What's it like living in a big city?

What's it like living in a big city?

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That pic is comfy. Which city is that?

lmao nobody really lives in those, right?

Nvm it says in the filename

Learn to read the filename, you dolt.

it's alright but the people are sometimes awful

Learn to shut up faggot

>his king is a gay paki

Where is this Ginza?

In Tokyo? Probably fucking amazing.

>he's an abbo

Tokyo is atypical for a big city, but to answer your question
>lots of crime
It isn't necessarily awful but it takes a certain type of person to live in a large city. Personally I'm ready for a small, quiet rural/suburban place to settle down in after 15 years of San Francisco and Tokyo.

I live in Sydney and I'd like to know too

All of these and more.

The more being millions of yellows, browns and blacks.

t. Toronto

>abbos exist

eat more potatos your brain is out of date

Also cities attract the worst kinds of people and bring out the worst in others. Rudeness, lack of sympathy, callousness and outright lying and deceitfulness are common traits of those living in big cities. Wears on you after a while.

I lived in Taipei for a while.

>constantly noisy
>entitled old fucks everywhere you go
>expensive for no reason except for location

I don't see the appeal of big cities unless you're a bugperson who can't go without constant stimulation from (((them)))

Type that exact question in to google and you will have your answer.

My town has 130 people and that's big enough for me. I can't stand cities.

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I used to want to live in the hustle and bustle of the city but nowadays I just want to settle down in comfy Montana or West Virginia

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Claustrophobic. You get dead inside. You feel squished.

What's it like living in rural areas?

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Basically the opposite. The only downside is lack of people and usually a lack of variety in things to do. I like nature a lot so it doesn't bother me though and the bar near me is nice. I'm never fucking living in a city again. It's not worth the pros to have to live around niggers.

It's perfect user.

and no asians or muslims, which is really, really great.

I spend all of my time indoors with the blinds down even though I'm within walking distance of as much wildlife and nature as I could possibly want.

I just want a cosy little apartment.

Everyone is glued to their phones and there is no courtesy whatsoever. People don't smile and everyone is so fucking apathetic at everything.

I like nature too and if I have it my way I would've sell everything I have and migrate to somewhere like Maine or Vermont and live in a self sustaining farm with a lot of guns.

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Tfw I’m in ginza right now

Too bad ginza is full of fucking commie chink tourists.

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>>lots of crime
How many people are murdered there a year?

I live in Philadelphia and over 300 people where murdered last year

I really liked Japanese cities, but I may have just been comparing them to my time in American cities. Are you Japanese or a foreigner and if the latter what do you do and how do you like living there?

1-2 murders here. Mostly over mentally unstable people or manslaughter.

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This... I live in a regional city... And yes, 1000% this

I went from a rural area to the big city a couple of years ago. The city has it's charm for sure, a lot of old buildings, etc. But the fast-pacedness, the continuous sounds of cars racing by, scooters etc leaves little rest. Whenever I get back to the rural areas the first thing I notice is the silence. It's a great experience. Living in the city is okay for now, but I'm looking forward to the day where I've earn enough money to buy a house in a more rural area again, some small village or whatever. The boredom and silence has something magical, and the basedness of these areas is preferable compared to the 'progressives' in the city.

Fuck Philly so hard. I went to Temple and within my first two weeks of living there my neighbor was shot. I lived a 10 minute walk from the center of campus. My friend got stabbed to death over literally nothing and I've been mugged about 6 times. My other friend was chased around by a psycho in the center of campus. Fuck that place to hell and fuck everyone there. I remember all the students living in the dorms being super liberal since they didn't actually have to experience the full extent of niggerville.

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I like cities, but I don't like being around people of a different race.
This is a problem since I don't think there are many white cities left.

Hot, full of niggers and spics.
t. NYC

>people where

People were.

>My house smells just like a zoo
>It's chock full of shit and puke
>Cockroaches on the walls
>Crabs are crawling on my balls
>but I'm so clean cut
>I just want to fuck some slut

>Spent my whole life in the city
>Where junk is king and the air smells shitty
>People puking everywhere,
>Piles of blood, scabs and hair
>Bodies wasted in defeat
>People dying on the streets
>But suburban scumbags they don't care
>They just get fat and dye their hair
I love living in the city by fear
pretty accurate

I don't really notice how white it is at home, but when I go to Melbourne it always shocks me how many chinks and pajeets there are. I only moved out here two years ago, it can't have changed much since then. I think once you've lived in a white country area for a while you lose your desensitisation to that kind of thing.

I wish I could live in a nice, safe, Asian city instead of this decaying, drug infested, city

Fuck North Philly. I've been here for over a decade and you cannot pay me to go up there.

>Fuck North Philly.
I actually went to visit my friend a few months ago and noticed that South Street has been completely overrun by niggers. Is it like that all the time now? I've also been mugged on south street but it was because my friend is a retard.

I was born and raised in Moscow suburbs and I think it great place.
There is a lot of space here. There is a lot trees and greenery in place where I live and it works like natural sound barrier. It not saving from sound of jets taking off, becasue there is airport nearbuy, but for so many years I used to it.
Also, city is keep rapidly expanding, there is used to be empty fields around here, but now it all tall buildings so it not really a suburbs anymore.

>South Street
>overrun by niggers
That's 80% of the city man. As for South Street it's full of those artiste fucks, hippies, pot smokers, and lost tourists most of the time.

Fun but depressing. I miss the stars.

t. Chicago north side

I’m the Waseda-user who often posts here.

Japan, and Tokyo, is fucking awesome but CCP commies and globalists are trying to ruin it.

I would say Tokyo is more “structured” compared to other cities. Culture, dress, speech, give a sense of cohesion but also....spirituality? (More or less, compared to generic big cities) that is absent in other cities. People do their jobs and take them seriously, even if you are a store clerk at a fast food shop, or a girl who sits at a kiosk at a department store to give people maps. There is respect for space, artistry, form, and cleanliness. There is no such thing as trying to cheat and steal, and Japanese will go out of their way to help others.

The other day I thought I misplaced my wallet and went to check the lost and found at the train station. The guy was so nice and started trying to call other stations to see if they found anything. I felt bad that he was putting in so much effort so I checked my bag one last time and turned out it was stuck on the bottom. So I waved it at him while he was on the phone and he was like “oh thank goodness! You found it! What a relief!” He didn’t call me a dumbass or anything and I was like “thank you so much, terribly sorry, thanks for your assistance.” And that’s basically what it’s always like.

I live in London, just this weekend I had a bareback orgy with three trans girls

>The guy was so nice and started trying to call other stations to see if they found anything
I was on a university trip to Tokyo and fell asleep on the train hung over and missed my stop to go to Kyoto. All the station attendants were super helpful in getting me to where I need to go. American station attendants are all fat nigger women with attitude problems. I've heard a lot of people say that the young Japanese are really open to immigration, but hopefully they change their opinion when they see what's happening in Western nations.

the building are grey and the people are brown.

Rural life is cozy. I don't understand how anyone would choose to live in a city. It's crowded, stinks like shit and full of fucking assholes.

I lived in NYC for almost 10 years. Frequently wanted to kms

I left Chicago in 2009 after a string of violent muggings in Lincoln Park. Replaced not knowing my neighbors and my fear of the negroid with community and guns. Even my lefty friends are leaving the city.

Just wait till they replace rahm with a socialist. commuter tax will kill that city.

unnatural place to live, can't be healthy.

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rural areas might be cozy if it weren't for the people. fucking white trash, dont clean/fix up their houses, addicted to drugs, weird family and town rivalries.

Much lower chance of being a victim of random violence though. White trash communities are still miles better than black areas.

>fucking white trash, dont clean/fix up their houses, addicted to drugs, weird family and town rivalries.

The welfare state in action. Before government, crackers and niggers both made things work though their own bootstraps

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I agree. I think a good suburb can be a happy medium. They're not all soulless or shitty. I used to live in a nice one with a good choice of grocery stores, fast food, restaurants, gyms and a local coffee shop all within 5-15 minutes away.

Miss that place. Suburbs are underrated.

It's a shame.

>Suburbs are underrated
I always thought it was hilarious when some kid from the suburb talks shit on suburbs then goes to live in the city and realizes just how bad niggers can be.

It sucks major ass. I prefer smaller cities, 100k-300k population or so.

I think it is Zagreb.

Yeah. It's clean, safe and expensive. Prostitution under government sanctioned brothels is evel legal.

But it's boring. Everywhere is monitored and you can't speed or do anything illegal without getting a fine or imprisonment. Porn websites are blocked, protests are illegal, LGBT faggotry is a big no-no and speaking against the government usually gets you blacklisted.

Do you really want to live under authoritarian rule of order?

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>everything slow as fuck
>peasants gossip about the dumbest shit
>so silent at night at first you go crazy
>no more going at 2 am to buy something, nothing is open
>no people on the streets, everybody busy, or at the one pub or whatever
>peasants will mock you if you are not peasant
>even the most hip thing feels antiquated
>drunk driving at 3 am on an empty road
>everyone wants to leave

apparently up to 80% of humanity now lives in cities. That is, worldvide, from nigeria to usa, asia, latin america...

full hiveworld

Philly is shitty, I get to visit it every Christmas and the only redeeming factor of that city is the food. It is the only place that does shit like cheesesteaks right(for obvious reasons) , if you can deal with the gang graffiti, aids, and rampant murder then Philly is below average at best and a fucking shit hole at worst

you should burn down moscow and send all the people in the neighbouring countryside. it is my dream to see a big metropolis like paris and new york burn down in an orgy of violence

Like living in Mexico, but with more niggers and violent "natives" (feather nigger blood).

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>Live 16 stories above street level
>Open window, still loud as fuck
>Out on street level; autists, plebs, human garbage, and aesthete consumerists
>Will occasionally meet truly exceptional people
>If make under 100k, and don't own; spend 60% of your salary on rent
>Guaranteed to work with assholes
>Any food you might desire is available
>Drive minimum 4 hours for any semblance of nature

If you have a qt and handful of good friends it's ok. Basically minimize your time out in the open.

>lefty leaving the city

lel, nope. they just start complaining about lack of something, or how it is too quiet and there is nothing to do. then they recreate the same crap

>it's boring.

welcome to the ultimate issue of 21ste century living. if it is too safe, people crave "authenthicity", which means mad max thunderdome living. when they get it they flee to another "boring" place.

technology is strangely boring.

わたしわ いたでぃます みいません
ありがとお ございます
While you’ve been mastering the game, I’ve been mastering the tongue of a far off land, come at me epic gamer man

>be cityfag
>constant noise
>grey soul-crushing post-modern architecture everywhere
>loud non-whites everywhere
>soiboi leftist bugmen everywhere
>everything is expensive
>traffic is hell
>you have to pay for parking almost everywhere
>live in a expensive 30 square meter crumbling appartement with no garden
>look at window: depressive grey scenery
>nothing to do outside except degeneracy
>psychotic people
>shit work in an office

>be ruralfag
>no noise except occasional animals
>green forests everywhere
>gorgeous scenery
>live in a 50+ square meter renovated beautiful old house or modern house with a huge garden going at the beginning of the woods for the same price
>Only houses around are inhabited by chill right-wing white families
>traffic is clean
>have a garage
>nothing dirty except natural stuff
>everything is cheap
>work at home on computer

What's your excuse for living in a city again?

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I....have been defeated... Go, and have fun in that far off land!


there should be made a difference between a city (large scale megalopolis), and a town - there are still comfy small towns

it is just the bugmen hives that are spreading.

cities suck, but Japanese cities suck the least. Anyways, come be a JET up here in the ass end of nowhere, tohoku. It's great.

>dirty, lots of crime, stinky
KEK why are Japs so pessimistic and insecure?

Awful. I'm leaving in 3 weeks

I have a misdemeanor from when i was 18 so i think id never be able to do that(29 now). It makes me want to kill myself.

Bear mountain is like 30 minutes away from the palisade parkway

And fucking Chagas...which thanks to the Democrats, kissing bugs are now infesting 3/4 of the US...

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>be cityfag
>make money

>be ruralfag
>be poor

>to settle down
Yeah you slut, of course you wan to "settle down"

Well I lived in Vancouver BC for about 6 years and its fairly big but not as oppresively large as Tokyo or NYC. But from my experience


There's always something to do or see, but trying to do and see it all takes a lot more energy than I can muster in a given day. And that seems true for a lot of people. So even if there's a lot to go out and do, people either won't do it because it's expensive, won't do it because it's too crowded, or won't do it because they don't have the energy to go spend their day out somewhere.

So there were a lot of hermit like people which is much rarer than the town I am in now.

>I remember all the students living in the dorms being super liberal since they didn't actually have to experience the full extent of niggerville.

Liberal politics in a nutshell: Rich adult children who live in an ivory tower talking about ignorant everyone else is for not liking living in niggerville.


I'll take the poor rural life over the "rich" cityfag depressing life

i live in dc and despite the fact its filled with libtards it's pretty cash

>everything is conveniently located within walking distance
>museums and historical attractions everywhere. a literal hub of knowledge and intellectualism
>booming nightlife and party scene. unless you're a complete sperglord you can easily get laid
>(in dc) world class public transportation system that effectively eliminates the need for a car and all of its costly burdens
>an abundance of jobs and opportunities with decent wages
>minimum wage alone shits on whatever schillings one makes in typical rural areas
>no white trash and meth whores
>bike share programs and city funded recreation centers promote healthier lifestyles
>angry liberal mobs to laugh at
>high cost of living is actually driving niggers away to lower cost rural areas

without a doubt cities trump rural areas in many ways, unless you're an introverted, anti-social neckbeard that prefers innawoods

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you sound like a fucking asshole, you're calling us neckbeards and spergs in such a condescending way, like i chose to be born with trash genetics in the middle of nowhere

Completely true

Why don't you stop being a genetic throwback and get rich like us then? If you're white and poor you should not breed. At least the blacks give us football players for entertainment.

>he lives in fancy city with a various amount of different kinds of buildings and glass skyscrapers
>he thinks it's gray and depressing
kek you should come to Eastern Europe sometime

>(((type it into google)))

tfw would be the white monkey just so I could live in grorious nippon. I know nipnong but my anxiety is so bad I'd probably have a mental breakdown on the first day and that would be the end of that.

The honest truth?

>Racially homogenous white or east asian city with traditional architecture, jobs, and social activities
Pretty great desu
>Modern cities with modernist architecture, sky-high costs, and isolating social structures
Pretty terrible desu

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Spandrell calls them an "IQ Shredder". Smart people from the provinces show up in throngs and put up with the crowds and crime and "diversity" and high cost of living because every single one believes he has what it takes to "make it big".

Even the girl fixing your four dollar iced coffee thinks she's an actress, or a writer, or fashion designer, and that she'll marry a hot millionaire as soon as she hops off the cock carousel.

Obviously, most of these people will fail at their dream (if they even bother to attempt it!), and probably live a worse life than if they'd stayed home in Cowtown USA. They are the fuel and raw materials that keep the machine going, putting their shoulder to the wheel until it grinds them under.

Mid size cities can be more laid back and comfy, but having lived in the country and small towns, I vastly prefer it. Unfortunately, most small towns have been brain drained and depressed for decades. It's hard to keep a business open when big box stores pretty much cover the necessities, and most people are living too close to the bone to enjoy many luxuries. It's sad, because in the past, many small towns were lively and possessed their own unique culture, with all the generations living together and making the town beautiful. The town of 5000 I grew up near used to have multiple gourmet restaurants, local clothing stores, a movie theater, and a night club... today it's pretty much a bedroom suburb with some bars and antique shops keeping the main street from being boarded up.

NYC here. No doubt the museums are a major perk. But DC is a special case--it's the Imperial Capitol, floating along on a cloud of government graft extracted from the rest of the country.

Loud, smells, expensive, too many people, prone to get robbed by nogs & tweakers, beggars..

I live in a small resort town though, but I'll be moving into a city to finish up uni soon. Am not looking forward to it.

Chaotic and, at times, stressful.
People will be rude to you and apathetic, but I appreciate the directness of it all.

I can't stand the sedate boringness of the country, but aggrarian living.

All those "diversity-Canadians" haven't helped the fact Toronto is a very dull place to live.

The city should change it's motto from "Diversity is our Strength" to "Still Dull But With Less White People."

This is a blog post you can skip if you don't care for it.
I've lived in the biggest city in the country for many years after I finished high-school, but some years ago I decided to go back to my home town.
There was a shock going back of course, one of the first things that stuck out was how much slower time passes in the small town, at first I was annoyed at how slow the shop keeper or bank teller was.
Then I started to see the other side of it, everyone knew each other and usually nobody was in a rush, and if you needed help they would go out of their way to assist you.

A couple of anecdotes, once my wallet fell from my pocket as I was getting out of my car at night and I didn't even realize, the next morning the street cleaners gave it to me, money and all.
On another occasion my mother forgot her bicycle in front of a grocery shop and after work the shop keeper came to our house to bring it to her.
Every aspect of life is more personal, and if it wasn't for gypsies it'd be almost entirely crime free, I just wish it wasn't the case that most of my childhood and high-school friends scattered to the big cities or emigrated to other countries altogether.

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ive lived in amsterdam and that was still a liveable city back then (2008-2015)

it's becoming worse by the week

it's also not really a big city, but it's the biggest we have in swampjew land