Greek politics thread

Let's talk about Greek politics

Also who will you be voting in the upcoming elections?

Attached: elliniki_simaia.jpg (632x420, 35K)

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Have a bump


Sure. Speak.

still fucked how the EU and politicians are fucking your country.

pay debts!

No one. I vote for burning the 300 at the stake and throwing a 40 kiloton nuclear warhead over Athens, just in case they survived.

Then we all commit suicide by drinking ouzo with cyanide, we don't deserve our ancestors.

Greece hasn't been the same since Alexander The Great

>Greece hasn't been the same since Alexander The Great
Byzantium was 10x grater

Byzantium doomed us all

The next election is next year. Who're you gonna vote for? And what region you in?

>Byzantium was 10x grater
XD you mean 10 times smaller?
nothing was better than Alexander Empire, cuck go back to worshiping your True Faith

Attached: Byzantine-Polish alliance 2.jpg (1920x1080, 642K)

Greek Jow Forumsaks need to vote for Golden Dawn, it's the best option

Attached: greek.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

Probably Karatzaferis.

Golden Dawn are the niggers of all the nationalist parties of the world. Their economic policies are also the same as syriza's

New Democracy (Blue - 37%) - Centre-right, economic liberalism, social Christian conservatism, pro-EU, anti-refugees

Coalition of the Radical Left aka SYRIZA (Salmon - 25%) - Alter-globalist socialists, secular, soft Eurosceptics.

Movement for Change aka KINAL (Red - 8%) - Centre-left, welfare social democrats, formed in March this year as a merger of PASOK (the ones who got Greece into this mess), and a few other centre-left and centrist parties.

Golden Dawn (Black - 6%) - Far Right Metaxist, Neo-Nazi, Neo-Fascist, anti-globalist, anti-communist, ultranationalist

Communist Party of Greece (Dark Red - 6%) - Far Left Hardline Marxist-Leninist Communists, opposed to Eurocommunism (Progressivism), worker's rights

The rest are meme parties like the Union of Centrists (explanatory), Independent Greeks (ANEL, right wing nationalist coalition partners of SYRIZA but have lost their support) and other smaller ones.

Attached: 800px-OpinionPollingGreeceGeneralElectionNext.png (800x484, 158K)

playing games made for children bet you are a big boy

Attached: byzantine-empire-at-its-greatest-extent-565.jpg (1389x929, 447K)

Alexander spread Hellenic Civilization across the East, Inspired men like Caesar, Created Koine Greek, Managed to keep a United Greece with his regents and was one of the greatest militsty minds in history

How is National Unity doing?

>New Democracy
>economic liberalism
They want to cut taxes but they're very cagey about how they will cut public spending which means they don't want to reform the public sector to much
>Christian conservatism
Yeah that's why they want to build a mosque in Athens
They are anti-illegal migration

>Golden Dawn
Metaxas would be disgusted by them

>the rest are meme parties
There are some good ones like Recreate Greece (right wing libertarians) and LAOS (traditionalists)

so it seems like there's no one to vote for? redpill me on Golden Dawn I thought they were good guys. and what is their stance on taxes?
maybe they want to low

I'll be voting Thanos Tzimeros' party (DI.KSA / ΔΗ.ΞΑ).
If he still does not manage to get into the parliament, then in the future elections I'll probably be voting G.D; maybe N.D. if they have extraordinary performance in the coming 4 years that they'll be governing (highly doubt it)

>Speech of Thanos Tzimeros, Leader of Greek reformist party Dimiourgia Ksana, in the UK Parliament, about the causes of the Greek crisis

This is one of the reasons I won't be voting them.
G.D. will only take my vote if we enter Sweden/UK/Germany lvls of cucking.
Until then, I'll be voting more sensibly.

Absolute fucking retard

Fampai I'm just stating what they state. ND has that typical 'Christian morality' thing. They're not proper like LAOS.

>Metaxas would be disgusted by them
Truly. Those fuckwits had the chance to role properly with Metaxism, but no, they decide to openly glorify invaders. It'd be the same as a party advocating for Hellenoturkism after the revolution.

Byzantine Empire was epic fail, Christianity is not compatible with Europe I'm sorry. Hellenism on the other hand is awesome
I wish we could all go back to worshiping our old Gods (for me Slavic Native Faith)

Attached: Hellen_temple_in_Thessaloniki,_Greece.png (512x384, 312K)

>greek dawn
Literal niggers. The thing is we don't have a valid party as far as I'm concerned, Let this sink in, ~45% of people eligible to vote are absent in general elections, whilst we have almost no absence with the referendum about 2 years ago.

>Christianity is not compatible with Europe
if Christianity wasn't spread in Europe we would all be Muslims know


Kys mohamet

>There are some good ones
Yes true, I was being disrespectful due to their current size, but from acorns, oak trees grow.
Could you tell me more about Greek Solution?
Pic related is their official stance.

Attached: xa.png (917x490, 48K)

Vote Thanos Tzimeros. Help get him into the parliament.
Pretty much all Greek political parties hate/dislike him for speaking the truth and dropping red pills about economics & Islam / immigration all the time.

Will check him out. Truth been told I am not very well versed in greek politics, since I feel like it's kind of pointless as long as we remain in the EU. Our sovereignty is a joke.

I am so sorry.

>Social liberalism

>Provide tax relief for investors, buisnessmen
>free trade agreements
>Proclaim Greece's exclusive economic zone
>Their economic policies are also the same as syriza's
Hmm.. one of you is a liar

yeah, wtf. it's like saying warm cold

>Greek Solution
I don't know its leader that much.
The best we can hope for is for ND to win with a minority and Tzimeros and some other right wing parties like Karatzaferis to get in parliament. ND will have to form a coalition with them so there's pressure to liberalise the economy and also pressure to not vote progressive policies like gay marriage and so on.

>The best we can hope for is for ND to win with a minority and Tzimeros and some other right wing parties like Karatzaferis to get in parliament. ND will have to form a coalition with them so there's pressure to liberalise the economy and also pressure to not vote progressive policies like gay marriage and so on.
This is the best case scenario for Greece.
This is why I urge Greeks to vote Tzimeros.
N.D. will use him to pass unpopular votes that otherwise would not dare suggest.
>"Tzimeros forced me to do it! Not me! If not, he'll leave the government coalition!"

What is the most based region of Greece and what is the most cucked?

Also quick rundown on how the regions and their people are viewed would be greatly appreciated.

Attached: Greek Admin Regions.png (800x692, 158K)

>most based region
no10 it is almost like crisis never happened
>most cucked
no5 leftover roaches

Are there regional rivalries?

Not really. Every region has stereotypes about every other single region but it's mainly just banter.

There is no hope as long as ND is being dominated by Mitsotakis family

>Every region has stereotypes about every other single region
Got any examples? I've been over a couple of times and can hold my own conversation wise.
t.Epirote/Heptanesian diaspora

Always tell people from Thessaloniki that their village is cute.

There are myriads of them desu. Women from Patra are consider to be the biggest whores in the land, men from Pyrgos are all criminals,Cretans are proud but they live in the middle ages and the list goes on and on. As for your case ,depending on which Heptanisian island you are from, you could be anything from a loudmouth to a gay Italian lover.

>gay Italian lover
Kerkyra/Corfu surely
Also I'm from Ithaca.

Yeah you know your shit lol. Ithaca is gorgeous and i m not aware of any stereotypes for them. If there are any they are definitely not nation-wide used ones.

Any for people from Lesvos?

The only ones I can think of is everyone was really polite, relaxed, and would off hand quote any of the poetry about the place. They're actually getting their shit together technology wise, along with Kefalonia. Went on exchange to the Ionian this year so yeah. Zakynthos is/was fucking awful. It's like Bali for Euros.


Ματθαίος Σαλβινόπουλος

Just vote GD you fucking retards ND is gonna fuck us up and we won't have time to recover during the next economic crisis at least with GD we will be removed from the Euro and save our asses with Russia please don't be stupid and listen to msm about them maybe most of the larp but if they get serious when they get elected they will fucking fix this shit. Please be logical and stop voting from unknown people or people who will have no spotlight and no time to shine only 2-5 years left. THINK FAGGOTS

1) Why would anyone vote Syriza?
2) I hope you're Orthodox. Christos Anesti!

>he doesn't know

Zakynthos is too small of an island to have a place like Laganas.It automatically smears the image of the whole island. Laganas ( Zakynthos), Malia (Crete) and Faliraki (Rhodes) are all degeneracy infested shitholes catering to cheap British tourism

No.not really. Maybe something exists that is used locally ( between them and Samos or Lemnos) .


Alexander's empire was based also though