do people here really fall for the "its the jews" meme?
i live in a country full of jews and we dont have a problem with refugees.
Do people here really fall for the "its the jews" meme?
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Stop tormenting us
>i live in a country full of jews
not with that flag you don't.
i dont do anything, goyim
>ron paul
what the fuck is going on in your pic OP
yes, israel has a lot of jews...
jews dont want to destroy their own country
Got a shit ton of muslims too
there's a reason why there's hatred for Jews throughout the centuries.
i know, but its not a big problem. i even got a muslim gf.
>i live in a country full of jews and we dont have a problem with refugees.
Open border for israel.
Good goys, nothing to see here.
skeptics radical centrism ftw Isreal first
The Turner Diaries is possibly the most based book in existence if you haven't read it
palestine has a refugee problem, has had one since the 40s
thats offensive. delete this
toppest b8
>We poisoned others' wells, but not our own.
>Isn't that weird?
Imagine my shock when I found out the kikes are only subversive to other countries politics not their own country's. The double standard of nationalism amongst the Jewish people's is very well documented . Ben Shapiro prime example no wall for you Americans but meanwhile in Israel.
Some of them do
You know I'd actually support Israel if someone like Netanyahu or Shapiro came out and said "Europe belongs to ethnic europeans". You get more flies with honey than vinegar
It's always been the Jews
we didn't forget how your ruined Rome
or your child sacrifices
we have a long memory
but its your own people who push this "no wall" agenda, and not the jews.
When we say "it's the jews" we don't mean small insognificant jews like you, you are just as expendable as any other goy to the big jews, just look at the holocaust
and who the fuck are the big jews?
Shalom, (((bro))). In my experience the majority of butthurt about Jews goes from the stars and stripes becaue American goyim are very lazy and jealous. The others usually are just monkeying Americans because they think it's cool. And Jews are intelligent polite people unlike Muslims who can simply behead and torture for insulting.
>Jewish culture is very strict, Jews grow up to be assiduous and conscientious in their education that's why they succeed in maths and law, those subjects are not for lazy people with no will for finishing what they've started. Strong maths is a basis for cool finance tricks and excelent knowledge of the law is a basis for loopholes and dirty political tricks.
You should try another jew-funded Communist Revolution. Should keep you busy for another 50 years.
No. Nazi fags are just edgy weeb incels, blaming their lack of success in life on others.
>i live in a country full of jews and we dont have a problem with refugees
Central bankers and a few businessmen
Democrats who rely on a nonwhite voterbase,large business owners who rely on masses of unskilled labor, people who invested in houses and hope for rising prices
Don't bother OP, these goyim literally believe that the Anti-ZIonist jews they have that want a one-state solution, boycott Israel and hate Trump are promoting our interests somehow.
>It's Joooz, look at my overcompressed jpeg meme picture that proves that.
>Anti-ZIonist jews they have that want a one-state solution
o im laffin
You forgot to change your flag Schlomo.
It's called scapegoating.
one day their race will be replaced and then we will have freedom
Good one.
Stfu subhuman only good for money lending
Let me guess, you don't give a fuck about the culture and traditions of your people.
I hope it happens as soon as possible, I'm tired of those stupid aggressive animals here, they're the cancer of Jow Forums.
>i live in a country full of jews and we dont have a problem with refugees.
your people flood only goyim countries with rapefugees and then build a wall around yours
>my second overcompressed jpeg meme picture proves that Joooz are destroying culture.
kill yourself kike
the jews really are getting scared. This is amazing.
>Lives in a country thats literally being taken over by refugee's and "settlements" to the point where they call it a new name
>but jews aren't the problem amirite
>American leftist goyim spread and normalise degeneracy
>American right-wing goyim are shifting responsibility onto Jewish accountants and finance workers
dont u have some muslim dicks to suck?
They don't teach the Russian Revolution in Russia anymore? Typical.
You're easily entertained, degeneracy is a great danger to a person like you.
>Stfu subhuman
I lift, I'm married, I have a degree, I work a job, I support my community, I've served my country
You're a chronic masturbator who will never conceive, your defense of your community is limited to shitposting, you lack education and you're probably all around a total friendless loser, your test levels are probably in sub-male areas
No my pale friend, you are the subhuman.
>only good for money lending
And medicine and math and physics and computer science and classical music and literature
I bet you see Jews in your nightmares and search ones under your bed every morning.
>i even got a muslim gf.
Highly degenerate, please go away race traitor.
How is greater israel doing?
Making lots of assumptions and even if that were true all of that is invalidated simply because you're a kike.
>And medicine and math and physics and computer science
Thanks only to white people
>Classical music and literature
Jewish classical is bottom-barrel tier and so is their literature.
Дa ты пpocт дeбил, пoнятнo
>youtube going in his mind
But your a refugee in a muslims country.
>i live in a country full of jews and we dont have a problem with refugees.
I'm shocked. The fucking Israelis finally managed to make a somewhat funny joke. Of course it is ultra-arrogant and demeaning, keeping in line with their pernicious kike nature, and it is also ambiguous, keeping in line with their underhanded back stabbing kike nature, but the fucking Israeli kike kind of made a funny joke.
and you are a refugee in the UK
No you are refugee in russia.
>Making lots of assumptions and even if that were true all of that is invalidated simply because you're a kike.
So I was entirely correct huh?
>Thanks only to white people
That's how I know you've never actually studied any of those fields above high school level.
>Jewish classical is bottom-barrel tier and so is their literature.
Deny yourself of some of the most brilliant works of humanity if you so wish, it's like staring at the ground to avoid the sun.
>just look at the holocaust
Yes, let's look at the holohoax. Let's look at this picture here. Look closely at the dead man's benis in the foreground. Does it look cut to you?
>one day their race will be replaced and then we will have freedom
You first
gotta admit, sometimes some of the israelis on here are cute
I don't have a problem with Israel. I've actually convinced quite a few important shitposters to stop attacking Israel.
You are the refugee REEEEEEEEE
Captcha is chimneys lol
>Ron Paul
Gas yourself kike.
Most of them are nationalists that just want to contribute to their settler ethnoproject. Israel keeps the Arabs divided and is objectively rather impressive. It also makes the jewish problem much easier to solve. They got Trump elected and that was good for all of us.
Shabot Shalom HEY
>some of the israelis on here are cute
Yeah, they're cute like seeing plague lesions on a dead rat.
>is objectively rather impressive
>gets everything handed to them by white goyim
>subverts and attacks these same nations
'these kikes are rather based and totally haven't relied on anyone else, especially not white goyim'