So what do you fags make of this

So what do you fags make of this

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Twitter bubble. They think that shit is real.

>speak only with fellow millionaire leftists
>all agree on everything
>think this is the norm

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some of us have real jobs

>culture is downstream from politics
Typical slave mentality.

Licking their wounds and grasping at straws inside their fantasy world.

Anyone that plays video games,black,white,asian,mexican,dirty slavs, they all visit here. They're not winning.


I'd say they were winning up till 2008 now they have only demographic advantage.

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56% that's more like 40% and dropping like a brick

There's a feedback loop where they've banned and isolated all dissenting opinion in their spaces, leading them hear only people who agree with them, which then leads them to believe that most people agree with them. Then you have polls and newspapers lying to them and going "yeah, everyone hates Trump." Then a reality check hits them, but instead of waking up and listening to it, they slam the snooze button and make up lies to cover up the fact they're losing: "oh, Trump only won because RUSSIA" or "oh Kavanaugh being confirmed isn't a big deal we just lost a minor battle but we are actually winning the war everyone agrees with me see look at my Twitter." Keep in mind, I'm not saying everyone disagrees with them and their party is dead or anything, if you think that, you're just as lost as they are, but more that the majority of Americans really aren't decided either way, and that making really weak false rape accusations in an attempt to morally grandstand and hinder the government from doing their job doesn't impress the undecided, it really only plays to people who were going to vote for you anyways since they're the only ones buying into it. If anything, it pushes away the moderate majority and even pushes away some Democrats who don't blindly accept every lie told to them.

>winning the cultural battle
Only through demographics, white americans are more polarized than ever with most moving towards the right.

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whats cultural battle?
i thought american doesnt have culture

Echo chambers create false impressions of reality.

Banning different opinions and hunting down dissidents because they offend you isn't winning a cultural war lmao

chuck todd ruling in hell rather than serving in heaven

wtf utah explain this shit

fake news

basically, yeah

>"I know we're winning the cultural battle because everyone at the San Franciscan vegan gastropub I frequent at said so!"

I dunno but it's been boring around here we need to b8 /b/ into some new operation.

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Best post, Californians on suicide watch.

Can't you say the same about this place? I guess here the narrative isn't skewed by likes and upvotes but still.

So tolerant of them to get the opinion of a literal gorilla on the right. Seriously what the Fuck is that thing

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Top Cope.

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McDonalds vs Taco Bell

Um no sweaty
Jow Forums is officially fucking mainstream.
My girlfriend and her faggy friends all watch right wing media more than I do. I don't really need that information filter, because I've always been right here, helping build the zeitgeist.


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What happened in Utah?

She means white genocide

actress that hasn't had any roles tries to help her purse with being political, but it doesn't work, so she is full politics now, without knowing how it works.

feelings =/= facts

She looks less developed than homo erectus

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No. You don't get banned for wrong think here. Pol is no an echo chamber, no matter often fags repeat that meme

The culture was was already "won" by the left. Then people realized a lot of it was bullshit and has been correcting slightly.

When did Iron Mike Tyson have his gender reassigned?

>Republicans that didnt care enough to vote suddenly fired up
>Republican senators breaking decades long traditions of not campaigning against colleagues to stick it to the dems in return for the Kav circus
>moderates saying they'll never consider voting Democrat again after this


#MeToo abused the shit out of its power and status and they payed the price

But lets wait till midterms

This could be a turning point for any side

The LDS Church ran an anti-Trump Op-Ed in their paper, and McMullen used a bunch of subliminal messaging towards Mormons in his campaign (which, honestly, probably existed in the first place solely to de-stabilize Utah votes). A lot of Mormons also viewed Trump as overly immoral and worldly, Cruz also ran that campaign with Melania’s nudes. The LDS church is neocon incarnate and thoroughly kiked.

obama moved blacks from chicago there

Considering what's happping on SNL and UFC I'd say the left is really winning.

That said remember for libtards when you lose you win. Only winning is a true loss.

Fuck. That thing nose is as wide as it's lips.

They're also great salt mines. When these people inevitably get mugged by reality, the surprised butthurt is something to behold.

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Guess they haven't seen all the #WalkAway videos.

I guess 2 years ago I could have made an argument but now that they've banned Alex Jones literally for disagreeing, you're right. This IS one of the few places of discussion on the internet that's not an echo chamber.

>So what do you fags make of this
lampshades and soap

It means “(((We))) have a stranglehold on the attention spans and opinions of young people. (((We))) create their culture and shape their world views”


We've come so far. A herd of attention brings a lot of shit but the momentum has grown.

You can't actually win a culture war which requires men to submit to reverse-sharia, it will just spark violence because the only reason betas pretend to be feminists is in hopes of getting pussy. Take that away and they have no reason to pretend.

They aren’t winning shit. They’ve just created this culture of fear and intimidation, especially on social media. People hate this bullshit but they’re afraid of getting called out by feminist twitter mobs and their army of predatory male feminists looking to get some. In private, people are awake. The more conservatives grow a sack and get vocal about this shit the more people are going to agree. It’s like cracks in a dam

have a go at the fucking snorkel on that bitch, she already picking up 6G

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They call that winning?

No, we got facts, while they only got their tweets.

Fuck is that metoo woman ugly, we're to believe she's a victim of rape?
By what a crystal meth fueled blind retard?
Honestly there is a good chance she doing the metoo bullshit because no man has ever given her the time of day sober. I fucking puke in the bed if I woke up with her after being black out drunk (I don't think even being blackout drunk would get me there). She probably pulls a bill Cosby on men to get dick.

Except even the culture war Trump is winning, look at the NFL banning kneeling & look at how popular Trump is in the UFC, even Brett Kavanaugh got a shout out at the UFC.

The only "culture war" leftists are winning is their echo chamber on social media, which as Bernie Sanders showed us, doesn't equal to votes.

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Zoomer here
Its about half and half in my generation. Naturally, the NPCs and the Fortnite-players are inclined to believe whatever is popular but the 'higher common denominator' leans towards the right and are open to Being redpilled further.

Texas is because of butthurt Cruz voters, Trump will do much better in 2020, though the demographics in Texas are a bit of a worry in the future, we need immigration reform sooner than later

Mormon ran as third party and had a substantial turnout
This is saying they voted Hillary, even though they didn't

Anonymous voting is the weapon they fear most.

>muh culture war

If this is true, then why for the past 5 years or so has the right wing in America been ecstatic and happy and the left crying and literally threatening to kill themselves and leave the country?

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they've been saying the same shit for 50 years

what others said, but also remember Romney was the opposing candidate in 2012

The pleading of a dying animal; one that we must put out of its misery in midterms and continue to smother throughout the next decade or more at any cost..

Lol every battle they won in the culture war was mandated by SCOTUS. When Ginsburg is dead watch it all be rolled back.

Jow Forums would know.


A board which has endlessly been raided by reddit and leftypol and itself cannot qualify as an echo chamber. We quite literally espouse contradicting opinions just to other Jow Forumslacks just for (You)s.

Didnt Alyssa Milano lose her shit and shave her head?

Like im fairly certain she went full crazy and made like videos called people demons and monsters.

Why do the left keep bringing in the crazies.

that was Rose McGowan

You're free to disagree here. Nobody will ban you.
You running away crying because of opposition you can't fend off yourself isn't the same thing as being banned.

6/10 definitely rapable

That's where all the retarded mormons live. Even other mormons think they are up their own asses.

"Grab em by the pussy" they arent really that left. A lot found that statement to be offensive, etc.

>So what do you fags make of this
Sounds like something richard spencer would say after speaking to an auditorium of 3 people

>old fag here

WTF? KRS changed gender??

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it's saying there's a shift in the margin between elections, McMuffin pulled conservatives away from Trump so the margin between R and D is way closer than it was in 2012 when there wasn't a spoiler candidate


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Agreed, they are inching closer to being an apocalyptic death cult.
t. Mormon

"the people don't support us, but the jews who own the media do"

She really is in her own little Soros controlled world.

>thinking having the zog media parrot approved opinions means they won over the hearts of the nation
The only people who are effected by the media are literal npcs that are useless to any movement. The last election really showed this.

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I reckon they really mean pop culture.....a contrived reality....

for ever liberal there are 3 conservatives......people don't understand when to stand down, make a new plan and push when conditions favor your position....liberals are bullies who have collectively mistaken kindness for weakness.....

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underrated post

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Neophyte idiot goes on MSNBC echo chamber and blindly stumbles around trying to make a point. I also disagree that the left is winning the culture war.

>dick head celebrities had zero influence in 2016 election
>late night komedy shows in ratings death spirals
>kike studio movie ticket sales in decrease year after year
>kike propaganda platform nfl ratings spiraling down the drain
>sjw video games like wolfenstein the new colossus bombing on release
>kike television shows in ratings death spiral
>cnn ratings lower than home and garden tv
>neocon fox news still number one in news across the board
>thousands of paid mob and useful idiots protesting trump inauguration, a scant few hundred paid mob and useful idiots protest kavanaugh
>rose mcgowan admits #metoo movement a monumental failure infiltrated by hypocrites and women who enable rape
>creepy porn lawyer is now toxic and democrats are telling him to fuck off
>#walkaway movement continues to gain momentum
>mueller investigation dead in the water, deep state agents about to be arrested
>americans increasingly disgusted by extremist left-wing groups like black lives matter and antifa
>americans increasingly alarmed by orwellian social media and censorship
>increasing calls to break up tech giants with anti-trust lawsuits
>people deleting kikebook and twatter accounts in droves
>abolish ice unpopular even among democrat hispanics
>record levels of black and hispanic support for president trump

And finally, pic related. Despite 24/7 hateful kike media coverage, president Trump's popularity continues to rise over his predecessor at this time in Obaboo's first term. Worse yet for democrats, these are images of president Trump's rallies for house and senate races. The left is on the run and we're breaking their backs, people are sick and tired of the commie fuckery funded by kikes in Europe.

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Niggers smell.





All nations and races are tired of the parasites


Long road ahead but

Fuck the blackpilled niggas

Everyone despises their ugly mob, people are now openly talking about civil war and mass repatriation, 90% of women reject feminism, all their careers are in the shitty end of the fame and money spectrum, "diversity" in film and tv is having a backlash against it, and nobody votes for them anymore. Yeah, winning.

Her head is the problem, she looks like a slightly retarded 40 year old.

For what it's worth, both senate and house have jumped towards republican since the kavanaugh debacle. House is still predicted to go Democrat but by a smaller margin, and Senate went from 60% to 78% chance of keeping republican control. This November is gonna be a saltmine

Sort of, but there is much more opposition and contrasting opinions here than on twitter, and very rarely systematic shutodowns
Twitter circlejerks the same crap in a dozen of different ways for months, here arguments travel and get rearranged and perfected faster