Country HDI - Human Development Index 2018 Update

Sweden has moved to 7th place from the earlier 14th place, say something nice about her.

Attached: HDI _human development index 2018.png (610x997, 64K)

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People here don't care about facts. They're going to keep posting that retarded "prediction" about HDI in Sweden that didn't even accurately predict the 2015 figure. It's like people here are fact resistant, no matter how much evidence they're shown they simply refuse to accept that they're wrong, and keep posting things that are demonstrably false as if they become more true if they keep posting them.

Attached: swede vs dane.png (600x315, 203K)

Have fun with your grenade attacks, Sven.

Attached: 1499666643205.jpgsa.jpg (800x694, 152K)

Get on my level.

How in the world is the US ranked top of UK? Their murder rate is like 10x higher

Sweden is nice. I've been there and think anyone who is raised there is extremely lucky. Like the UK it's moving massively in the wrong direction

The hdi is not very good though. You should be able to see that by the closeness of the top 20 and how easily they can change places. You can quickly find a many criticisms of the hdi if you like. You know why people here criticise Sweden. Those reasons will not massively effect Sweden's position on the hdi

>Scandinavia comes out on top according to the HDI because the HDI is basically a measure of how Scandinavian your country is.

the weighting scheme and the measurements they use. I don't think they even look at murder rates

>a country of immortals with infinite per-capita GDP would get a score of .666 (lower than South Africa and Tajikistan) if its population were illiterate and never went to school.

HDI is the cuck ranking table

It does look at life expectancy

>france less developed than south korea

>canada beats U.S

every, single, time

>British education

that ranking is bullshit.


I prefer inequality-adjusted human development index

Attached: IHDI.png (460x284, 9K)

Bullshit Japan is that high

Why is Ireland so high on the list? No offense.

Hasidic Devotion Index

Uhh, it's literally the same as the one you posted

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Eat shit Finnish nigger, Death to Mongolian subhumans. God I would stab you to death if I saw you

Top fucking percentage

It's the exact same numbers you fucking idiot.
Because Ireland is a tax-haven. They're going to drop a lot when the EU is through with them.

they look at life expectancy, but don't seem to look at murder rates.
They break it down in a number of ways which are perhaps less meaningful now when we all have high life expectancy and low child mortality.
This link shows what they look at regarding life expectancy

If that was the case the US should be number one

They speak English and have the Euro.

>Estonia is the lowest.
Wtf I wanna die now.

Come here little sw*Doid

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No one cares about your jewish rankings

wtf we're slipping lads, too many fucking pajeets and kiwis desu

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The top 2 countries are not in the (((EU))) hmmm

Based, the age of the Indo-European is over.

Too high, mate. Attracts undesirables.

Yes, and Mexico. So what? Time to aim higher and do better. The States is hamstrung with debt saturation. Empire is expensive. No way we should be that close, even if the index is slanted to lefty goals.

30th out of like 200 countries, given 70 years of communism, is really good, take a bow.

pretty sure Sweden is a fatherland, that's what our older kings referred it as

Pretty sure it's a Hen

Oh shit, nothing tastes better in the morning than watching two sheepfuckers argue.

>not UN globalist propaganda
fucking neck yourself ackmed

Attached: 1531003506953.jpg (970x1024, 99K)

Enjoy sandniggers tossing grenades around

Nordic countries > Everyone else

You are correct. That's what makes the whole immigration issue so much more terrible, it's only the nations I respect that will dissappear due to it.

>Svea Rike
Sverige is literally a motherland

false, most of scandinavia is a dreary hellhole for 7 months a year. Danmark sucks for its own reasons.

Denmark is much more pleasant in winter compared to more northern countries. Living inside arctic circle is truly depressing

The HDI is a very simplistic and confused measure. The knowledge pillar is literally derived simply from the time spent in educational institutions, regardless of their quality. It also completely ignores crime, health (except for life expectancy, which is heavily genetically determined), leisure time, social and institutional trust, suicide rates etc. Worse than worthless.