Everyone is laughing at us again bros
Everyone is laughing at us again bros
doesn't mean she's not. being a huge racist trumper pubilicly is kinda bad for business.
who cares. didn't this whore sell out like five years ago? how is this news?
Oh no. Someone doesn't like me.
Someone should ask peter why he was on a nazi website is he a white male? Just researching? Suuuure
why do these faggot take this shit so seriously? This seems like another "200 fucking threads about Trump had toilet paper on his shoe" like who gives a fuck faggot shills the TayTay meme was funny and will always be funny
its not fucking fair
You think we give a shit about any of that?
She got fat anyway.
I thought Jow Forums moved on to traps.
Ok bud
Over the years, I have enjoyed clicking on Taylor Swift pics on Jow Forums and thinking shes pretty. Despite rumors to the contrary, however, it never went much farther than that.
>npc think all the meme are serious
>liking flat girls
never understood this meme. if i can't suffocate by accidentally falling between my waifu's tits then she's not a woman
It's a sellout, she wants to get back in the centre of attention, women tend to do that a lot anyways
>implying that's not your twitter
just look at that tight virgin follow button
I hope you get doxxed faggot
She was never ever, never ever eeeeeeever /ourgirl/, r-r-r-r-right Jow Forums?
We knew it all along.
>Dems get tay tay
>We get Kavachad on the SC for 30+ years
This doesn't feel like a rough day
>be me
>be worthless sjw journalist
>post bullshit on anonymous message board
>report on bullshit to create my own narrative for my readers and worthless sjw twitter followers
>smirk and laugh to myself for being smart that I figured out how to generate fake news
>tell all my friends and rack up likes on Facebook and Twitter
>go home to my empty apartment and tell my cats how smart I am
>go to bed alone but it’s ok I am so smart and the alt right doesn’t stand a chance against me as I have the 4chinz strategy
>wake up
>Kavanaugh is confirmed
>kill self
You faggots deserve it. Stop worshipping celebrities or kys.
>some plebbit-flag posting kike thinks Jow Forums is upset that a meme that Jow Forums invented to upset kikes upset kikes so much they had to tweet on their jewish blogs about how one of their pop stars isn't actually a Nazi
>jew thinks we mad
>girl spends most of her time in SoCal and Jew York
>becomes fat and brainwashed
Every time
Oh no.... we won with Cavenaugh, but at what cost.... So sad ;(
how did these people end up so humorless
>the left are the ones that started the Taylor is a nazi idol meme
>they blame Jow Forums
On no we'll have to find another Aryan phenotypical female that isn't openly communist. It's going to be tough
Her little coming out statement sounds like it was written by buzzfeed
Its the final stage just let it happen
I don't know whats worse. You stupid waifu faggots that believed our own memes or the leftists that thought it was real.
im convinced all of /pol support for her was her actual PR team and a few idiots that bought into it.
>random twitter post
have we fallen this far?
>being this new
1. denial
nice larp, OP
Well, we're not terribly subtle about it
To be honest.
Their "evidence" are literally jokes posted here.
pffft, PeterNorway posted that thread in here, and you're also PeterNorway. Taylor Swift with Nazi quotes was obvious satire, and nobody believed it.
>Memest of meme flags
>Some celebrity hole du jour
kys please
oh my god these comments
the npc brain is even more immunized to thought than i suspected
Ever believing an entertainment industry whore could be anything other than that is pathetic.
They literally own her career, image and livelihood.
What did the fantasizing incels here believe?
Because they need to feel they won something. They lost the presidency, they lost them Supreme Court, they’re about to lose the midterms, but at least Jow Forums lost its waifu!!
Taylor thinks the "Tennesse Democrats" are some sort of folksy, FDR party of Appalachia hillbillies, they aren't. The Democrat today is a hard core leftist organization that hates Whites. Wants to import as many illegal aliens as possible, wants jewish globalization, wants to regulate guns but, not abortion. Is now in favor of baseless rape accusations without due process.
Every straight White male that votes Democrat is slicing his own throat. Hopefully you will wake the fuck up. Quit obsessing over Jew owned pop stars and celebrities.
Lol, no they’re not.
Really, is this the best you faggots can do? I know you keep losing, but this can’t be what you run to!
“Hur hur /pol btdo’d” because some talentless meme whore turns out to not be what we were fallaciously making her out to be? Do you not see the stupidity? Are you really this retarded?
You guys can’t be this stupid... and yet you are!
desu does anyone else find it hilarious that journalists are coming to an anonymous forum, creating fake news, then logging into their twitter to report on the fake news they created?
Saw it a few times now, before this it was the NPC meme
the value of the memes with her over hitler quotes just skyrocketed.
I only think its funny that the media doesn't realize it was a meme and that at least half of the 'outrage' is artificial and for the banter
Oh god. Don't keep saying it. My heart is broken.
>Giving celebrities any attention
There is actual news that happens maybe you should post it rather than bump shitpost bullshit.
Look here is evidence that as far back as 2012 the left was memeing Taylor as a nazi.
thats where the meme came from
>Despite the passage of time since second-wave feminism erupted in the late 1960s, we’ve somehow been thrown back to the demure girly-girl days of the white-bread 1950s. It feels positively nightmarish to survivors like me of that rigidly conformist and man-pleasing era, when girls had to be simple, peppy, cheerful and modest. Doris Day, Debbie Reynolds and Sandra Dee formed the national template -- that trinity of blond oppressors!
As if flashed forward by some terrifying time machine, there’s Taylor Swift, America’s latest sweetheart, beaming beatifically in all her winsome 1950s glory from the cover of Parade magazine
As usual, waifufaggots btfo, anime or not
did they honestly think the majority of pol listened to taylor swift's music while they worked, worked out, shitpost, hungout with friends, worked on hobbies, etc
lmao they're so disconnected
>blond oppressors
Won't even use the proper word blonde.
> Worshipping (((Idols)))
For this we deserve it
White leftist men are the disease. The Purge needs to start here to reclaim the minds of our women and the soil of our lands.
>did they honestly think the majority of pol listened to taylor swift's music while they worked, worked out,
Only you dipshit,
Taylor swift was fag meme it was just for laughs and thats whys its hilarious these "reporters" are even mentioning the fact that Taylor Swift and nazi in the same breath , weve broken reality and i find that amusing
I mean, I suspected this honestly, but the important part is that she isn't the typical "FUCK YOU EVIL REPUBLICAN, B MORE TOLERANT LIKE DEMOCRATS YOU MISOGYNIST!" like 90% of dems.
Mfw leftists think that we're as easily triggered as them.
It’s absolutely glorious that we bother these pussies so much that they make us an actual topic. They just don’t get it. Even when you explain it to them, they don’t get it because they have no sense of humor.
We basically made Taylor Swift have to “admit” she isn’t a Nazi after all! We trolled her into a political position! And the media thinks this is real news! You can’t make this shit up.
These shitlibs ACTUALLY thought that we thought TayTay is a secret ''Aryan Goddess''. Imagine that.
Ironic considering liberals were calling her a nazi for not getting political. Once again the weakness of a woman is shown. Siding with the very people that were ready to lynch you for not siding with them in the first place.
who knows she might be just covering herself because shes sick of the left attacking her fir being white.
imo she should have gone the ambiguity route and dropped subtle rightwing hints. it would have just made her more famous
She used to post on /b/, that's why people here liked her.
But she's under a lot of pressure in hollywood to toe the democrat party line or else. They do this to all actors and actresses in hollywood, it's a cancerous as fuck industry and the world would be a better place if every hollyjew and hollywood itself were nuked off the face of the earth.
They are laughing for the wrong reason, they've missed the joke as usual
We have morrissey, much better writer
Her statement bitched systematic oppression of women and minorities. She is just another hollywood retard.
Nobody actually thought Taylor Swift was a hardcore Trump fan. We simply molded her into what we wanted her to be.
Get the fuck out of here, newfaggot.
This was always lulzy meme nonsense.
we have Eric clapton
No it sounded like a kike manager wrote it, and she tweeted it because in like three months she'll get a hollywood star of fame or something.
Pfffft so fucking what, I don't care what some NPCs care about what I say and do
This is fucking hilarious watching taytay crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this thot get the nuclear codes.
But why is she endorsing the Tennessee Democrat that moveon.org denounced for defending Trump's supreme court nominee? Doesn't she live in New York now?
Manufactured outrage.
>Tay-tay was born female
Lets bully him!
Oh no now everyone will think we are sad and not them. That's so horrible oh nooooo.
I'm curious. Why is Tenesse so important for her? Why would she break her political silence for that state. She's not even from there. She's nothing there AFAIK. She's actually supporting a male candidate over a woman. What's the fucking deal here? Is she trolling us?
people unironically falling for the shill larp posting their own "ive been tricked" faggot thread lol
Oh and btw. that's her boyfriend
Sweet dreams, Jow Forumstards.
Might want to head over to
and later report your major achievements on /sig/.
>inb4 he did it again
i think shes just trying to get leftwingers to stop sending her hate mail.
I don't get why so many people obsesses over her when there's a lot of better looking women
I mean, women shouldn’t govern so she’s not wrong
Let them laugh, they won't be laughing long
I can feel your leddit rage lol
Here's her other two boyfriends
Nice meme flag kike. Journalists aren't people and they shouldn't be treated as such.
"Supports Kavanaugh" you dimwit.
I always wondered what’s with the weird Taylor shilling here.
>meme flag
fuck off kike
You sound legitimately devastated
White women have officially abandoned republicans. The remaining 50% are barren boomers. Every white kid from now on will have a liberal mother
It's over 4 u
>Seething incels hoping a kike manager forced her to do it
I literally do not care about what bitches have to say
You must have me confused with Reddit or some shit
Full nazi mode
Bitches stay on my dick stay salty bitch!
I'm going to reiterate as well, meme flags are officially the new Jew star, they self identify for us.
Thanks for getting in the habit!