I literally don't care if people are part of LGBT but their business is constantly being shoved in people's faces. Like a new religion. I don't want gender fluid, non binary, batman symbol cabbage genders becoming a normal part of Society. If you literally want to try have an intelligent discussion around it you're instantly shutdown as homophobic and opinions are invalidated. I support biology and genetics. I just feel like this is a new ironically fascist cult designed to shutdown masculinity, and the opinions of the straight white male and its growing rapidly with recent support in academia.
Thoughts if your city started making LGBT crossings?
>get road cones
>block traffic
>get news there
>state that "the lines are dangerous to the colorblind"
I'm colourblind and the biggest problem I have is with people who don't bring their reading glasses to the supermarket. My entire family it seems like, they buy ROTTEN FOOD because they don't read the dates. Stores are still allowed to sell to garbage if a stupid enough idiot walks in.
"this bread looks so fresh!" yeah mum it was out of date when you fucking bought it
"these berries have mould!" I know dad you bought them like that.
being colourblind gives me the additional benefit of make-up looking slightly off-color to the face. I am totally flaccid for make up girls.
other than that, making a crossing whatever color is stupid I will always cross the road where it's convenient, not because an arrow tells me
bros here always deface them with paint or by drawing clouds on them
paint cloud. here's a template
>living in a city with more than 10,000 inhabitants
yeah, I don't mind gay people, but the shoving crap can be a bit annoying
These crosswalks are in my town as well. Any opposition to this shit is seen as worse than the devil himself. I like how back in the early 2000s they were like "We just want to do what we want, we don't want to hurt anyone." Now look. Give them an inch and they take the country.
I wouldn't be surprised if they already have a few.
The paint isn’t traffic paint and it’s slippery when stepped on in rain. Surprised no ones sued the city yet here.
some guy burnt fuckin rubber on one in my city a week after it got painted
god bless that man
So it's the rainbow. The rainbow is the symbol of the gay pride movement, they made it their flag... The symbolic representation of who they are and what they represent...
And we painted it on the road. It's a crosswalk.
We have taken their symbol and have intentionally made it so thousands of cars and pedestrians tread on it every single day.
In cities all over the world.
Every day.
Every single day, people are disrespecting the flag of pride by stepping on it... By driving their cars over it, leaving tread marks and gum stains.
Pretty fucking funny, if you ask me.
If you don’t have a homo crosswalk... you don’t live in a cool town.
Go to city hall and demand your homosexual crosswalk. You deserve one.
Yeah they spent $10million on it wtf
The yellow cuck road leads directly to Coquitlam city hall. I think municipalities got a bunch of money on the condition that defaced public property.
I keep an Israeli flag next to my bed so I step out of it every time I get out of bed
Prince George?
Do a diarrhea on it
I think it was Vernon.
this is part of a set up to make gays continously more degenerate by shutting them out of Conservative straight society.
The rainbow is a symbol of God's Covenant with Noah to never again destroy the world by water for mankind's sins. By doing this they're mocking God.
Red Deer brother, based meth capital of the north north north west
Either way, God bless BC rednecks.
Pretty common themed response to any fair opinion of a white male.
>$2,000 on paint and labor
>9.999Million into the pocket of some kike
>If you literally want to try have an intelligent discussion around it you're instantly shutdown as homophobic and opinions are invalidated.
It's the reason why I moved to Jow Forums after constant bans in The Guardian comments on Fagbook.
>tfw jealous goyim can't into finance because they were to lazy for maths in a university
Never seen this before. What does it mean? Sauce?
>drive somebody over
>I blame the city for it. The diverse colors made it impossible to distinguish the road from a person in the heat of the moment.
it's a stencil of a (((merchant))) with a question mark punctuated by a star of david.
i think itd be nice id feel safter i guess
designate it a place to shit
not that it would make a difference
what about a tacky crosswalk makes you feel safe exactly?
idk i just feel like people wouldnt be supee judgmental/hateful if a place had enough gay right support to put that up.
I'll make a note to refer to anyone on or near any such crosswalk as a raging faggot from now on. Just to clear up any delusions as to safety provided by graffiti on crosswalks. Grow a pair, be a fag if you want to, keep it to yourself and your gay friends.
This happens every time they iintroduce these crosswalks in any city
It would not. Gay propaganda is banned.
as it should be.
propaganda is to be met with avid hostility in all it's forms.
We need to bring back gay neighborhoods. When I see something like this I expect a bathhouse will be close by.
ps: gays have equal rights, and therefore nothing to complain about besides their own shit attitudes and liberal tendencies to ask for more and more gibs, contributing further and further yet to the debt-based enslavement of future generations. Being gay doesn't get you extra fuckin rights. ESPECIALLY when they're pleading to have free speech destroyed and the welfare state expanded.
i do keep it to myself but im trans its not so easy to hide. Its just scary a lot of the time when you know a lot of people are gonna hate you just for who you are. Theres nothing you can do about it really but thats why its nice when a place shows its support it feels like its better for lgbt stuff than other places.
What's the chance I'd get caught if I did a burnout on one of these?
import indians to shit on it
You even type like a faggot.
actually asking. Do you legitimately believe you are different gender or are you just chasing the meme to feel different.
just buy super cheap paint, put them in little containers and paint bomb the fag flag every time they repair it. Get friends to do the same. Be known as literally Hitler of your town.
i can member a time when gays didn't own the rainbow
Go paint a big swastika on it, or just dump paint on it.
Some faggot in a nigger’s Uber in NY was saying that mister nog was racist against gay people. Pls tell me when gay was a race
I didnt ask for this but I know asking normal people to try to understand is simply asking too much. I just avoid them when I can.
It worked better in the past when we would just beat up fags. They knew their place.
i only stop for zebra stripes and red lights
lol captcha was red lights
>make-up looking slightly off-color to the face
hmmm i never thought of that lol
im a girl now i would have died before staying as a man. thats just how the disease works.
I hate you because you are pathetic. It just so happens that dressing like a girl and letting men drill you up the ass is about 80% of that.
My advice to you is to seek adequate mental health counseling, stop dressing like a woman and consider ceasing your faggotry.
The odds are you're only acting out like this because being a faggot is trendy right now and you have zero willpower and no appreciable sense of self. The last bit is obvious... Because you dress like a woman and fuck men, which is pathetic I should remind you.
Also, from my experience with cities, they probably paid the mayor's nephew a million dollars to paint these crossings and he used the cheapest fucking paint possible so it'll be gone in 3-4 months anyway.
they have very low visibility, will probably end up costing a few lives at night
It doesn't go down with hormones or surgery, either. Good luck user.
Sorry but you're not a girl bruv.
Better get ol mr bleachy out because your cells say you're a man.
Of course he is just following a trend. It's fashionable to cut off your dick now... Like bellbottoms or bucket hats.
bazza cunt
there's a reason someone outwardly rejecting so fundamental as the male/female dichotomy sparks worry in the minds of passers by. I suppose one of the challenges of your position is or would be to prove yourself to be an upstanding person/citizen and not some batty leftist mongoloid 2 missed medications away from the noose. I don't envy you, but most in your position are short a few screws and deserving of scrutiny, driven mad either by brainwashing or breaking under ostracization by their brothers and sisters.
Your struggle will be much. Be strong enough to do what is just regardless. (that means preserving your soul in spite of the hatred that you face, educating yourself on the current derangement possessing others in your situation, and becoming admirable in the face of that.)
I went through counseling a while ago ive been on hrt for a few years. you dont know anything about me bur are arguing against some straw man you built up in your head over time.
Niggers fail because they reject assimilation to the dominant culture.
Gays would be well served to keep that in mind.
Stay gay, act straight.
il already a part of that statistic so...
You are mentally Ill.
Sadly, society won't help you, only encourage your delusions.
Godspeed dysanon.
Isn't the 41% statistic the ones that actually finish the job?
nope, its the % of trans people who tried once in their lives. For seeing the effects of transition its literally meaningless and idiots here spam that around because its a meme
The other 59% are killed by straight men who the tranny tried to deceive.
Stop telling bad things to emotionally unstable people on the internet.
well the "red detector" still works, just at a slightly different wavelength. so things with different composition but the same color will not look the same color to a colorblind person. it's like living in a world of orange and green people and wishing every day to see a human female.
Nah, I know plenty about you. You're on the autistic spectrum. You are either dyslexic or plainly unintelligent due to your spelling and grammar. You are a weak willed little bitch because you have decided to transition into a make-believe existence where you are the little girl.
Your entire existence revolves around your dick and balls because you hold an unhealthy obsession towards sex and sexuality... I mean, you are literally destroying your body with unnatural hormone production because some flash in the pan counsellor decided to hook you up with some dank shot instead of challenging you to accept who you really are and come to grips with your mental illness in a productive way.
Chances are you don't hold a job and never have because your intense social anxiety, which you blame on the outside worlds intolerance towards your bizarre sexual fetish, is too much to handle!
So you scream at your single mother to cook up your chicken tendies while you post about yourself in Nationstates General because you seek attention by any means necessary.
I can go on forever, my dude.
>Stop speaking the truth
Fuck off kike
lmao I bet you are the one with mutilated dick
I don't know who's Jewing who here!
Holy shit, can you do me?
I just wanna kill Jews, pedos and tyrants. Let me know if you need more to go on.
My dick is perfect in every way.
No worries user, they will pay with their lives.
At some point violence against an evil government is completely justifiable. You conervatives talk big but you don't have any balls to actually do anything about. If you made a lynch mob and started lyching gays and the politicians who protect them, how long until there would be no more (openly) gay men?
Nigger, you do realize were already engaged in civil war?
There are two types of trannies:
>Can't get a girlfriend, so tries to become the girlfriend
>Faggot who fantasises about having sex with straight men
You can tell by whether or not they call themselves a "lesbian".
Like I said, you don’t know anything about me. You obviously have some major problems of your own if you think you can assume all that stuff about someone just because theyre trans. I’m sorry and I hope things get better for you.
Jews push gender dysmorphia to create an identity crisis that undermines the traditional family hierarchy. Nobody would care if degenerates truly stuck to themselves and their fellows but you have the (((education system))) pushing it on children. Enabling faggotry always leads to pedophelia because the sickos take advantage of undefended young minds.
Don't be a liar as well as a mentally ill faggot
It's not a crossing, it's a target.
Yeah tell us the story about how your parents cutting off your foreskin was all about esthetic and hygiene
Would you consider Hitler a tyrant?
The kikes are dead either way. This body is a vessel. You think I give a shit about being circumsized in the flesh? I only concern myself with the circumcision of the soul.
>rainbow sidwalk seeking, city block annihilating cluster-style warheads for every canadian city during rush hour
Hitler was chosen by his people to lead them out of the Jewish degenerancy that ravaged their society. He was a hero. Though, I'm not certain I believe that he wasn't working hand in hand with the Jews, so I can't really answer your question with any real knowledge.
What do you think of fascist dictators who think democracy is a sham and instead pick their successor?
Democracy is a sham, but so is fascism. I represent myself before God.
Republicanism is the stuff of progress and empire. America's founding fathers choose republicans for this very reason. Even though they suspected it had a high risk of falling into degeneracy and ruin, they still wanted the perks.
*sorry, chose a Republic.
>fucking autocorrect. So stupid sometimes.