That's my purse,
I dont know you
That's my purse
Imagine your kids' first words being "I like butter"
As a parent, you'd be elated but in hindsight, that's EXTREMELY fucked up
He sure looks like a man who likes fats.
They probably eat quite well in his home. I would like to be his friend so he can invite me to eat to his house.
fuck off spic nigger fuckin bastard dont diss kids
There is literally nothing wrong with butter
i don't get it
first sentence, not first words, dipshit
butter is delicious whipped milkfat.
t. doesn't know anything about small children
based boomer
He really is the least interesting man in the world
My bad then
Still weird to me
Sounds like a joke
Ted Cruz has grown on me. Seeing him speak in the senate, I realize now he's one of the few competent people there.
lovable goofy cunt
Hello rĂ¡to
Goofy indeed
Shill goofball
Ted Cruz is a fucking trip. Him Trump and Graham should start their own goody webseries where 1 posits a question and the others answer it.
Never reveal if its bullshit or not.
Ted Cruz is already morphing into Jiminy Glick anyway.
I'm not a shill, he's just an excellent speaker and during the Kavanaugh hearing, he was the only member of the senate judiciary committee that was actually weighing the evidence and witness testimony.
Not really. I seriously doubt they were just sitting around doing nothing and they said it. They likely let her taste some and she said it. Wouldn't be surprised if it went like "So do you like butter?" "I like butter."