Is there any point to learning japanese anymore besides living in the past glory of their music and games from the 80s to early 2000s?
there never was.
no now stop going to japan and stop trying to get citizenship in japan
Let’s say it gets you more pussy.
lmao it doesn't. money gets you pussy
Everything’s a factor.
hell no i dont wanna be around those homos
That anime was okay.
caucasian/negroid weeaboos are like parasites, they go to Japan and race mix here therfore destroying the Nippon race.
Yes it's incredibly useful in helping non-gay people identify you as a faggot
I went with economic superpower language of the christmas elves chinese instead. there were 2 people in my class, compared to 94 for gay moon language no sleep japanese
You can be an actual cool foreigner and not someone who goes there knowing absolutely nothing about the language, like everyone I've ever heard of that went to Japan.
Also useful as an English teacher there, I guess.
No. Don't learn Japanese, and stay in Wakanda.
their flag is a fucking STOP SIGN have they not explained clearly yet? you stink, you're an alien in their land, you ruin local economies with your tourism and you bring diseases. Japan doesn't need tourism and it doesn't need white left "citizen of the world" types.
I play jap lewd games and machine translating sucks. I'm still not gonna learn it, but it would be convenient.
yes they have low demography need workers
I swore to myself I'd go there some day and I intend to stick by it, even if the golden age is gone.
tourism is good for economies though
>Japan doesn't need tourism
One of the most retarded things I've ever read.
They're going to get tourists regardless.
I'm merely pointing out knowing the language shows some sign of caring. The weeb trash I knew of didn't give a rats ass about the language and spent no time trying to learn it, because muh anim00 bodypillows are Japan culture amirite.
your money is worth less than your presence in their nation. what's not to understand? same goes for anyone thinking of visiting australia, all we want to do is rob you then throw you in the ocean. smug cunt tourists wasting space.
Go fuck yourself its just a fucking flag cuz i cant be an user ill use this or the templar on
You are ruining pol
okay mr weaboo
when a jap comes up to you with broken english, the only reason you help them is because you are programmed to. it's automatic with your kind.
in japan, people know better. they want to know what brought you to such despicable levels to be query at a stranger. it's just not right to go there (or anywhere) without explicit invitation and extensive research.
Then stay in templar land, faggot just don't come here.
>Japanese is one person
You seem to be oddly passionate about this subject for an Aussie. Maybe you really are a raging weeb?
As much as it pains me, it really isn't worth it learning anything other than English outside of some realy niche uses. Everybody worth talking to speak English nowadays. I suppose it was inevitable in a global world, and Eng is the lingua franca, like it or not.
Nice trips Xang
>Money gets you pussy
Lmao at your incel cope, GOOD LUCKS gets you pussy.Money just gets you a hard on with no release.
oh no dis nigga 120% woke af
Why do so many Westerners like Japan? To me it seems like its only redeeming quality is hentai besides that you have a culture of quiet, xenophobic manlets that work 70 hours a week in car companies. Their history isn't even that cool. people just get a boner looking at samurai swords when they're literally just the Asian equivalent to suicidal European knights
To me the funniest thing about Japan and China alike is that they considered themselves to be superior to other Asians then whites showed up with better technology and their own superiority complexes and got shit on
you could ask
feel free to ask any one of the "realflag" Japanese on this website where they think my views come from.
i'm going to learn japanese so i can impress japanese women with my huge white cock.
It's always good to learn a little bit of a foreign language if you're going to visit that country, and also a little bit of the rules and etiquette
Japan is a cool country and all. Actually going with my gf (white) around thanksgiving. There’s a lot of pretty nature spots there and they do a good job at mixing futurism and traditionalism. I know up to about a N5 level and I don’t care to know more. However, being in applied maths, it’s never a bad thing to know the language of a country like Japan
Bc Westerners like Japanese culture and people. Eat Sushi, watch Anime, read Manga, play Pokemon, be Kawaii, love Hello Kitty, and stay calm !! :3
Their old music, and olf videogame fantasy lore is kickass.
/slide thread.
jfc retards, don't bump vpn garbage.
Please kys faggot shill. You are a net negative to humanity.
Let's be real for a moment. Most "real flag" Japanese on this website are non-Japanese English teachers or using a VPN.
What game?
I learned a fair bit of the language so it's easier to talk & get around etc. First time I went there was for a couple days in Tokyo, wasn't a big fan. Got the chance to go a second time except out of Tokyo & I loved it. Countryside Japan in the winter is fucking amazing. Cozy as fuck & If you're over 6 foot and speak the language it's super easy to fuck qt Japanese girls in towns.
Not being on Jow Forums gets you pussy... (So I haven't had any)
:) so basically, my opinion would be worthless in my own country and in a different country? I am "only one of millions", etc etc? maybe my opinion can't matter anyway because I "abandoned" or because "real japanese don't go on holiday". bah whatever. Arrogance of westerners is unparalleled. I already knew this.
Thats the SNES madou monogatari.
Im using the gameboy madou monogatari right now though becuase it has no kanji and just katakana and hiragana
I dunno why you went off on that autistic rant based on my comment but I'll just let you carry on.