The absolute state of Jimmy Kimmel

>when they go low, we go hi-

How did we become so politicized that we make fun of peoples' dead fathers now?

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they put a black guy in office for 8 years.

I miss Jay Leno and actual comedy.

jimmy kimmel is based wtf

lol get triggered nazis

>drumpf is ruining the life of millions of immigrants

>"wtf respect his dead rich daddy!"

imagine being a drumpf NPC fan

no one is triggered dumb fuck
this is like a baby covering itself in shit then sitting smugly knowing the mother has to clean it off
the only difference here is no one is coming to clean it
dumb fucks

why the fuck aren’t you goyim laughing at my Drumpf jokes

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This is why Craig Ferguson had to lose his job. They had to have their entire lineup of shill hosts before the 2016 election. Adam Carolla languishes on a small pod cast while 2nd Banana Kimmel gets the big boy chair because well sadly I think we all know you don't get to these jobs without taking a few miles of jew cock. RIP Jimmy you were the least funny part of The Man Show but you tried.

do people really do this?
sit in front of the tv and watch a guy drone on about how horrible the leader of their country is?
i couldn't even get to him showing the ghost it was that bad

It's Kimmel, he's always been a piece of shit
shouldn't even dignify this with a reaction, it speaks for itself to normies

Sweetie pie works as a writer for Jimmy Kimmel by day, but by night she fights facist Trump with George Soros' money

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Americans have so many night show comedians, but it seems like they share the same team of witty Jewish writers.

because they literally do
there's a team of people being fed money by some billionaire jew to make sure the rhetoric stays the same
its a group of people but a single jew pays them so its one guy

I hope Jimmy enjoys burying his dead son.

Half nigger

Hope his kid dies soon and someone immediately makes a ghost edit of it saying something impolite.

They're leftists. What do you mean?

>Jay Leno
>actual comedy

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How dystopian, that's actually quite despicable.

Can't wait to do a version of this skit with the ghost of Ruth Bader Ginsburg next year

p.s checked

Kimmel's soon to be dead child has a messedge for him.

Wasn't this guy just crying about his dead kid?

>"I get guidance on what to include"

You cannot make this shit up.

>Sweetie pie works as a writer for Jimmy Kimmel
Wait.. is this true? You can get that job by shitposting on twitter alone?

Immigrants or illegal aliens ?

Jimmy Jimmy it's your dead kid.

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Wish Trump was a fascist so he could drone strike these cunts. I hate Zionist Trump but kicking dead people is pretty fucking gay.


I can sense some delicious memes being formulated

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Nailed it

There it is.
Stupid kid and his weak heart.

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fucking hell... just unreal that this is what things have come to. how many people are there on the payroll?

late night television blows

SEND IT TO HIM ... THAT'S AN ORDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>This is why Craig Ferguson had to lose his job
I loved Craig.

everybody tweet this shit to the smug faggot

still miss ferguson.

Jesus. I can't even bring myself to laugh it's just a shitty thing to do no matter what.

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MAKE MORE ... THAT'S AN ORDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KILL YOURSELF ... THAT'S AN ORDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this is why I can’t leave

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It's ok cause they started it, we have to hate them before they don't beleive the sames things as us so therefore they're not human like we're not human to them what could possibly go wrong, white people killing white people again of course not.

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An apt description

He cries about anything that requires the audience to feel emotional. It's extreme manipulation. All they need on top of it is some sappy music.

Always knew australia was full of feckless faggots

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>...they put a (((Black Guy))) in office.

The female "comedians" Kimmel hires exclusively because they sucked his cock sure are mad at the rapist Trump again. I hope those women enjoy doing anal when Jimmy calls them into his office to ream their asses out against his desk over how all their "jokes" are killing ratings.

Kimmel is on moral panic cruise control and will do anything to get Trump to shitpost about him on Twitter again

weak humor, not particularly funny or creative.

kimmel is on his way out, or has been.

a shitty thing to do is letting your kid die

These people need to be taught a lesson, it is the only way they learn. They go low, we go lower



This bitch is literally saying “Yeah I get money to shill and I’m told specifically what to say, but it’s not what you think!”

Jimmy Kimmel had the same emotional affect to someone shooting and killing 50 people in Las Vegas, as to someone shooting and killing a lion. He is emotionally unstable. I don't know why anyone listens to him.

Leftist shill trying to make us look bad

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I know they use proxies and shit.

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Has it always been this brazen? I remember watching Conan somewhere in the mid 2000s and it wasn't nearly as political like today. You'd think people would have grown out of "DRUMPF" jokes by now.


Say what you will about Jay but he was the last real Late Night host. I think they were pushing him to become more political and he just wasn't interested. His car show is better anyway.

user, Craig Ferguson has already been mentioned in this thread and he is leagues better than Leno.

I mean it was really subpar comedy. I could have forgiven it if it was aleast funny.

>Literally who

trump curse will find kimmel

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Can someone explain to me why Americans unironically get their political information from the failed comedians that are relegated to late-night television? I mean, aren't you all asleep at the time? Their careers tanked in every other field.

Is Conan even airing anymore?

I’ve witnessed your straw man digits.

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SEND IT TO HIS WIFE AND FAMILY ... THAT'S AN ORDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Trump treats regret that his father was insulted it will seriously damage this cuntbag

I have a special place in my oven for her.

and i thought this place was dead

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Late night shows aren't considered failed comedians in America. Theyve diminshed somewhat over the kast 10 years or so, but it is still considered hitting it big.

the newsmedia helpfully replays their nightly Trump zingers and shows us the 'twitter reactions'. this is the absolute state of modern journalism

I don't know if it airs in Finland but he's still at it. I liked him the most when he stayed out of politics


They will all be gassed


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Late night shit has allways been anti right wing, its has just ramped up after Trump etc.

People who talk like that will get the rope

she was trolling..
shes now excited that she got alt right people on a conspiracy

I fucking despise these people more and more each day

You're just going to make him cry and lable himself a victim and he will never acknowledge his hypocrisy.

Jimmy "A death or two for an extra view" Kimmel

Based and redpilled May the trump curse plague Jim for the rest of his life



>posting on /pol
>use of "alt right" term


jesus how did he fall so hard from the man show that he would think this is a good idea

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If you think this faggot gives a fuck about his dead kid, you're wrong

You know you can get in trouble rabbi, mingling with the goyim. You'll get ostracized from gods chosen.

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