Was Hitler a smart politician?

I mean he lost in the end but didn't he have a lot of success also?

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As a politician certainly he was incredibly brilliant.

As a warlord not so much.

No, obviously not, Hitler was a Brachycephalic Turk and that prevented him from thinking long-term.

He failed because Americans ending German oil shipments and maintaining sixty Red Army divisions through the Persian corridor forced the Wehrmacht to overextend and push down towards Baku. He failed because the UK also blockaded potential oil shipments from Venezuela. The Stalingrad flank collapsed because the international combined land forces didn't have enough heavy weapons. Hitler had to transfer thousands of 88mm guns west to protect German women and children from RAF night terror bombing.

This is the price we pay. Look at the major victors ie. Russia, UK, USA and France seven decades after that war. What a joke.

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If he had sided with the Slavs instead of oppressing them he would have won without trying

"I have never met a happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men. The old trust him; the young idolise him. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country."

Former UK PM David Lloyd George, Daily Express, September 17, 1936.

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Stalin invaded his allies Finland/Romania and a few months later 4,000,000 Red Army troops were encircled by 1,500,000 Germans.

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He failed because he turned his biggest potential allies, the Slavs, against him by imposing brutal oppression of white
Christian people who already hated kikes and communism

He ascended from being a foreigner hobo to absolute power in 13 years. I'd say he was pretty smart.

He wasn't right enough, but from viewpoint of a politician he's incredibly successful.

Mere mention of his name causes entire Western world to shit their pants for 80 years after his defeat.

What is more funny he's gonna get a revival in 5-10 years and actually have statues in all Western world cities by 2100.

Hitler had Slavic field officers, Slavic SS divisions, and foreign Slavic divisions attached to the Wehrmacht. None of his racial laws targeted Slavs they only targeted gypsies and kikes.

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The Soviet Union was an atheist slave state that had just invaded his allies.

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he was definitely charismatic and he's known for some cunning political gambits in his time that paid off well for him.

I wouldn't consider him brilliant, however. He had difficulty in choosing the right people for the right tasks. Almost all great leaders are made great through their ability to delegate responsibilities and urgencies to the right people.

People forget that the French Army alone had more tanks, men and artillery than the Wehrmacht. What Hitler achieved given his resources is absolutely incredible. What Anglo-Americans did in the run up and during that war will haunt us until the end.

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Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans


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Best post in here, this is what makes Trump a strong leader.

He wasn't brilliant, every military across the globe just fights using warfare they invented now

Eastern Front animated: 1941

Eastern Front animated: 1942

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Hitler helped the USSR invade and destroy Poland a white Christian Slavic country that hated kikes

Hitler then oppressed the Poles and many were shot and massacred

Where's does slavic people being members of the undermensch come from then? Because I've always heard that

The USSR and Germany had a joint military parade after they invaded Poland together.

He told Poland to respect the 1933/35 Danzig elections and come to the table. He even offered to build them a port on the Baltic.

"4. Not included in this territory is the Polish port of Gdynia, which is regarded as fundamentally sovereign Polish territory, to the extent of [ethnic] Polish settlement, but as a matter of principle is recognized as Polish territory. The specific border of this Polish port city will be negotiated by Germany and Poland and, if necessary, established by an international court of arbitration."

Poland refused, massacred German minorities, mobilized their armed forces, and then got absolutely stomped. Hitler's ultimatum was more than reasonable he wanted the return of some of the territories stolen after WWI and a pact against bolshevism. You literally allied with the Red Army after they not only invaded Poland but Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Romania. You didn't care that the Soviet Union subjugated Poland after WWII.

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Untermensch had nothing to do with race. Hitler called Russians inferior in Mein Kampf and I know why you've never seen the full quote.

There were German propaganda pamphlets claiming Slavs were Asiatic or Jewish and that they needed to be deported or otherwise "removed"

"The former Polish government refused to respond to these proposals in any way. In this regard, the question presents itself: How is it possible that such an unimportant state could dare to simply disregard such proposals and, in addition, carry out further cruelties against the Germans, the people who have given this land its entire culture, and even order the general mobilization of its armed forces?

A look at the documents of the [Polish] Foreign Ministry in Warsaw later provided the surprising explanation. They told of the role of a man [President Roosevelt] who, with diabolical lack of principle, used all of his influence to strengthen Poland's resistance and to prevent any possibility of understanding. These reports were sent by the former Polish ambassador in Washington, Count [Jerzy] Potocki, to his government in Warsaw. These documents clearly and shockingly reveal the extent to which one man and the powers behind him are responsible for the Second World War. Another question arises: Why had this man [Roosevelt] developed such a fanatic hostility against a country that, in its entire history, had never harmed either America or him?"

Germany's Declaration of War Against the United States

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>hated kikes
>instigated a war for the kike benefit
They made their choice, as did we.

Lets see them. The 1935 SS poster spammed by /his/ was about German communists. Subhuman had nothing to do with race.

Honestly, not very. He was very unexpected and one of history's biggest opportunists. But post-WW1 Germany was a perfect storm of things for him, from the hubris of his foes to the frustration from the treaty of Versailles.

He was very charismatic, but people give him more credit than is really due

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>In his speech "Weltgefahr des Bolschewismus" ("World danger of Bolshevism") in 1936, Joseph Goebbels said that "subhumans exist in every people as a leavening agent".[18] At the 1935 Nazi party congress rally at Nuremberg, Goebbels also declared that "Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself."[19]

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Hitlers war council was mostly officers from a younger generation that were more interested in high-risk/high-reward strategies of warfare.

None of what you said is wrong, but they are the consequences of the flawed thinking of german leadership.

>Nazis repeatedly used the term Untermensch in writings and speeches directed against the Jews, the most notorious example being a 1935 SS publication with the title Der Untermensch, which contains an antisemitic tirade sometimes considered to be an extract from a speech by Heinrich Himmler. In the pamphlet "The SS as an Anti-Bolshevist Fighting Organization", published in 1936, Himmler wrote: We shall take care that never again in Germany, the heart of Europe, will the Jewish-Bolshevistic revolution of subhumans be able to be kindled either from within or through emissaries from without.[15][16][17]

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Hitler really struggled in the 20s, user. go read another commie pamphlet.

sweetie, I....

>Jews are to blame
UK and US financed both sides, lol.
Change Hitler on Hillary and say that again.

My Struggle (Adolf Hitler speech)


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>Poland refused, massacred German minorities

Literally never happened

And Poland needed that corridor it was their only sea access

Kennedy seems fascinated with Hitler and his place in history, writing: “He had in him the stuff of which legends are made” and “within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.”

like i said the nsdap really struggled i the 20s. Hitler didn't have a cakewalk coming to power.

Even Churchill was fully redpilled on the core jewish element in Russia post-revolution. The first head of the Red Army Lev Bronstein was chiefly financed by NYC banker-jew Jacob Schiff. The Warburg banking clan in Germany helped finance the failed not-so-German Revolution.


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destroyed the sovereignty of Germany forever? sure he was great!

its always easy think that your opponets are idiots

Germany literally fired the first shots of the war

>joint military parade
Part of one division marched down the same street as the Red Army. There are only a few photos.

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Yes they are. Quit concern trolling

One of the few things that's agreed upon is his political and organizational ability. His hubris and military abilities are what failed him. He let his estimation of himself explode after he overruled the military in the early stages of the war (or pre-war). The problem there was that alot of those tactica were really just politics - the actual nuts and bolts of the military operations were still under control by professionals, and there objections were rooted more in long term political outputs than actual logistics.

They were reluctant to engage in the military options at the outset because they feared that any sensible reaction from France and Britain would obliterate them - Hitler (and Churchill) correctly predicted the politicans in France and Britain wouldn't have the balls to react early and swiftly. This same gambling spirit of course backfired horribly on Hitler in Russia - where the Genetals were absolutely right in their estimations and plans.

Alliance of Russia and Germany was and still is the biggest fear of Anglo-Saxons. Jews are playing a seconadary role here, in most cases as a tool.

They had a border war with Poland that was turned into a world war. Poland straight up invaded Slovakia in 1938 and seized Slovak land. Hitler didn't even demand all of the land Poland stole after WWI and Danzig elected a NSDAP government with absolute majorities in 1933 and 1935.


Roosevelt with his indebted failed economy and kike advisers did all he could to stoke war and didn't give two fucks about the Red Army invasion of not only Poland but also Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Romania.

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It's still their biggest fear.

I don't think they have to worry

Slavics and Germanics seem to hate each other more than any two groups on earth

STRATFOR: The main goal of the US-Empire is to prevent the alliance between Germany and Russia


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Absolutely false.

How do you figure?

Not at all. Most socialist states, like Venezuela for instance, go through a period of extreme improvement but it is completely unsustainable and they eventually collapse once the scarce resources run out.

It can be argued that Hilter started the war, to reclaim land taken from Germany in WW1 for Lebensruam or living space, because land is a scarce resource. Losing the war has actually safeguarded Hitler's political legacy in so much that it has disguised the inevitiable outcome of adopting socailist policies and allows people to focus on the events before the war and the rapid restoration of Germany into becoming a world power.

interesting point

Why should Poland return land that it got after WW1? Millions of Poles died or were displaced and suffered horribly during WW1. Then they fought the USSR invasion in 1920. Why should they have given up anything?

>hurr or else I'll invade with help from my Soviets butt buddies

Then don't claim to actually hate communism

Danzig was 90% German and voted in the NSDAP with absolute majorities in 1933 and 1935.

Poland bitched about the right of self determination for centuries. It invaded Slovakia in 1938.

He liked kids.

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Well there's the tens of millions of dead and wounded just from the Eastern front in two world wars. There's the Germanic-Slav wars going back like 1000+ years and even today Germans are trying to expand the EU into Eastern Europe to fuck with Russia

>I'll invade with help
Anglo-Americans sided with the Soviet Union that exterminated tens of million of Europeans and invaded six sovereign European countries. Lets talk about American marches in 1945 and what you've invaded (and for what) since 1945.

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I already told you Stalin invaded his allies Finland/Romania and a few months later 4,000,000 Red Army troops were encircled by 1,500,000 Germans.

It did happen, but it "took place after the war started." Now I don't believe that myself given everything else I've learned.


Not sure I like your tone, user.

All signatories of the Treaty of Versailles recognized Danzig as a free city separate from either country

Not that it matters his crusade against athiestic judaeo-asiatic slave state bolshevism was the most just war fought in the history of Europe.

Danzig was represented by Poland internationally. You know this.


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>Not in Danzig
>Happened days after the war began

"I may say this today: If this wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost. Several nations have been destined to prevent or parry this blow through the sacrifice of their blood. If Finland [for one] had not immediately decided, for the second time, to take up weapons, then the comfortable bourgeois life of the other Nordic countries would quickly have been extinguished.

If the German Reich, with its soldiers and weapons, had not stood against this opponent, a storm would have burned over Europe that would have eliminated, once and for all time, and in all its intellectual paucity and traditional stupidity, the laughable British idea of the European balance of power. If the Slovaks, Hungarians and Romanians had not also acted to defend this European world, then the Bolshevik hordes would have poured over the Danube countries as did once the swarms of Attila's Huns, and [Soviet] Tatars and Mongols would [then], on the open country by the Ionian Sea, force a revision of the Treaty of Montreux [regarding the Dardanelles strait]."

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"If Italy, Spain and Croatia had not sent their divisions, then a European defense front would not have arisen that proclaims the concept of a new Europe and thereby powerfully inspires all other nations as well. Because of this awareness of danger, volunteers have come from northern and western Europe: Norwegians, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, Belgians and even French. They have all given the struggle of the allied forces of the Axis the character of a European crusade, in the truest sense of the word."

Germany's Declaration of War Against the United States

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>that hated kikes
Fukin kek, american education again

It had regional autonomy and made its own laws, aside from the customs union and diplomacy

Poles really hated kikes and communism

Barbarossa could have worked.
*licks chickenfat off fingers*

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After the war once they realized what they fought for, to become another slave state under the Kremlin jews and their sadistic secret police agents like Morel.

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If he had access to American/Venezuelan oil and if the Red Army wasn't being armed through Persia he wouldn't have had to swing down towards Baku and overextend. The Stalingrad flank collapsed due to a lack of heavy weapons the 37mm AT guns were useless against KV and T34 spam.

I'll leave this thread with excerpts from his final speech.

"If Germany today were the Germany envisaged by the Versailles Treaty, Europe would long since have been swept away by the hurricane from Central Asia. It is hardly necessary to argue with those eternal blockheads who maintain that an unarmed Germany would, owing to its impotence, not have become the victim of this Jewish international world plot. Such reasoning would amount to a reversal of all laws of nature.

When was a helpless goose ever not eaten by the fox because she was constitutionally incapable of harboring aggressive designs? And when has a wolf ever reformed and become a pacifist because sheep do not wear armor? If there are still bourgeois states who earnestly believe this, that only proves how necessary it was to do away with an era that by its educational system managed to cultivate and maintain such notions, nay, even granted them political influence."

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Hitler was an actual fucking dumb dumb

Did you know his grand plan was trying to pincer movement Russia from the western front and the southern by getting his southern troops to come up from Africa winning every battle and making record time

Absoulte fucking moron in terms of strategy

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"This fight against Jewish-Asiatic Bolshevism had been raging long before National Socialism came into power. The only reason why it had not already overrun Europe during the years 1919-20 was that it was then itself too weak and too poorly armed. Its attempt to eliminate Poland was not abandoned because of its compassion for the Poland of that time but only because of the lost battle before Warsaw. Its intention to annihilate Hungary was not discarded because they changed their minds, but because Bolshevist power could not be maintained militarily. Nor was the attempt to smash Germany given up because this achievement was not desired but because it proved impossible to overcome the natural resistance stamina of our people.

Thereupon Jewry began systematically to undermine our nation from within, and it found its best ally in those narrow-minded bourgeoisie who would not recognize that the era of a bourgeois world is ended and will never again return, that the epoch of unbridled economic liberalism has outlived itself and can only lead to its self-destruction and, above all, that the great tasks of our time can be mastered only under an authoritarian coordination of natural strength, based on the law of same rights for all and, thence, of same duties. On the other hand, the fulfillment of the same duties must necessarily entail an equality of rights."

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"Whatever our enemies may plot, whatever sufferings they may inflict on our German cities, on German landscapes and, above all, on our people, all that cannot bear any comparison with the irreparable misery, the tragedy that would befall us if the plutocratic-bolshevistic conspiracy were victorious. Therefore, it is all the more necessary on this twelfth anniversary of the rise to power to strengthen the heart more than ever before and to steel ourselves in the holy determination to wield the sword, no-matter where and under what circumstances, until final victory crowns our efforts.

I shall continue on this road, uncompromisingly safeguarding my people's interests, oblivious to all misery and danger, and filled with the holy conviction that God the Almighty will not abandon him who, during all his life, had no desire but to save his people from a fate it had never deserved, neither by virtue of its number nor by way of its importance. Therefore I now appeal to the entire German people and, above all, to my old fellow-fighters and to all the soldiers to gird themselves with a yet greater, harder spirit of resistance, until we can put on the graves of the dead of this enormous struggle a wreath inscribed with the words: And yet you were victorious."

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He fought the entire world after only having some three years to rearm during the Great Depression. It's really that simple. We shouldn't have goaded Poland into rebuking the Germans or have accepted the hundreds of thousands of peace leaflets he dropped on London after he crushed the BEF and France in six weeks.

The French Army alone had more tanks, men and artillery than the Wehrmacht in 1939. What he achieved given his resources will always be incredible. The mass of the German people followed him right until the bitter end.

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Sacrifice - Adolf Hitler


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The french army lost all of it's fucking men during the first world war, he just bullied a bunch of weakened countries who were already war fatigued

Not really that great of an accomplishment senpai

France declared war on Germany and after it rejected repeated peace overtures he crushed them and the BEF in six weeks.

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A Last Appeal To Reason - Adolf Hitler


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>Hitler called Russians inferior in Mein Kampf and I know why you've never seen the full quote.
"By handing Russia to Bolshevism, it robbed the Russian nation of that intelligentsia which previously brought about and guaranteed its existence as a state. For the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacy of the German element in an inferior race.

Numerous mighty empires on earth have been created in this way. Lower nations led by Germanic organizers and overlords have more than once grown to be mighty state formations and have endured as long as the racial nucleus of the creative state race maintained itself. For centuries Russia drew nourishment from this Germanic nucleus of its upper leading strata. Today it can be regarded as almost totally exterminated and extinguished. It has been replaced by the Jew. Impossible as it is for the Russian by himself to shake off the yoke of the Jew by his own resources, it is equally impossible for the Jew to maintain the mighty empire forever. He himself is no element of organization, but a ferment of decomposition."

From the infamous but never quoted Chapter 14 of Mein Kampf. Subhumans "exist in every people as a leavening agent" .. and "can be found in all tribes" .. according to Himmler and Goebbels.

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Hitler was a fantastic at being a politician
He did irreparably fuck Germany by actually doing what he said he would
He was too good (at being a politician)