you know what to do for more salt

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There is no truth to the rumor that Will Wheaton raped and killed a girl in 1990 so if you have any proof that Will Wheaton RAPE AND KILLED A GIRL in 1990 call the police.

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accused alleged rapist will wheaton tells survivor to "go fuck himself". this is rape culture. this has to stop.

based toby desu

wesley crusher raped me 40 years ago


Wil Wheaton has a hairy nutsack and believes he is innocent of all crimes because of his small dick size. White male patriarchy must stop!

Does he have a job?
He needs to get fired!!

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I had one beer, but definitely remember Will Wheaton did rape and murder a girl in 1990 in front of both myself and my schoolmates who visited a state in America at the time.

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Wil Wheaton inserted his finger into my rectum during the filming of Stand By Me then he raped me for hours in the dressing room afterwards. It was terrible, no one believed me

Didn't alleged rapist Wil Wheaton say he was quiting twitter?

This was the phrase Will Wheaton and his (((friends))) used to use when a single mother would drop off her son at Wills house in exchange for two hours of peace and $100.

He also goes to Home Depot and hires the fattest Mexican he can find to choke him while he masturbates in the shower.

Fuck you. I'm having my morning coffee and now I feel like vomiting it out

ALLEGED! ALLEGED! He has been accused BELIEVE SURVIVORS. Wil Wheaton is a RAPIST.


we believe you Kiefer Sutherland. it's ok to seek justice for what this man did. You've held it in long enough.

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>Does he have a job?

I did witness that, after drinking a beer supplied by Will. I do not remember any other details, but it was definitely him. This was in a state of America in 1992.


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is she talking about what I think she's talking about?

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I believe you user, I believe survivors

Yes if you don't believe Will Wheaton RAPED AND KILLED A GIRL IN 1990 then you hate women.

I thought this faggot deleted all his social media after he spent all day and night alone in his room arguing with Twitter trannies who were mad at him for God knows what while his wife and children were at the beach on vacation?

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>He spells his name with one L

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Your tears say more then any evidence could Kiefer. Stay strong, but this rapist need to be brought to justice.

I believe you.

>knew it

This is what his wife was doing while he was cucking to a bunch of freaks. His life is sad. He needs to find God and hit the gym.

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>First laugh all day
the absolute state of women


>Meat flower

All feminists should unironically be sent to an isolated island to live out their ways in peace and seclusion.

In 1999 Wil Wheaton made sexually unwanted advances towards my cousin. She later disappeared that day and didn't turn up until two days later with ripped clothes and dried tears on her face.

Wil coerced her into getting into his car and going back to his hotel room where he proceeded to rape her. Going to the police didn't help because Wil was apart of Hollywood and dismissed any claims of rape happening. She killed herself 5 years later because she never got over the trauma and that her rapist will never go to jail.

It's really disgusting that these left-leaning predators never face justice for the crimes they do. They get off the hook because of their political views, and anyone who tries to come forward is labelled a nazi.

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We need to protect women, they have gone too far without a voice!!

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Hear I am enjoying fig Newtons

We believe you user.

Wil Wheaton is hiding weapons of mass destruction in Iran

I once got sucked off by Keanu Reeves in an alleyway in Sydney during the filming of The Matrix. I'm not a survivor, I just wanted to boast about that.

Don't worry Keify, we won't scatter your accusations to the heartless sea

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Yes, but not sure a 2 year expired beef sandwich would be a good idea

That's pretty fucking pathetic. His wife and kid were snorkeling with a shark and he was jerking off with his phone in one hand a plastic bag over his head.

Estrogenated cuck.

This summer, I went hiking with my daughter on a trail down the street from my house and we were followed for two kilometers by a black bear. Little faggot bear wasn't listening to my commands so I stayed calm and took out my knife... Bear aware the whole way through, but I like to think I set an example.

Stand up to your fear, keep your wits and be prepared to win a knife fight with dangerous wildlife.

This guy is a shitty example. A spineless, effeminate cuck. His wife has a bigger dick than him.

Imagine being this weak and submissive

So how do we make #WilWheatontherapist trend on twitter?

We on /pol have stood by long enough but we will no longer be silent, this rapist must be brought to justice.

The quickest way to get this mainstream is to start a trending hashtag #believewheaton

That was actually me user, she wouldn't give my soccer ball back after it landed in your backyard. So I raped her.

I don't know how she was remotely proud of her pictures.


Could always go with #ShutUpWesley

Will Wheaton molested me as a child. He did it to my butthole till my intestines were twisted and hurt. I am in permanent pain as of now. Emotionally and physically permanently scarred.
I’m today a lesbian, but will never forget what he did to me. Please bring me justice. Arrest Will Wheaton and I will come forward and act as a witness against my rapist, but for now I want to remain user due to all the shame I feel.

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So... Ya still have the body?


We know its you.

We need to destroy his career

OMG diid he really RAPE and KiiLL a GiiRL? Thats crazy!

Will Wheaton is a murdering rapist?

This made my happy place smile

Use the hastag #believeHer, and infect it with this shit.

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Wil Wheaton confirmed pedo-gay-necrophiliac

Why are you samefagging?

I can't believe there are people that would take the word of NOTED RAPIST Will Wheaton over that of someone brave enough to take a stand against him

yes. yes he is.

So he sucks babydicks?

Believe Tim!


Numerous credible anonymous shitposters have said he raped them.

Only women hating Drumpfers would even think we need to bother with a trial after that.

#Believeher #Believesurvivors

Guys Wil Wheaton just skullfucked a transvestite outside my window and left him bleeding out of the mouth. He seemed really angry, and I'm definitely sure it was him.

I agree. These are CREDIBLE allegations. Corraborated by multiple CREDIBLE anons. This clearly establishes a pattern of rape and abuse by Wil "wakey-wakey-eggs-and-rapey" Wheaton. #believesurvivors

fuck off man, i'm eating breakfast.

not just baby dick. Any dick will do when Wil 'I or won't I?' Wheaton is on the prowl.

Any pole is a goal

I believe you aussie bro..

Jim Acosta touched my weiner in high school.

Wil wheaten has a very distinct penis and he knows its unusual. Pic realated

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I heard that the murder victim is planning to go forward with her story in hopes of giving courage to his other victims that certainly might exist.

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Don’t forget that the blood of any future murder victims are also on your hands for DARING to revictimize the victim by asking for evidence.

One time, while watching an episode of TNG, Will Wheaton's performance as Wesley cause me to face palm so hard I became frightened he might actually suffocate me though my television.

Just realized that he is the glug glug glug guy. Hahahaha never put that together

Fucking YES

voat? is that you?

I can't believe that anyone actually likes this guy. There's just no way it's possible

You can't imagine how much I hate this faggot.

would you say his laughter was burned indelibly in your hipocampus?

>Peace and seclusion
>Feminist women

Yeah right, they'd collapse their shit and all die of starvation because they're all too fat to conserve food.

Can confirm I was a bystander

I want to punch in right in his stupid face.

Oh come now. Wesley saved Data that one time.

Sickening. His temperament is so violent you can see how guilty he is by his harsh words to his credible accuser.

We're going to need to polygraph you to make sure his laughter is inedible in your hippo campus. Then we'll know for sure.

user, when you use hashtags here, they can search it. lose the pound symbol next time.

Would hang out with the Lil guy, but what to talk about?

As my beach friends I shall always remember your words of pain and sorrow about Wil Wheatons rape. These strong words of you, the survivors of this gang rapist will always be locked into my hippocampus.

yes. yes I would. i remember the way his high pitched laugh echoed off the bathroom tiles between being chocked by a much larger mexican man. this is all bring up bad memories, but I'm stronger then that. I'm a survivor

God I wish that was me.

Listen user,

I was in the Ramada in the next room over..302 in 1999 and saw him going into the hotel room with his face scratched up.

He passed by me really fast but I heard him mutter something like "tell ME to shut up wesley AGAIN bitch" and disappeared into his room

This is hard for me, because I am afraid of computers and keyboards but I have found the strength to corroborate your accusation as evidence here and now.


where did you get this
i have read all the books that i know of that have been published on the jeffrey epstein case
his deformed penis is described by numerous witnesses and this is the visual i had from reading them

I seent it. I was there. #believeanons
