Its over for us

Its over for us

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck white women

The absolute state of Australia

Anyone got the actual legal document? Would like to see it.

Serves those shit cunts right.

I'm sure Australians will find a way to shitpost from jail.

But isn't that Australian culture?

Better get your seven proxies up and running.

They can go get fucked
The only people that will be subject to this are mental midgets that make accounts, use their real names, and essentially tie their identity to outright abuse

Telling queers that they are in fact queers will never die and no threat of orwellian faggotry will change that, send people to prison and see what happens when they come out as educated criminals you dumb fuck polis

Time to (puts sunglasses on)
take them (slicks back hair with help from piss bottle)
offline (adjusts suspenders into cross pattern, ideal for stability during thot patrols.)

Maybe if your prisons get overcrowded enough they'll put you on a boat and send you to an even shittier continent with even more dangerous wildlife like E*rope

how much extra shekels do you get for the first post in a thread? just curious. pls no hate

Knowing Australians they'll probably find a way to shitpost from the grave

Honestly though, isn't this just if you are the provable cause of someone's psychological difficulties/harassment/etc.? This sounds like some normie 90 iq facebook shit to me.

>says bong

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Australia's primary export now illegal, sad

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It's probably one of our resident Jow Forumshapas desu.

Then we will shitpost in the streets.

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oh shit, can't even shitposting as white aussie after a day long of illegal farm work now.

>Its over for us

When breaking the laws of the country just isn't good enough, so you break the very laws of nature.


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who. cares

This is what happens when you live in a continent with now 1st Ammendment nor a Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. How do you live without freedom?

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Yeah, our cultures always been full of bants. If that law is true it would be aimed at kids/teenagers cyberbullying. They aren't gonna be arresting grown people throwing bants left and right. Everyone here does it. Cops only enforce shit if it's extremely simple with hard evidence or if they can throw a fine at it.

I've had a cop pull me over with a car full of mates, I was deso, or "designated driver", and he said "it's a bit suss boys, 5 grown men in a car on a dark rode." Implying we were gay. Everyone just had a laugh & he sent us on our way. We are the embodiment of bants

Road* are all phone posters as gay as me? Fuck.

Why do we keep letting Jews make laws. This lil shit insulted the anthem and being Aussie.

>aussies will start smuggling messages up their ass in prison until they can get to a computer
>5 years later the internet explodes with years worth of literal shitposts
what have they done?

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Very soon you can’t make fun of us chink too

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classified as a hate """incident"""

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Have fun trying to prove it was me.

America - The last true free country in the world.

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Thats the UK
And only retards on FB that have their IRL identity will get swept up in this retardation
Kys nigger

>Those who stalk or intimidate using modern technology will face a maximum of five years in prison under legislation to be introduced this month.
>The laws will apply to those sending abusive emails, posting threatening or hurtful messages, pictures or videos online, or repeatedly sending unwanted messages.
It's about targeting individuals. I can still say all muslims are complete fucking inbred scum who will burn in hell for following their murdering thieving pedo false prophet.

Got a police interrogation scheduled for hate speech next week. Wish me luck goys, I think it was something concerning the jews.

Is... is this the criminalisation of shut posting? Is it over?

>they’re taking away our memes
Is that the Aussie equivalent of “they’re taking away our guns?

That lil girl has them rape eyes.. I think I was just sexually assault by this picture.

What's the number for me to press charges and sue her parents for raising a rapist daughter?

Shut the fuck up chink ill gladly go to jail for insulting you, you backwards cunt


You have to wait 30 years or until something good is about to happen in their life

Don't you have """asians""" to worry about?

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Oath. The cunts can't fuckin arrest all of us.

Get fucked you slant-eyed insect.

For now.

Free... Highest incarceration per capita in the world....



that's how we keep the rest free. We follow the law and go through with it unlike many other countries including Europe where you can just chimpout and do what you want and get away with it.

homesexual offense me, can we consider this as a hate crime against me ?

Give us a few years and we'll have Europe's niggers in zoo enclosures with a bogan in khaki shorts poking them with a stick on national tv for fun. We did it with crocodiles and they're smarter than most 3rd worlders.

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is this the qanda thread?

Reported. Have fun in the Emu rape dungeons. They're going to feed your children to magpies.
>Magpie Swooping Season 2018! Australia's social website to track aggressive swooping magpies in your area. If you are a cyclist, walker, runner or maybe a concerned member of the public then help protect others and share swooping magpie attacks on-line here!
>Constantly under assault by attack birds and you need a license to defend yourself from them
Two young children may face losing their sight after violent magpie attacks left both of them with facial injuries.

There have even been calls to kill the magpie, which was reportedly protecting its young in "swooping season", when the birds are known to become more aggressive.

Australia's 7Plus news reported on Wednesday morning that two children, four-year-old Indi and five-year-old Finn, needed eye operations after a "savage" attack from a magpie in the Clarko Reserve on Saturday.

"They had operations to repair the iris and corneas of their right eyes," the channel said, and the "same magpie is being blamed for the savage attacks".

This is the "worst swooping period" in the year according to reports, with male birds across Australia defending their eggs and young in nests. They can be particularly responsive to children as they run around and make noise.

Authorities in the city of Stirling, near Perth, have applied to the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions for a "Dangerous Fauna Licence", which would allow the bird, which has caused significant grief to people in the northern suburb of Perth, to be killed.
No wonder every Australian is so fucking salty you're all a bunch of cyclops.

Fuck magpies, fuck niggers, and fuck you

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Claim that you are in fact trans-jew an also gay an you are being threatened/oppressed by their anti-semitic shoah like questioning.

Straya :(

Bahahaha quing lum chee rice noodle get the fuck off the road wingnut.

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This but literally please

>he doesn't have free speech guaranteed to him by his state's founding document

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What the fuck is going on with this.

Are you guys under islamic rule, or what?

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So they're just going to imprison all Australians?

>feminist government

stay safe cleve :(

jokes on you gov, i live in victoria so i just shitpost irl.

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As long as you aren't in Melb, fuck that place

Shieeeet, that bird is totally styling on you when it attacks.

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Jew rule, thanks to our ties with Britain.

This is all over some girl in NT who got bullycided. It's obvious it was abos that did it. Fuck the media.

Find me the stats for humans not niggers.

Can't the Queen do something about it?

Like cancelling that law, or refuse to sign it, etc.

Basically this

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Wow! Bet you wish you hadn't been disarmed.

>Can't the chief jewess do something about this jew law?

Is Britain a pox on humanity? They really did want it all and not sure they every really stopped.

>The monarch is the chief jewess
If only I knew how things really were.

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Let's hope no one abuses this by using their neighbour's wifi.

You're a psychopath my dude.

Best thing about this us when you do and you find a clean untouched surface to "post" on it somehow makes it ok for other people to join in, a wall will stay blank until the first cunt starts it off.

You mean the prison transfer Paperwork?

The Queen works for (((them))), why else would they fight their own race in WW2. Then after it deliberately push forward steps to de-white Britain.
Thus Churchill died knowing he'd doomed Britain to foreigners, imagine that. The thing he hated the most.

I just read about the Australian Drop Bear.

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remember to report all australian Jow Forums posters who bully you

The meme is the only thing we have left to use to defend ourselves. The memes are, in a way, what people really think. Now we can't even say that.

We are sending you 150 million niggers and spics.

its more likely a bunch of our politicians die.

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I wouldnt be opposed to the idea of sending them to the middle of australia with no food water or transport

Churchill was very fond of buggering.

This is all really starting to remind me of that Illuminati TCG card where the guys are hanging dead from a tree with ridiculous placards attached to the front of their body like "used an improper pronoun" and "ate the flesh of dead animals." I remember when I first saw that card and found it to be absolutely impossible. Now I'm not so sure. Learned helplessness has fucked up multi generations beyond repair.

problem with a monarchy is that you only need to jew one facet of society rather than all the individual parts

Did you know in the state of Florida we have more people than you entire continent? Our state debt is larger than your national debt all due to niggers and spics. Our guns are only good for a mass suicide at this point. And trust me niggers and spics in Alice Springs would figure out a way to get free stuff.

For the "Normie" (ugh this meme catagoriser of meme categories) domains/realms this is a legitimate and efficient law.
But what about when the gov cyberbullies citizens?

But this is "politically incorrect" and as such the laws of (cyber) artistic license apply, and possibly several others.

But if this is "politically incorrect" shouldn't everything be somewhat incorrect?

What if... Bear with me... We're through the looking glass here people... This is "politically incorrect" and everything is somewhat correct?
Wouldn't that imply that the majority of politics is incorrect (usurpatory, hyperillogical status quo entrenchment, etc...)...

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Shitposting with nothing to lose, Lord help us.

What kind of weak cunt are you? You just have to change your tactics. Goad some left retard into attacking you and they will go to jail.

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This is all kinds of fucked up, but it's reality in the UK, sadly.

>Subjectional hear say can lock people up
>Even if the action is not legal, if people say you did it out of hate, a feeling... that can only be known by first person
>Law is now heavily apart of your socialization because the people who had your country "enriched" need to make the folly work
>This won't make the collapse more radical and chaotic...
>Everything is fine goyim that's why I have to police your feelings and motives....

>Even if the action is not ILLEGAL
i mean


Terrorists on a jihad raping, sexually assaulting, bombing, murdering and fly planes into buildings are totally fine.

Oh no someone said something bad on the Internet, we must totally get them. This fucking world

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At least this way you know they are making it clear, Evil has Triumphed over good.