Gulags were 'compassionate', 'educational' institutions, say trans rights campaigners


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Only way to find out is by setting them back up.

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I volunteer to be Stalin

I mean, are they retarded? They would be first on their way to gulag for "rehabilitation".


Just like the concentration camps. Minus the movie nights and the yearly circus trips

2 can play that game

"concentration camps were compassionate educational institutions"

and Nazis were only socialist in name because of what Hitler did before he got into power not the actual socialist policies that were enacted when he got into power :DD

Leftys are true fascists.

I wish we could resurrect Stalin and let him purge these freaks like he would've purged them back then

What the fuck is that.
Is it some stupid joke?

>2 can play that game
what kind of stupid are you to want to do "tit-for-tat"?

Guys... Is the world too far gone to save? I'm starting to lose hope.

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>jewish education
bolshevism, lads.

You are confusing USSR with USA

Mr Goldsmith needs to get sent to Gulag.

Lads. May be it is time to send every LGBT fags to some type of Gulag?

If they so love it.

holocaust camps were too

you're confusing the fact that you owe us money.

The best part of this is that they were arguing against some feminists

Not even close, if you didn't notice people are already taking steps towards unfucking the shit. No point being demoralized over some mentally ill retard making retarded posts online

Stop emarassing your country, you have it hard enough already.

Goldsmith the queer is a fucking Jew. They all need to be compassionately gassed.

It isn't just this one post obviously, it's all the bullshit going on in general. Some good things have been happening but I just cant see it lasting very long.

The absolute state of western universities

Its 50/50. These are just online posts, but my city has gone, islam is dominant. Stay positive user, your alive, thats always a good start.

The UK as a whole has gone, some anons will larp about living in a 100% white area, unless its the shetland islands thats bollocks. The country has gone, live for yourself. Right now im on the sofa, surrounded by my doggos, warm and fed.

Be grateful for small mercys

you have been accepted, Mr Stalin

These people are retarded. The czar abolished the death penalty; the Bolsheviks brought it back.

My village just got our first import of enrichment three months ago.
There's 6 Muslims and 4 blacks.

There was 0 crimes in my area last year now there 3. It really makes me think. Honestly looking into buying a property in a gated community.

>see, the Soviets made death illegal, so no one died in the Soviet Union!

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Lbgtbbq gulags when?

"highest sentence was 10 years" yeah and then they would sentence you to 10 years again and again and you'd die.

Hasn't anybody who contends they're worth their salt read Solzhenitsyn?

what "tit-for-tat? its the true. "work will make you free" they didn't put the effort in making the sign just for nothing or just to be ironic.

>okay? Good
This snarky attitude is always so grating to read.

>read first time as 'trans right campaigners'
>briefly thought the 'trans-right' was a new movement

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reee fucking stalinist apologisers, the world lost so much potential because of this bullshit, yet they still champion a system that would execute them on the spot

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It's just satanists back satanism.

you should see through all sorts of degeneracy for what it really is - simple evil.

If your redpill is yet small, simply find what jews generally support, what lgbt, abortion ctivists or feminism supports, what western social engineering supports - understand this is all pure evil and learn to rid yourself from it.

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so youre saying you DON'T want traps marching around in nazi uniforms?

Good news! This means once guns are outlawed no one can ever get shot again! If we outlaw theft and murder the possibilities are endless!

>Says transrights activists
Oh lord imagine these people being sent back in time to USSR and they shilling in USSR for "trans rights" That would be pure comedy.

YES i would sign such a petition instantly!
Deport the fags and degenerates to gulags now!

No we want to see traps march into a meatgrinder.

are you implying they don't do that anyway?

When are the LGB gonna distance themselves from the TQ mentally ill?

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Most likely they will go full steam ahead and add a LBGTQP cuz what they really are is subhuman pedophiles and i believe all gays should be tortured in the most gruesome way possible to death.

A swede has no right to judge anyone

wow im sure you’re not hiding or repressing anything

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Nigger iam Finnish/Russian who grew up in Sweden you mong.

Maybe they're right and we should try gulags... Just think how many homos and trannies the USSR managed to compassionately educate away!

>HihiHi he does not like fags so he must be a repressed fag hihihihi

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even less of a right to judge
if the boot fits...

Like origin matters at all when it comes to judging, We will all be judged by god one day anyway.
Now back to R*ddit or /b/ with you faggot.

Yes, and I try to live the best life I can. Do you?

Yes i do that iam expected to have my second child in march with my wife, Life can't be better.
Well honestly everyone can do whatever they want just don't project shit onto others and its fine, its up to god to judge anyways.

congratulations! I hope things stay good for you!

Thanks, well i hope you do good aswell sir.

And you owe to mister shekelstein.

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Yes, they are.

No showers

It's out of our hands. Governments are pushing through with this agenda and rarely offering a vote. We'll pay for childrens' chemical castration whether we want to or not.

>implying people didn't get an additional tenner for stealing bread to stave off starvation in gulags

Wow, it's like the SJW were cultural marxists trying to destroy the culture and wealth of the west in the hope people will tolerate the rise of communism since there would be no more options