elijah Martinez
You should still follow a way of life. Atheism doesn't bring morals.
Logan Perez
Integrity. You dont feel shitty about being a larper, implying youre not a npc
Nathaniel Howard
None. I think the legal age of consent here is 16.
I'd say a fraction of a %. The country is very divided into sects (catholic - orthodox - sunnis - shias....etc.) The non-religious people keep to themselves.
Throughout my 4 years in university, I didn't meet a single non-religious student.
I started questioning it in my highschool years, the miracles, prophets, promised heaven...etc. It just didn't add up. The more research I did on it and the more youtube videos I watched, the more I knew it was bullshit.
My parents and siblings know and are okay with it, we keep it hidden from the rest of the family though. Just to stay away from arguments.
Nolan Jenkins
let me teach you something there mate, when a muslim leaves the religion he turns atheist
In islam God is held in an extremely high regard
so no muslim can be convinced by christianity where god shits and pees and comes out of a vagina to be kicked and spat on by a bunch of kikes.
also islam is a religion of masculine alpha males not turn your other cheeks bullshit or worship some other race as god's chosen like you do with jews who kicked your god
these cases are extremely rare and most probably fake
Alexander Scott
Malay women belong to kafir men
Isaac Perry
>Amazing. A pain in the ass to clean after thoug.
Bake it in the oven, with a foil liner to collect the grease. Rotate it about halfway through (~400F for about 20 minutes total)
Easy cleanup
Samuel Jackson
is Lebanon worth visiting as tourist destination?
William Turner
>Defending pajeet
Defending it in regards to what? You're also moving the goal post you culture vulture.
Evan Gomez
Ok now you can continue cleaning our shoes, syrian slave.
Robert Young
Are you one of the bravest men on this planet?
And do you deserve a movie?
Juan Hughes
What ethnic group do you identify yourself with?
How common is apostate in general in your country (including unannouced ones)?
Aiden Torres
Pork tastes like shit. Mo had good taste in women and food
Henry Kelly
you are siding with apoo
Austin Rivera
t. sandnigger
Christian Thompson
Why are you cucking to whiteoids? Nothing you denounce and criticise. none of your "self aware" "self deprecating" comments will make you white.
James White
In Christ, everyone can be an heir to the promise made to 'Abraham and his descendant' through faith. The flesh if of no avail in regards to the Spirit. You are thinking as men do, not the Eternal One.
Juan Bennett
continue apologizing for the holohoax with all your countries money.
Oliver Garcia
Thanks, but it is of course not only Syrians, but the last 30 years as well.
Fight on man.
How do Lebanon handle Christians? I thiiink you got a big mix of both Christians and Muslims right?
Jackson James
he will be able to go back
Michael Stewart
get the fuck out with your mental gymnastics and your vagina born god
Christian Miller
Islam is currently the only effective counter to female hypergamy in existence.
Joseph Myers
Nope. Chad muslims have harems and incels join isis or gangbang the village cum recepticle
Grayson Fisher
this is Jow Forums, speak american you pyamid nigger.
Dominic Hughes
You shall bow down to the Lord.
Camden Torres
>Siding with a poo
Indians deserve genocide, but that's a topic worth discussing some other time. As I've stated before in my previous posts, GTFO back to your shit hole country you nigger mixed Congoloid monkey. You're also
>Moving the goal post
Again you culture vulture.
Nolan Garcia
What does camel piss taste like?
Blake Brooks
It's a paradox that God became man, but then He is God so He can do as He wills.
I have seen the work of God, to vivid, and know the Master well as I have suffered with Him. This is not being an atheist, this is knowing the Living God in the fullest.
Zachary Gutierrez
Insulting a Prophet of Islam is punishable by Death.
Nicholas James
islam is also the only counter to the banking problem by banning usury and fiat money
islam is also the only counter to the jewish problem,the feminist problem,the homosexuality problem
Alexander Hall
Proxy doing its shit again. I am not a German, I don't need to live in a shithole because your filthy countrymen already turned my country into a shithole. Now continue polishing my shoe, filthy syrian.
Grayson Hall
Luis Mitchell
I'd say my moral compass was built by my parents rather than my religion. It was casual at best when I grew up, no one forced me to pray, read the quran...etc. I did it to make my parents happy and not to be an outcast at school.
Regardless of my beliefs, the moral compass is still there, I'd say my parents did a good job teaching me right from wrong and thinking for myself.
It would have been a decade ago when we had a tourism boom, but nowadays it's just a shithole.
lol, certainly doesn't feel like it. I was never under any danger. I'm lucky enough to have been raised in a wonderful family with a somewhat open-minded educated parents.
Memes faggot, do I need to say more?
40% of the population is christian. Last time they were at war was in 1990. Things are decent now, everyone just sticks to their own.
How does kangaroo piss taste like?
Isaiah Wood
My lord is one, not three in one shampoo you polytheistic fucking faggot larping as a monotheist
no one believes your mental gymnastics bullshit
Jesus is one of the most important prophets, i would never insult him
the idea that god was born and went to a bathroom is laughable though
Jace Powell
There are billions of us Christians, though most have very little faith. You should get out more.
Elijah Walker
Brb gonna find a couple of pals to throw you off a building faggot.
Luke Parker
How is your head and neck still attached?
Landon Harris
Only a filthy syrian understands what I am saying. But it seems to bother you too much.
Samuel Jones
that verse about how its okay to lie to non muslims, is that a shia or a sunni thing?
Christian Rodriguez
It's both.
Carter Wilson
Disgusting. ath*ists are below human
Jose Martinez
You're right, once I started questioning my own religion, I questioned the others.
Each religion claimed it's the "true" one out there. I turned my back on them all and focused on becoming a better man, not for god, but for myself and the limited time I have on this earth.
I'm not gonna waste time or money on something that might not be real.
>also islam is a religion of masculine alpha males
I wouldn't equate barbaric with alpha.
Parker Wood
Integrity sure, but I won't upset my entire family for some integrity. You'll need there help eventually
how does one prove he's not a npc?
Juan Watson
Apostates in my country are like this too. They seem to think wh*toid is "hip" and want to whore themselves to their wh*toid boyfriend. Needless to say their bf end up leaving them because these apostates are usually always the high-maintenance slut type.
End result: they get disowned and disinherited by their family and friends and then commit sudoku
Brayden Cox
I'm not an abbo ya stupid cunt.
White aussies shoot roos and put them in stews.
Ahh fuck. Now I'm hungry.
Kayden Bailey
>that verse about how its okay to lie to non muslims, is that a shia or a sunni thing?
there is no such verse.
Connor Kelly
>Memes faggot, do I need to say more?
>HAHAHA "memes" mean I shit on my people and culture
Notice how whites don't do that. faggot
Robert Reyes
Npcs lack self awareness.
Gavin Bennett
islam is the only monotheistic religion that exists today, I would choose islam in a thousand lifetimes
Angel Ward
I thought it's illegal to change your religion in Iran .
Hunter Long
Ok but you didnt chose it. Im sure you would be the same zealot if born into a pagan family
Samuel Diaz
You seem like an alright guy, OP. Just passing by to say that. I wish you became a Christian but just knowing you're focusing on yourself is also good.
Angel Stewart
hopefully 4/5 of the world does not make the same choice as you, otherwise the world would be as shitty as your country.