VOTE 2018 (its like having sex)

where have we seen this strategy before?

Attached: Vote2018-goy.webm (480x270, 2.84M)

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Everyone should register and vote regardless of their political views.
Where have we seen this strategy before?

I watched the whole thing and I didn't really see a problem with it. Why would you be against voting? Even if every potential winner is terrible, you vote for the least terrible candidate.

If you don't vote and everyone you hate votes, you won't be happy with the result.

>I didn't really see a problem with it
then it was targeted for idiots like you

Attached: 1530578161483.png (856x846, 85K)

>then it was targeted for idiots like you

So, you're saying people shouldn't vote? How would Trump have been elected if nobody voted for him? I like when people who are clearly stupid (the American flag is always a giveaway) try to insult my intelligence.

>I watched the whole thing

careful with how your invest time i see and not quick to make a hasty judgement.
I watched the whole webm and am slightly disappointed too that my investment of time did not return something more controversial than encouraging people to vote

>it's another multicultural promotional video
God I can't believe normies aren't fed up with this shit yet.

>everyone clapped afterwards
Fucking Americlap meme is back. Happy 2012!

Attached: LIL DONNIE.jpg (220x298, 22K)

>yeah guys just vote
>even though were all outspokenly on the same side
>just vote
>also ignore our blatant marchforourlives advertising
>just vote lol

>even though were all outspokenly on the same side
Are they? I didn't even know. I don't give a shit about the opinions of celebrities. Oh, so they played some capeshit character. Are they suddenly intellectuals now.

>ignore our blatant marchforourlives advertising
See, I don't even know what that is. By the way, where did you even see this ad?

If it was TV, stop watching TV. If it was the internet, download and turn on Adblock. There you have it. I have solved all your problems.

those QR/Bar code shirts they have on just....terrible.

I am a product, i've been programmed, I'm part of a cynical ploy. blurgh.

Non-burgers out. This is a mutt thread.

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>David Hogg

Not this faggot again.

Attached: David Hog Transgender.png (855x888, 604K)

>See, I don't even know what that is. By the way, where did you even see this ad?

So, you didn't watch OP's video.

I watched the whole thing, you retard. It was a bunch of Hollywood celebs talking about their first time voting but made it sound like they were talking about their first time having sex. What did I miss?

This is the most powerful statement I've ever seen. We've got the LITERAL AVENGERS (aka the greatest heroes of america) telling us to vote democrat.

Trump can't stand against this progressive onslaught. No one can.

is that real or an edit?

Let the bodies hit the floor

Hogette isn't even of age is he?

back in HS, usually a Monday after a crazy weekend, if you heard by lunch time about any new hookups, we'd all wait for that person to get up and empty their lunch tray, at that moment we would clap and holler as loud as we could for maximum cringe. Good times.

Obviously you didn't or you would have seen the march for our lives advertising.

Nothing will top this gem:

>you would have seen the march for our lives advertising.
>match for our lives

Once again, I don't know what that is. Feel free to explain it to me. Who thinks they're about to die?

Based Renner and Olsen not even showing up for this propaganda piece

Attached: WR.jpg (720x405, 94K)

The tride and true editing strategy we've all seen utilized before to manipulate us.

theres obviously partisan undertones associated with these "get out and vote" videos... are you fucking stupid or what bitch? it's propaganda masquerading as civic duty... aka wolf in sheep's clothing

>are you fucking stupid or what bitch?

Yes, that's what I am. You have me figured out. By the way, what your saying is probably true but aren't you telling the wrong people? What's the point of this thread?

>look at this brainwashing guys!
>how fucking stupid is it
>yeah fucking stupid lefties lol!

can't wait to vote for the next kosher approved candidate while the banks and corporations keep fucking everyone's ass with nothing ever changing buit lowering purchase power!
fuck yeah freedom!!

Attached: Ie2RLdn.png (500x510, 284K)

>I watched the whole thing and I didn't really see a problem with it
These get out the vote drives are targeted for low information voters. The voters who are easily swayed by sit-coms, starlettes, 'musicians', and liberal local news (if they are slightly inclined to watch the non-weather non-sports sections).
These types of voters are the Demonrats' base. They want them to go vote because it helps the uninformed vote for the uninformed. Whereas the hard-core voter--the ones who don't need actors telling them to vote--usually have a clue on the issues and candidates. These types of voters lean right.
>the student who studies for the test will usually take the test
>the student who doesn't study will find any excuse not to take the test.
The libs want/need the votes of voters who know very little. The ones who will believe an actor/singer/sit-com-character for their political accumen. They also believe in the façade the Demonrats perpetuate through the media.
This is why we hate these ads.

Attached: FarSide05.jpg (1036x630, 212K)

Can you elaborate, please?

You can vote for whoever you want to, as long as it's not Republican xD

>follow your base emotions so we can rule over you, goy.

>I don't know what march for our lives is
It's an American ad targeted at Americans, you emu-fucker. Most Americans know what MFOL is.

>the left still not knowing how populism works

They seriously believe all these millennials are going to vote blue just because childless boomer roasties tell them to.

well we just don't have proper anarchy model ... yet

> entertainment
good job faggot

It's like an Apple ad, or a typical activism ad. Recognizable faces behaving naturalistic behind a plain backdrop, starts with light talk, but a strong-minded editor and a room full of executives are behind shaping the narrative. It builds gradually cutting back and forth between faces giving a symbolic sense of unity between people, lots of smiles - these are good people, diversity quota met, it is shaped to appear normal and with minimum influence. Deliberate lingering cuts on the "natural" laughter that follows a statement that is perhaps a bit cheeky. All I see here are the intentions behind it. And this format has been refined due to recycled use over the years.

t. 12 years of extreme media attention + college degree in film+tv production

I hate celebrities they had to ruin everything and start being partisan.

Look everyone Hogg is a celebrity! I a police officer dressed in SWAT gear and shot a bunch of kids in a building near me!

>Are they?
They're all out and proud democrats that are big with democrat target voters advertised in a style that connects with democrat voters and it was more than likely shown on TV and shared on social media among democrat target voters.
There's nothing really wrong with it, it's just that it's dishonest.

Thanks, friend.