Are college campuses really as bad as the media makes them out to be?
Are college campuses really as bad as the media makes them out to be?
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so kelly is trying to imply that man hating feminists aren't being indoctrinated at college?
Probably not.
No they're actually much worse. My cousin's last name is "lee" and she is from Scotland. since she marked "not born in Australia" she was given a uni position and went to study at University of Tasmania. The first day of her first lecture she got kicked out for not being chinese, "it was a mistake to enrol you".
One another occasion, the head of the university went onto a construction site and spat at the guy who asked him to wear a safety helmet, went on a complete tantrum and got the safety barriers moved so he could stand behind them (still in harms way) and gloat at the workers.
Not to mention that all the staff are fucking beggars, "reeee I'm so poor I only make 120k"
how many levels of irony is this guy on
he's wayyyyy past level 100
Yes, I had an Introductory English Writing class that I breezed through since my prof gave As and Bs out to anyone who did a Feminist critique of whatever topic we were assigned. I literally just wrote buzzword soups and passed, 0 effort.
Post the yoga pants one
Nice one.
Yes they are and if you really want to see and understand a root cause and good example of this is
Art institutes are nothing more than a temporary insane asylum, trannies, gays, angry packs of feminists are all encouraged and you can see the full spectrum of the insanity of the left.
Its fucking terrifying desu most dont even act like humans and they all dress like a tornado hit a thrift shop
Love that
At least they didnt choose the homo guy.
>even "back then" Kelly couldn't get laid
I don’t know what’s more sad, the fact that this is a reworked joke about niggers, or the fact that a socialist thinks food production is a winning argument for them.
I smile so much when I find the crying statue of liberty.
No. The media is Jewish, they like the environment they've created on campuses. Campuses are much worse than the Jews say they are.
Jesus there are a fuckton of typos and formatting inconsistencies here. It’s usually not a big deal but this just looks lazy. Not to mention it adds a sweet tinge of irony to an assignment that is intended to improve analytical skills.
((yoga pants)) genuine laughs
>Are college campuses really as bad as the media makes them out to be?
Only if you focus yourself on the shitty things they're trying to force down our throats and not focus on the networking/fun aspect.
I'm in college now, if you've got any questions feel free to ask. Am in Greek Life and am a STEM major if that helps as well
His behind the pen series was great.
>a single large pizza can feed a family of four
these professors have lost all touch with life outside academia
How does it feel to pay for a social life?
I feel like kelly is unironic redpills disguised as ironic redpills.
What a sperg
I love it, keeps me from having to pay for sex too
you have only scratched the surface of Kelly
ha the little scientist man in the corner thats him
On ACTUAL crime statistics the most violent street in the entire country has a rape rate of 1-in-12 women. There's nowhere in the world that has a 1-in-4 or 1-in-5 rate of rape. Even Johannesburg has a rate of 1-in-8.
If it were true, nobody would or should be sending their daughters to college.
According to Jow Forums only making 120k per year is pretty poor desu senpai.
Kelly > Garrison
This comment is tip top. Underrated. Deserves a screencap.
>quote from professor’s slide
statement supporting professor
>communist economic system
What is that?
>the media
Campuses by and large are much *worse* than the democrats-til-death (((media))) make them out to be.
That said, if you're getting an engineering or hard science degree, you will avoid much of the bullshit, unless you go looking for it.
>Destroying American culture
this is the onion
Don't you see the crying statue! No class.
No you can easily find his non-Kelly comics and see what a massive faggot he is
>Faggots think it's hard for an heterosexual person to answer those questions
If you're so sensitive about your life choices, it's because you know deep down that they are wrong.
>still trying to hit on college girls in his 60's
It's rape because the guy is ugly.
Lol at this incel related cartoon.
I work as a professor in the sciences at a small private college. We do have the SJW in like women's studies but they are small in number and everyone tends to just stay away. I can answer questions if people have them.
College is way worse than any media characterization.
I guess its good students are free to make mistakes without having their lives ruined publicly,
but many of them ruin their lives quietly, privately, all thanks to that one bad semester at (((college)))
theres certainly a sect of women who are like that but most people there are more than less normal
I love that the straight laced fella and the dirty hippie are always hanging out and getting drinks together.
It depends on the college.
Here in Oklahoma it's pretty redpilled.
Was riding my bike past a house party on campus last night and heard some drunk Stacy ranting about "liberal bullshit" while everyone laughed.
ha! like regular folks are honest...
Background: I graduated from a small private college six years ago in science. I've mostly been a NEET since then. I was and am very antisocial.
I've been looking into industry, but I seem to need grad school under my belt to get my foot in the door. My questions are: what is applying to grad school like past the GRE? How awkward is it to reach out to former profs and PIs out of the blue after six years? Is STEM grad school really free?
Sorry for the rudimentary knowledge. My understanding is based off online searches and forums.
>rewriting a decade old joke to make it fit your narrative.
>that fucking pose
I aint evn mad, but I suddenly felt a bit tired
And they still have the audacity to say white ppl can't dance.
No, most people hate the fags and trannies, when I went to a university meeting they had to tell all the students outright that they knew most people didn’t like them but if they said anything inappropriate they’d have to kick them out. No one will ever get the average teenaged boy to want to be around trannies and fat chicks.
I would suck his dick and so would you
is kelly just making a sincere conservative cartoon at this point
You only need grad school if you are going I to R&D, other than that a grad degree will hurt your chances of getting a job.
Most grad schools will not look past the GRE.
It would not be awkward at all for your old professors unless you did not really know them and therefore they cannot remember you.
Also grad school pays your way in college and you make about 20 to 26k a year.
all true, roy jeremy is still harassing girls on campuses (campi? not sure)
>my Editor is 23 and I have to answer to him even though I've been drawing for 55 years!
I'm dying
obviously you've never had to be around niggers acting like this. he did the only reasonable thing.
Thanks for the clarity. A handful of Chinese companies have reached out to me asking if I had a Master's. I would have had a job on the spot if I had done grad school sooner. It looks like I'll take them up on their offer after grad school here. I guess Chinese companies really want normal-looking white guys.
don't listen to this guy many science/engineering fields have extremely valuable masters degrees, his shit about R&D and harder time finding job only applies to phd.
not sure about application, grad school usually isn't free per say but you will be paid for being a grad student so you will make money, not lose money.
>Baby is born
>Crew starves because there's now 9 mouths to feed
Why they up there in the first place >:0
Campuses, like octopuses because of it being rooted in Greek
where is this comic from?
>Greek Life
Out of curiousity, is this some sort of defunct Greek offshoot from Oxford, or has it just become a uni meme?
>mfw 19'th Oxford required Greek/Latin skills
Military user here. That's a word for word exercise included in our triannual Civil Rights mandated training. It's rough trying to hide your power level in that class.
that's some incel trash
That is good to know. I am prioritizing Master's programs with company partnerships for when I apply next autumn.
The saddest part is you fell for a shoop; the original is a math professor shitting on a fieod of math.
What animu is that referencing?
i would like to hear more about these "millions of good paying clean energy jobs" before i answer