Italians have the highest IQ in Europe
Why racists lie about "IQ is about skin color and whiteness" ? if it was the case then Nordics or Baltics will be the highest IQ , but they aren't
Italians have the highest IQ in Europe
First of all: IQ =/= intelligence
Furthermore: there is a difference between competing at university level and beeing able to solve simple tasks like a chimpanze
iq has nothing to do with skin color
it has, however, a lot to do with race
Northern Italians do.
what is the race of Italians ?
lol dumb fat amerimutt still believe in the "nothern are white southern aren't" meme , both of them are the same , idiot
Wasn't it Finngols who was highest IQ in Europe?
We're europeans, stop cherrypicking, (((memeflag)))
The only region to be conquered by arabs for a reasonable amount of time was sicily. But Sicily was also invaded by Normans and Germanic peoples for an even longer amount of time.
That means that sicilians are at worst as Arab-mixed as they are Germanic-mixed.
Also, race doesnt really exist, it's an amerimutt invention. What matters is ethnicity.
No, Austrians
We invented the idea of race because all the Europeans here were like holy shit we’re nothing like these nigs. Suddenly the differences between a German and an Italian were not as great as they once thought.
Also no, we're not the same.
Northern italians are closer to french and spanish, while Southern italians are closer to Greeks.
We're still both europeans tho.
>stop cherrypicking
>put an image of one of the 3 or 4 white italian footballer in all their history (and he is even a mutt)
Yes, race is a social construct, it's an aglomerate of different ethnicities. Where we define the lines between one group and the other to define races is a choice we make
lmao, these stats are changing every time they get posted... Last time I saw this list, Norway I believe was 100 and Sweden 98(demographics... feels bad man).. I have some doubts about this one
Italians are just Jews that can’t read
and us ze Dutch ofc ofc. remind u we have more immigrants per capita and still on same level, but for how long and who cares.
That was after the immigrant wave, not natives
>More immigrants per capita
How many?
Ok, how about this. If we want to cherrypick, lets do it about our own family (i would post a selfie to show you how i look, but i dont want to dox myself.
So, this is a pic of my southern italian grandfather when he was 20 (1950s)
>american accusing italians of bad education
Itialians. Fat, stupid, mouthy, criminals with big tits.
Absolute niggers.
True intelect is a gift from God, the wisdom of man is foolishness
Look at Von Braun, Isaac Newton, hell even fucking Darwin...
Also you're a fucking retard, the pic related of your post is Nelson Delgado, who isnt Italian, he's Portuguese, at least try to do some research before you come on Jow Forums
You can't even cherrypick, you fucking mongrel
what is your point ? i'm not talking about you or your grandfather , i'm talking about Italians in general
and the thread wasn't about white or not , read again .. people say the more you are white european the more you have high IQ , and Italians are one of the darker people in Europe , is this wrong too ?
You're fatter, louder and more stupid than us.
We are Jews that are better at being Jews than actual Jews. We invented banking. Jews on steroids
Sicilians ... were spawned by niggers.
You see, uh,
Sicilians have black blood
pumpin' through their hearts.
If you don't believe me, you can look it up.
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago,
you see, the Moors conquered Sicily.
And the Moors are niggers.
So you see, way back then, uh,
Sicilians were like, uh,
wops from Northern Italy. Ah, they all had blonde hair and blue eyes,
but, uh, well, then the Moors moved in there,
and uh, well, they changed the whole country.
They did so much fucking with Sicilian women,
huh? That they changed the whole bloodline forever.
That's why blonde hair and blue eyes became
black hair and dark skin.
You know, it's absolutely amazing to me to think that to this day,
hundreds of years later,
that, uh,
that Sicilians still carry that nigger gene.
And, and your great-great-great-great grandmother
fucked a nigger and had a half nigger kid and that means you are part eggplant.
>the more you are white the more you have IQ
literally nobody ever said that.
Saying that subsaharian africans tend to be less intelligent doesnt equal saying that IQ is directly proportional to the whiteness of your skin.
The most intelligent people on earth by IQ are East Asians, who arent "white" by most standards
>literally nobody ever said that.
pic related is high IQ people? lol
t. France
We are demigods.
>Italians have the highest IQ in Europe
Provide proofs or GTFO
Italians, French, Spaniards, Greeks, South Slavs (excluding Croatia) and Ukrainians are not white.
Anything else is Nordic God tier
Jewish lie that somehow the most powerful nations of the last 2000 years somehow have lower iq's than east asian countries who can barely make a quality toaster.
Remember that you cant compare china, to northern Europe, but to Eastern europe.
You can compare Western Europe to countries like South Korea or Japan.
Ethnicity matters, but it's not the only thing, culture and history and economy matter as well
Italians are shit skins. Your ancestors were Nordic white with colorful hair and eyes
You got mutted
There are now evolutionary biology studies showing that germanics have iq's of 107 while western and northern slavic average at about 106 but decline sharply once you even cross the slovak border due to admixture of lesser races. you can even see in one of the pictures above someone has tried to hide these studies in brackets. These same studies put singapore at about 105 and japan around these aswell.
Meh, I live in Friuli and you can't distinguish a Croat from an Italian
shhh... it's a bait bro :)
It's hilarious how in one breath you'll say to never trust anything from (((Hollywood))) and in the next you'll claim dialogue from a shit Hollywood movie as fact when talking about Italians...
the study was most likely made by an italian
Post average Italians
at least their girls are hot
Italians against refugees .. Or maybe Refugees against Italians? Who knows
If we're shitskins you slavs are even worse.
Literally blue eyed asians who behave like niggers
or refugees against the Mediterranean Sea
>Amerimutts will never be able to eat the fruit of Gods
Italians are 80% Arab 10% African and 10% European...
Forgot to change your flag rabbi.
Italians are basically Arabs man, my bias won’t change reality. And if you will think about it it will start to make sense..
nordic people aren't lighter skinned then italians. Central, eastern and western europeans are, but not north germanic people, pic related.
>Why racists lie about "IQ is about skin color and whiteness" ?
Do they, other than the knuckle dragging proles?
And in any case, the highest IQ Europeans are Ashkenazi Jews.
È una vergogna,studiare in Sicilia è penoso,se non fosse per qualche università che si salva,il resto (a partire dall'asilo)è da riformare.
there is no reliable study that demonstrates this. They have the same average IQ as other europeans
Fuck off with your divide and conquer crap juncker...nobody likes you and your union will fail...thanks to the euro
>I can't tell the orangy-bronze tan of pale europeons from generic dark color of even basement dwelling, burka wearing shitskins of the middle east
Guarda che non c'è da studiare per rispondere correttamente a esercizi così:
>Tfw I'm that pale,but I still manage to tan
This is the power of slavic genes and southern italian ones
Is that a bad thing? If they dropped Islam they wouldn't be too far off from meds civilization wise.
Watch this:
No,io mi riferivo al sistema scolastico in Sicilia,oramai fatiscente,non al test PISA
Go back just a few decades Germany had higher than east asians. Sweden was also very high!
Mass immigration!
Masterrace reporting in.
low birth rate,
Non political social structure,
Live in homeostasis with environment,
Can outbench any of you hairless apes.
>goy, let me teach about your ancestry...
Italians are white. Islam doesnt make you dumb, dumb people picks islam. If meds and nords would turn into muslims, you would have a completly different kind of islam.
>Tfw I'm that pale,but I still manage to tan
all/most of us tan. my dick and ass are copy paper white but my neck is more orange than the Trumpenführer. my point was, the three germs up there have a tan and even then, the hue of skin is easily told apart from the generic permanet poo in the loo brownness of a turk.
Italians are not white, you can’t argue with facts.
You live in Italy, you can just look around and see for yourself that you are not European, and you are not white..
Ruscans, North Italians, Dutch and maybe French are the only white races with zero SubSaharan African or Mongoloid admixture
Want me to fabricate an infographic too?
last 3 are the whitest of europe its fact
But they have significant mongoloid admixture (light green)
Dude, are you serious?
I live in the Italian continent, why should I give a fuck about the E*ropean peninsula?
only I haplogroup is european. everybody else is a nigger.
>t. Kike
>fabricate an infographic
basically all your infographics in the MSM are fabricated friend, no need to do any more work here mr. CNN-shareblue
There is no European country where I haplogroup constitute more than 50% of the lineages (even in Sweden is minoritary, 42%)
>trusting a jew
dude, come on!
it just adds spice a bit, didnt do much but if too much mongol then its bad. still whitest appearance of all and the whitest views :D
yes, R1 refugees/migrants were a bad thing for us real native I europeans.
OP are you an actual retarded person?
Everyday these retarded italian threads desperately seeking approval.
>Italians have the highest IQ in Europe
>Why racists lie about "IQ is about skin color and whiteness" ? if it was the case then Nordics or Baltics will be the highest IQ , but they aren't
When somebody whit a meme flag says that southern Europeans aren't white, well you know he is a jew
Funny because Hitler mention the White Race is Mein Kampf. Race being an amerimutt invention is a Jewish meme that too many are falling for.
Not sure why I laughed at this
they are also far more masculine
take a look at varg lol
then look at the leader of casa pound
not contest
you're 100% retarded
Dont be silly. Hell, just look at the results of the most important IQ test of all: real life performance.