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South Australian math teacher here. Ask me shit as Q&A goes on...
First for OP is a faggot
Second for OP is a faggot
Get a life faggots.
If Australia is getting so many high IQ asians, why are the NAPLAN results keep getting lower?
What is it like to live in a hapa heartland?
What level of maths do you teach? Spec maths or studies? Any abos in your classes?
just gonna shill this real quick
Fucking poothetic that none of you newfaggots have a bingo card. Save it for the love of god.
SA doesn't have studies anymore, but I can teach up to year 12 specialist.
What is 13 + 47?
"Yeah, Eddie, what DO you think?"
>eddie woo
tim wus lost brother?
this girl looks 40 lmao
>its a chink pretends to have empathy episode
60... (Counted on my fingers)
why does Jow Forums even watch this leftie echo chamber?
are we acting as a form of 'watch dog', keeping an eye on marxist propaganda?
Because OP fucked up
long winded much?
The pajeetette on the right looks like she needs cock so bad.
Care to give us some stories of dumb shit your student do? Are the gooks as smart as everyone thinks they are? To follow up, how are you addressing cheating?
>goo evening ferro Austrarians
It's fun to see how batshit insane and removed from reality ABC leftists actually are
>The HSC is stressful
>The HSC is high stakes
What? I fucking breezed through that shit without studying at all and still ended up with a UAR of 81
I did my HSC out of home and I don't recall it being this stressful. Maybe I should have chugged some Xanax and I could have looked as old as Titsiana over there.
>Keep your friends close & keep your enemies closer
critical analysis of what ABC is promoting, this week
I know a great way to achieve a hi-score at school
why do these fruits constantly complain about standardised testing. the only alternative is lowering the standards. not a solution at all
>all arts and humanities
woah we're dealing with a refined intellectual here
Are you having a laugh cunt? I was watching anime with my dumb nerd friends for most of the year in my two maths classes, physics and chemistry and still ended up breezing into over 90. Stop killing your brain with weed and alcohol in your teen years and maybe you wouldn't find it hard, dumb shits.
Because everyone is a special snowflake with their own strengths and weaknesses and it's unfair to grade people on things like literacy and math when their real strength is writing leftist polemic on their blog
>all arts and humanities
Standardised testing exposes shitty teachers and shitty schools, that's why teachers (and teachers' unions) hate them, it also exposes how dumb shitskins are compared to Anglos, that's why leftists hate it
>dumb stories
1. Last day of term, caught a student snorting whizz fizz off the table as celebration for the last day.
2. The student who stares into space in math class and does nothing is surprised that he got a D on his report card. He decides to blame me for it.
3. The argumentative student who thinks he will pass year 10 has actually failed year 10 and will hopefully not progress to year 11.
4. The disabled twins in my class get into fist fights over chocolate. They absolutely hate eachother.
The fear is that teachers will start teaching for the test instead of actually giving students skills and understanding.
>I feel
>clap signal flashes on
Why would anyone choose to be a teacher in this day and age where students can literally assault you and if you defend yourself you face penalties? Parents aren't doing their jobs so you end up becoming a glorified day care nanny. Every teacher I know is miserable
can anyone else guess who the union reps are?
>I felt
Brisbane all boys school teacher signing in. Teaching in the private sector is comfy af. Sucked going back to work today after the holidays tho.
>my feelings were thus
>disabled twins get into fist fights over chocolate
>getting chocblocked
Truly special people
The maths chink is cringing hard at this retardation.
fucking kek
here come the water works
I think they like rage
>i'm one of ewe
>get permanent residency after living and working for 4 years
>I'm one of you
Wonder if he said it tongue in cheek but the tards clapped anyway.
>perspective of a researcher
>no fee fees
Free martin Bryant
Somebody tweet about mongol rape babies
I scored a permanent government position for my first job so I am happy with that.
A lot of people go into the job with the idea of helping the disadvantaged kids only to get spat out by the kids and system. You need thick skin for the job, I teach in an area that is socio-economically doing well BUT the people who come to this town and school are mostly from lower socio-economic families because everyone who is doing well is retired.
Bad teachers will teach for the test. Bad schools will prepare for the test. I don't know how to fix schools, most kids are glued to technology here and most parents bend over for their kids which results in a lot of problems because
>if mum and dad don't discipline me at home, then why can a teacher discipline me at school?
>hey kiddo how's school
>find mom, leave me alone
>gets D at the end of the term
Wow couldn't see this one coming at all.
>I don't like it
>muh abos aren't dum
>please don't cut our funding
>need mo money for does pro gams
Bombard them with reality
>standardised tests are racist
oh boy
>data is not amoral
>Pencil Salesman
Pick one
Chinaman: Numbers have power.
Yes, yes, they do.
They're a really fucked up family desu. Father isn't there so there is a step-father instead.
based gookfemme
>this token is redeemable for 1 (one) Martin Bryant. If the product does not perform as advertised (removing chinks and helping ban guns), you may trade your Martin for another false-flag operative.
But I thought diversity was our strength? Is the question implying that racially homogenous countries are more successful in the long term than multicultural hellholes?
>Be year 10 student
>I don't have any homework
>time to drive in my friends car and do nothing all day
poor countries are poor because they don't have money not because they're stupid
>Data is not amoral
>Data has a dark side
Maths chink knows the truth. "The goyim can't find out that shitskins are dumb!"
I would love to legalise the murdering by spear of Q and A panelists by Aboriginal peoples.
This would be but a step to our reconciliation...
The Celestials are getting uppity, are they not?
why don't they have money? Is it because they're stupid?
Australian-born-gooks have a massive chip on their shoulder, especially the upper-class female gooks
da fuq iza 'celeshtial"
Imperialistic white men oppressed them, of course. That's part of the reason why PNG reverted to cannibalism in some areas.
they can't outright say [spoiler]colonialism[/spoiler]
What's your country aus/pol/? The only correct answer is Chyna.
Filthy riceniggers need to GTFO back to China.
>turning its back
>big number
>anecdotal example
>please respond to my strawman?
>lack of motivation over summer
Isn’t summer still holiday time?
Q&A won't get to the answer on this because the entire solution to fixing education is changing the entire culture that surrounds education in the first place.
>wow these guys are really rich and successful and better than me at school
>I'm sure it's because of an injustice and not because their parents or grandparents or great grandparents busted their ass to get there
99% of people on QandA are NPC as fuck
is the current aus year 12 really that hard, or are the students just a bunch of whiney kids who think they have depression and anxiety?
>your school has money
>what do you think about inequality?
Did someone mention OP is a faggot?
Year 12 has gotten exponentially easier. They're all whiney and think they're depressed with anxiety.
It was a piece of cake 5 years ago. I'm willing to bet it got easier over time.
Courtesy of our rice eating friends, getting educated these days is competitive as fuck
Whiney as fuck, my sister did year 12 last year and it wasn't hard
As usual Queensland here now getting the time-delayed broadcast.
Is it worth sitting through?
>more tears coming up
>pls big more funding
God, fuck off.
I did my HSC back in 1998 and it was easy back then.
how has it gotten easier? be specific please
Beer is better.
Amirite mmmmmmmmbuuuud?