Brazilian Elections

Boys i know the influence this board had in the american elections and i wanna ask for your help in electing Jair Bolsonaro. He is the only right wing candidate Brazil has had since the Military government in the last century he almost won it in the first round but he still needed 4 points. The plan is simple: Centrist candidate Geraldo Alckmin had 4.8 points we need him to endorse Bolsonaro, he is an idiot that can feel public pressure so we need to go to his Twitter account and post the hashtag #AlckminÉ17 in every tweet so he thinks his supporters want him to support Bolsonaro for the second round.

we need to do this before tuesday when he will decide who to support in the second round

this plan might be shit but i will try everything to not let Brazil the biggest country in south america fall in globalist hands

praise kek

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Other urls found in this thread:

I thought he was almost guaranteed to win anyway.

The problem is almost everyone will team up against him apart from Amoedo and Cabo Daciolo but these 2 will not support anyone

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if you can help or have a better idea please share

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you just need to praise kek
im sure he will help

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northeast fucked with everything, I bet that the most of the of fraudulent urns are in there.

With English subs. This is the most based president alive.

idk i'm nervous there's also election fraud going on, a lot of voting machines are rigged

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exacly the whole fucking country want these communist scum outta here but the fuckin northeasters ruined everything, look at this shit

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Israel #1

War with Venezuela if he wins.

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That's for sure Brazil will probably invade venezuela to kill Maduro with the help of Colombia who wants to end the Communist guerrilla. Ivan Duque from colombia is also anti-communist

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The FARC Guerilla already endorsed brazilian communists and they know if Bolsonaro wins they will get eradicated: Colombia can attack them from southwest pushing the FARCs to venezuela and Brazil can create a killzone in the amazon forest border marked in green that's the brazilian army specialty : jungle warfare, and even if the cubans decide to play hero and help venezuela the geographical conditions will not help them because they will be pushed towards the caribbean and will get trapped it would be an easy win

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Except that the whole north voted for Haddad to

Didn't Pará voted for Haddad?

Yeah he did sorry, that map is not 100% precise but still is northeast messing up the whole show

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I mean, it was close but not quite

No demons pls.

It's over


i'm not watchig that shit, why is over?

tell that to trump and salvini

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How cucked to Brazillians have to be to vote for a guy who openly shills for military dictatorship? Has the bootlicker problem gotten that bad? How can they possibly rationalize such a position without basically admitting that they are spineless little worms who lack the brains and balls to govern themselves?

becuse SJW faggots feminists are worse

Wish I could help. But can't into Portuguese buddy. Even after being in Brazil for 18 months. You guys have way too many idioms and some pretty off the wall slang.

Thats it! Praise kek

Oliver called Brazilian Drumpft scary and told people to vote PT. He can't get over 50% now.

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dude who the fuck cares about John Oliver he is a leftiest faggot 90% of the shit he says in the video about Bolsonaro are lies

I want so much invade Venezuela

The people at my school think that guy is bad what a bunch of cunts
I don't have a Twitter account so I can't help sorry

get a load of this faggot
we're talking about hues here retard, mildic is just what they need
kys /leftypol/

yeah their dictatorship way worse than military. pund metoo is the worst dictatorship in history of dictatorships and it want down when the senate reject ford bs.

i thought we could just use the hashtag #AlckminÈ17 but nevermind we don't have enough people


Military Dictatorship is the best goverment we ever had after the Empire.
Dont let left media shills thinking we had a dictatorship. We have indirect election for presidents only.

Only communist with guns are arrested

>i wanna ask for your help in electing Jair Bolsonaro
>praise kek

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Will Brazil then invade Guyana and incorporate it as a new province?

john oliver didn't even make funny jokes
>how about we make funny anti-john oliver memes IN THE NAME OF MITOOOOO

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Why does that image exist?

we are only invading venezuela if maduro went full retard, or doing peaceful mission with ONU army in venezuela. Our people are pacific, dont like wars like burgers in general

dude so what if he is ok with juden, communism is much worse

yes brazil is pacific but communism is evil you have to stand up against them. ''verás que um filho teu não foge a luta''

>so what if he is ok with juden

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I honestly believe that he'll side with Bolso or remain neutral. Siding with PT would be literal suicide for a party that already lost a lot of power.

What's wrong with dictatorship?

Would Brazil provide support to the Burgers if they decide to invade Venezuela?

>so what if he is ok with juden

remove your nazi flag you filthy retard

>wants to give free money to everyone
>not communist

It will either give him more support, or energize the left more. Nonetheless if we play this smart, we can use this to deliver the finishing blow

Is he actually the "Tropical Trump" or is it just a meme?

Dude, he wants to reduce the state, he is basically a lolbertarian. He just wants military discipline and toughness

Was just looking at #PrayForBrazil on Twitter. WTF is wrong with them, they act like Bolsonaro is gonna start killing all women or some shit.
I also keep seeing,
wtf does that even mean?
People seem more hysterical about this guy than even Trump.

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Also a reminder that back in the military he planned to plant bombs to destroy military instalations to get a raise. Literally pseudo-union leftist terrorism.

Yes he is. He may actually be even more based.

Well they have more similiarities then differences. One thing is for certain, the media hates him just as much as they hated Trump

It's a meme, Trump is nowhere near as right-wing as Bolsonaro is, and I mean that in a positive way.

he has allied with mossad because ISIS supposedly wanted him dead because of his anti-immigrant speech that goes against an possible ISIS plan of getting financial resources from the drug business in latin america through left wing drug traffickers like FARC, Comando Vermelho and PCC

Won't happen, filthy liars. They did the same with Trump and said that gays would die one Trump would come into power. If you're smart you'll laugh it of

Your candidate already lost, Cirofag. You can stop already.

>alpha male
>dogwhistling the whole time
>drives the left crazy
>law & order guy
>neutral on Russia
>appears to be relatively uncorrupt

Yes he is the Brazilian Trump

>People seem more hysterical about this guy than even Trump.
He is more extreme than Trump in every way. After the results yesterday he said when elected he will end all forms of activism. And there is a real possibility that he will try a military coup, which his supporters actually want.

This is our future Minister of Culture. Say something nice about him

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>he has allied with mossad

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dude thats bullshit you gonna believe a wikipedia page or a mainstream news outlet?

>Jair Bolsonaro was born on 21 March 1955 in the town of Glicério, São Paulo,[15] in the southeast region of Brazil, to Perci Geraldo Bolsonaro and Olinda Bonturi. Jair Bolsonaro is of Italian and German descent. According to Bolsonaro himself, his great-grandfather was German and was a soldier of Adolf Hitler: "He had no choice: either he was a soldier, or he would be killed", he said.[16][17]

Trips of truth. I wanna see him remove all forms of race-based gibs. The assblasting that would cause would ripple through the entire world.

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well he has never been charged with corruption, get the fuck outta here you left leaning faggot ur in the wrong place

>Go work
>Go to working


Thats bullshit he has italian decent

>left wing drug traffickers like FARC, Comando Vermelho and PCC
PCC and CV are a left wing. Top Kek

>Thats bullshit he has italian decent
>Jair Bolsonaro is of Italian and German descent.

Yes, Bolsonaro VP is a general from army who endosses brazil army do something about maduro. Also, bolsonaro is totally pro USA.

Yes, media and estableshmint is against him too. He is against globalism.

Communist are doing guerrila in brazil since 1930 to took the power. In 1964 your president give the maximal medal of honor to che guevara, right wing sectors of society make him abandon the chair, he has a VP who is full commie that started to go to communist china and doing speeches with marxist bullshit and TANKS, WAR TANKS in the street.
The population goes insane and feel for their lives, that commies are going back. Everyone goes to the street asking please save us ARMY. Army talk with lower chamber and use institucional methods to take VP out of the chair too.
Now 1964 army took the executive power of country. The president are elect by congress, not by the people direct.
Commies go full ape shit and start putting bombs and killing civils, Army start arrest them, politicians take side to the commies, Army exile those fucking commie lovers.
Brazil is save, brazil is growing 12% a year. Best years of brazil ever.
Commies start making subliminar propaganda for communism in midia, army start regulating the press.
This is the periodo from 1964 to 1988
In 1988 army organize a election and gave the power to people again without fight or blood, pass a law forgiven all commies crimes.
Now, the commies back and create partys and took the power with a more moderate socialism. Fucked brazil.
TheY rewrite the story (in educational books, collage, media) sayin army is evil.
NOW BOLSONARO ENTER. he was the only congressman for 20 years who call commie bullshit and tell the truth about that period.
For that they call him dictator, nazi, fascist, media supports that too. He is running against the party created by commies who come back in 1988 and is the most corrupt party in country, almos every leader of that party is in jail

sorry nigger i read it wrong i haven't slept in 2 days

Recover well, Bolsonaro. Nighty night

How is this thread not full of kiddo memes?
It’s a missed opportunity desu

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>inflation greatest enemy of the poors
>we'll cut public expenditure
>20fucking% of the public assets privatized
>independence of the central bank
>primary surplus by 2020
>reduce tariffs on imports to increase productivity
on top of that,
>an unprecedented support to the state of Israel

This gonna be good, they're about to get jewed so bad it'll result in an all out civil war.

PT (the current party in power, left wing) can do what they did last elections and just do a secret counting and then say Haddad won and the dumb sheep here will buy it

winning by a bit is not enough, Bolsonaro needs to win by a lot to make a voting fraud not possible for PT

good, fuck state leeches and the state which wastes your money.

He wants to reduce the government too

Bolsonaro is kinda gay

Actually, only Pará

He didn't say vote PT per say, he just implied, because he fucking knows that voting for haddad is a bad, bad idea, but he also can't say vote Bolsonaro, because the dude goes against everything John Oliver stands for

based and redpilled!

r we realy gonna go on twitter and post that shit

John Oliver is a paid left wing hollywood cocksucking faggot why did u even posted a link to that video on this thread? this is /pol not tumblr u faggot

Could someone guarantee me that Bolsonaro is the second coming of Pinochet?


no he's not, he will be just a president that won't do anything, good or bad

Thank you, I’m off to translate memes into Portuguese

At least he praises him

idk there's not enough ppl we needed a larger number like from the Trump Vs CNN meme war from back in the day

Yes, he is the savior of brazil

yeah he praised him on TV he said ''he did what had to be done''

not gonna happen this niggers r not that smart

Did bolsonaro make a mistake?

I cant see his 4D chess

yes they are CV was founded by left wing prisioners during the military dictatorship and PCC was the response to the carandiru massacre

Why does John Oliver move his hands like a rheumatic sperg?