What part of masculinity do feminists find the most toxic? I want to know what pisses them off the most.
"Toxic" Masculinity
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The part were we have fun and enjoy life.
Toxic masculinity is just a tool to silence men. Don't like something a man is doing? label it toxic. Don't like how a man is talking to you? label it toxic.
Don't like how a man is voting? label it toxic
Don't like how a man is explain how you're a drooling tard? Label it manspaining and toxic
Don't like how a man is fucking sitting on a goddamn train even though to sit there you're have to be right up in his personal space? label it manspreading and of course... toxic.
That's all women ever want to do. Talk. Any issue can be resolved by talking about it, it would seem.
Yep it's just another label to marginalize normal people.
>Cis het white male are toxic!
The forcibly celibate of our societies are chosen by God to save women from themselves, whether they're Otakus NEETing in Kyoto, Incels residing in Isfahan, or creeps from Crete. We've bided our time, absorbed all the scorn and humiliation heaped upon us by status-seeking normies into patience, endurance and willpower. We've watched warily as those same normieshit locusts swarmed our entire internet, consuming it's precious bandwidth with their NPC problems, their thirst for pleb pornography and their fawning for hypergamous medical marvels politely called "women." Overtime, those thirsty normieshits became meatspace automatons implementing a new age of favoritism for all roastie harlots, and any transgression, however microscopic, drew a call to arms amongst those loyal white knights who defended any slack-snizzed feminist by day and edged to poisonous cuckporn at night. These trendy and progressive rules were to underpin the dawn of the Fempire, we're it not for the rise of us incel memelords. It was us who mustered the chutzpah to nudge our way into the gangbang pile of society, shocking everyone by not rolling over and dying after being denied any licks on the fuzzy, dirty, demonically bespectacled Tootsie-Pop feminists that rule by writ of their sea of thirsty orbiters. There will be none of Sarah Jeong's castration events, nor Katy Perry's Interracial Breeding Grounds. Men will not endure compulsory detainment and arousal analysis in the hopes of helping harpies' "predict rape." Instead, it is the Roasties who shall rue this day, the day when the forcibly celibate redpilled even the pussy-eating NPCs on the secrets to fighting every bitchy feminist whore: ignore her and if you need to, simply use your masculinity to overpower them.
It’s that pesky Y chromosome part.
chad = BAD
bugman/basedboy = GOOD
Being right. Not being blubbering messes at every turn. They'll turn every man they get there hands on into a whinny sensitive bitch. Then ignore his romantic advances for a thug or muslim.
They do that and then scream "masculinity so fragile"
Literal fucking scatterbrains.
I still have no clue what it means.
Can we talk about Crybaby Femininity? I imagine thats less productive and useful than anyone acting Masculine.
the great irony about the modern feminist is that they are always ready to do a 180 on their beliefs per chance to get the alpha chads dick
mansplain the patriarchy to them while manspreading and wearing a hawaiian shirt with sexy hula girls in an elevator
then say dongle and laugh uproariously so its indelible in their hippocampus
Do feminazi really fall for Chads? I tend to believe they genuinely hate all man
I feel that the good example of toxic masculinity is the behavior of closet faggots (hyperagressivness, basically the way muslim "men" behave), so its not masculinity at all.
Women only hate sub 8 males.
what pisses them the most are facts, hard facts about men superiority over women. statistical facts and scientific facts about how men are better at everything, smarter, stronger, less mentally ill, etc. they hate reality with unmatched passion
All this WMBF degeneracy
When a feminist calls for the death of all men, she actually means sub 8 males, and you can bet every woman would support that thought if there were no social consequences.
Anything that guys do that they can't participate in
please mr hr6Rz7q6 out with that incel blackpill shit
Can we coin the term “Toxic Femininity”?
>Implying these people think there is a form of masculinity that isn’t toxic
Hell hath no fury
Toxic white femininity to not give the game away and establish the notion that such a thing as toxic femininity even exists.
Sure, if you're a fucking faggot.
> its all looks
Author is retard, projecting male perception of women attractiveness onto the women.
2/3 should be removed and replaced with negative personality and financial traits.
The whole "having a penis and not hating it" thing.
Find out he is form Australia.....toxic
In a relaxed mood my cousin once told me she wished it to be forbidden for men to congregate in public because "men are scary". Just being confident in public as a man is enough to deeply frighten any feminist. I dont really blame them either. Its just that they only know non cucked men from afar and from the media where they are constantly villified.
Jah-rone is probably neck deep in white cheeleader pussy. He speaks white girl language. It's like romantic poetry for retards.
thats what I thought too.
there's no "low income" hanging!!!!
They love Chad until he gets old/ugly/fat/poor/stressed out/powerless/all of the above at which point he ceases to be Chad and can get all the same shit any guy does.
While being born with 8/10 looks is better than being born a 5/10 destined to be a beta cuck, its still not easy. Chads can legit get fucked over if they ever weaken. Heavy weights the crown.
EPIC. Respect
yeah youtubers who think having a interracial relationship is a reason to make videos
The part where we don’t listen to their stupid inane bullshit.
We need to revive the warrior/soldier caste of men.
>leader of abyssal hordes
I'm liking this indelible in their hippocampus meme. It has staying power. I propose we keep mocking Dr. Ford for as long as there remains virgins on Jow Forums or until the EMP pulse. Whichever comes first.
If you never ask a woman her opinion and just tell her what opinion to have, you'll be fine
>and be good looking
it's basically anything they don't like. a malleable catch all phrase that changes with their mood. calling them out on their bullshit is toxic masculinity. fact based opinions are toxic masculinity.
they're aren't exactly lying. challenging them and coming at them with facts is actually quite toxic to their entire ideology and the key to destroying it.
the secret to taking down all liberals is stop letting them determine what's acceptable and what isn't, that's how they win. you really can't give these people an inch because they will take a mile. you really have to deal with them like petulant children and tell them no.
This guy gets it.
Chads don't get hassled about their masculinity, and there's nothing that a geeky soiboi feminist ally could ever do to take himself out of the firing line.
No. Just no.
Virtuous paragons are they.
If you run ad blocker click I don't want to support the daily caller at bottom left of ad.
MOST wealthy liberal women and TRAD-CHAD.
Correction....WANT not and
Looks like a whole lot of white women will be losing whole lot of good looking white men to the race mixing game.
Fuck white women...they started it. Now they are going to play second fiddle to based black women that love and support their alpha chad coservative white men. MAGA I guarantee not a single one of those black women will vote against the economic interests of their men in upcoming elections.
Already coined...but we can keep spreading the term. White female toxicity is ruining the white homelands. These bitches must pay. I've started to Tip Burn waitresses by putting MGTOW on the tip line. But I only do this at restaurants I know I won't be going back to. Women need to learn that men are no longer here to subsidize them by being their pay pigs they can rely on. On good turn deserves another. Black Knight whenever, however and where ever you can boys.
They are here already...playing Fortnite.
>Crybaby Femininity
I like this term. Let's use it.