I’ll be calling tomorrow and I recommend you all do the same. This creature shouldn’t be teaching anything to our children.
Can we get her fired?
It’s clearly just some mild black humor. Let’s refrain from stooping to leftist levels of
k sweetie?
You can tell she’s a Marxist because of the Groucho eyebrows.
The soulless eyes are a dead giveaway too.
If the joke is killing someone because you’re butthurt over him winning, then this is just another example of how women aren’t funny.
Pink hair automatically is trashy liberal
Why call her school when you can call fbi
But getting her fired would be funny.
pink hair
problem glasses
marxist eyebrows
suspiciously high forehead
yep - mental illness and programming.
She hasn't done anything wrong legally
More realistically, anyone with eyebrows painted on their head should be gassed
>muh fair play
Get fucked faggot
Post it, everywhere!
Damn. This guy just fucking told you, and I think he agrees with you at the same time.
I dunno if I should laugh or laugh
I’m going to need a bit more info. I’ll definitely call the school, but I’ll need some proofs first.
Try again. By their logic, her h ad should be on a pike in Alyssa Milano's front yard.
Fuck her and her job. Fuck her and her family. She deserves neither. She deserves only to be ridiculed, and ostracized.
With any luck she will step into traffic.
Remember kids those of the left are not to be trusted. They are the enemy.
Calling on my google home now. (anonymous call)
Alinsky's Rules, faggot.
this post.
Why? Just use the same playlist as the left. Accuse and demand that she be fired and condemned to a life of harassment and ostracization.
God damnit. . . I need coffee I can't post for shit when I just wake up.
thats the plan stan
>problem glasses
>making fun of people because of their eye prescription
But it's funny
Rules for radicals.
The eyebrows, hair and glasses tell me everything I'll ever need to know about this person.
Women in general, are mentally ill.
Only mentally ill will say one thing and mean another.
Only mentally ill will say one thing and do another.
Only mentally ill can't understand their bad deeds nor explain them nor stop doing them, even if they're aware of them.
>making fun of people because of their eye prescription
t. Samantha Ness
She could have picked any other style of frame but like the rest went for the horn rimmed.
>school teacher
Geez, I wonder why boys do worse than girls at school
It would improve society, dont need an anti american harpy teaching kids
Op here. This news article was already posted to the thread but I’m reposting it again as it shows that this creature is a real pink haired radical feminist and really did tweet that. populist.media
The news will eventually pick up on this process and get her fired but calling her and notifying the school board + the fbi will help to expedite the process.
>Only mentally ill will say one thing and mean another.
>Only mentally ill will say one thing and do another.
>Only mentally ill can't understand their bad deeds nor explain them nor stop doing them, even if they're aware of them.
Seems like jews are mentally ill too.
The salt harvest is bountiful again this year my lord.
This sick and twisted mind is educating someone's kids. This is EXACTLY why my daughter goes to a Christian school.