How do you feel about circumcision?

how do you feel about circumcision?

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genital mutilation

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That if done to an infant causes brain damage and subsequent autism, as well as stunt testosterone production for life.
Genital mutilation is trauma based mind control

I'm circumcised and it doesn't bother me at all but I will not have it done to my future sons simply because I cannot justify it logically.

>having a micro-cock that is under 8" and hangs higher than your nuts


same here. I'll never know what I'm missing because I never had it, but I won't pass on my parents mistake. theres no need to take a knife to your own baby a day after his birth.

What are you showing its not jewish circumcision but total removal of the skin, circumcision leave like 50% of the skin attached. The first is a medical procedure if made for a reason like i fections, the second is just jewish faith degeneracy.

does it ever bother you that your parents made that choice for you?
you're scary. please do not post in my thread

some dicks are for show, some dicks need to grow, problem is genital mutilation causes the skin to meld and that grower is restricted for life or until a plastic surgeon corrects it.


A bit but I don't resent them for it, I forgive them because they didn't know any better and were just following what the norm is here.

I'd physically assault someone who practises it without thinking of the consequences. Preferably I'd use a knife, on their genitals.

>they didn't know any better

yes, they did. it was a fashion choice and you are a pet.

>10,000+ nerve endings
>Gone forever
Holy fuck that must suck
>"b..but I can go for an hour while you blow your load in a minute!"
Why would you even care about lasting for an hour anyway? Do you respect women that much you faggots?

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Cultural appropriation

is the outer skin attached to the rest of the penis. It kinda feels like the attachment is at the foreskin and that it could kinda full down or roll right back without the foreskin attachment.
What's to stop the outer skin falling down basically?

its a disgusting practice that many of our based doctors openly refuse to perform
>caring about cocksize on a informative plaque
you just show your own faggotry by this. you americans and your adoption of muh dick arguments are so beyond dumb its pitiful to read. Look at all the statues of naked men from roman and greek era; all are made with flacid, small dicks because that wasnt all that mattered to them (unlike you).
the old figures and fertility gods were the only ones shown with a massive erect cock. for a reason.

I'm eternally grateful that my parents did not circumcise me. I received some flak as a younger guy from my classmates about it, but was always very comfortable with having a fully functional cock.
Also was amazed by how circumcision forced dudes to jack off with lubricant.

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This. My dick is fine but I won't be doing to any future kids I might have.

Cut dicks seriously gross me out. I can't watch porn if the guys cut, it just looks so fucking dry, scarred and calloused. It looks like it must hurt to fuck a cutfag for both the man and woman.

Thank God Shlomo didn't cut me.

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it's bad

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The Definitive Redpill video on Circumcision

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>Circumcised looks better

Cutfags really are delusional. If pic related looks "better" than a normal penis to you, you're mentally ill.

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pretty stupid to operate on your kids before they need it

The Council of Florance forbids circumcision for any reason.

I was circumcised at birth and I am aware of the psychological affects it has on a baby so I am wondering what exactly were these effects and how do they carry on later in life. Something about the baby's brain wave changed and didn't restore to it's original form or at least it wasn't restored until a year since the study stopped after that time so the damage may be permanent or we may out grow it but if there is any permanent damage on the mind does any body know what it might be.

who the fuck feels good in their dick skin. Its all about the head. Thats how I know this is a lie

Except the doctor who did that one did a horrible job.

Friendly reminder that the foreskin is a functional part of the penis with over 20,000 nerve endings and also a high concentration of dendritic cells which absorb particles around them in an effort to identify any threats and present them to the immune system, in layman's terms it lowers your risk of STD.

These same dendritic cells also absorb them sweet pussy juices which have them sweet pussy hormones in them that trigger primal instincts in your cave man brain that make you think "i need to protect this thing" which probably explains why countries like America have such a high rate of divorce, cheating and domestic violence cases.

>You will never experience real sex or the bonds it produces without a foreskin

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Well the foreskin protects the glands, without that it becomes desensitised and rotted over the years through chaffing, but it still doesn't change the fact there are thousands of nerve endings that make it feel the entire experience so much better.

I'm sorry you'll never know the feeling :(


>rubs hands

>giving your son a turtleneck so you made random europoors and neckbeards online happy

And muzzies have the gall to say Allah is the true God after this.

>mutilating your son to make Jews happy

It happened to me. Penis seems to still work all right. I don’t see the use complaining about it.

>causing unnecessary pain to a baby to let jew doctor suck a baby's dick
You are by extension, a pedophile too.

shut up larping hindu

but you should see the use in preventing further mutilation of children

no thats how you know your dick got mangled. the most censitive part of the penis is the skin under the head that is covered with forskin.

it should be illegal and proves our medial establishment is untrustworthy and in violation of their oaths

Neckbeard BS everyone knows it feels great for sex and even Eurocunts often like it better cut

Face it one day we will be born without that nasty skin

>american education

>>having a micro-cock that is under 8" and hangs higher than your nuts
the Romans considered a large flaccid penis to be a sign of low breeding aka niggerdom

I feel little on circumcision

and that's why it's a bad thing

>even Eurocunts often like it better cut

>Face it one day we will be born without that nasty skin
Fucking American education again. Why you keep being so embarrassing?

>Eurocunts often like it better cut
source? all girls I've been with say that shit is nasty

Should be illegal.
My cousin got circumcised at 18 after moving to USA, because he fell for the peer pressure.
He regrets this immensely, says his dick feels like a stump.

Or the constant blackpilling and shaming of people whom had zero say in what was done to them as a baby leads to hostility and cognitive dissonance.

Clearly circumcision shouldn't be done since it's kikery, but these threads seem to be more gloating by Europeans over having more nerve endings in their dick than Americans. That's not going to encourage a end to the practice.

it's barbaric

Other way around. Americans have always felt inferiority complex and made ego boost threads mocking uncuts. So of course we are tired of these uneducated mutts.

You know how americans think girls bleed when they have sex?
its because of your nasty cut dicks ripping the hymen to bits.
My hymen is still intact.... i wonder why that is.

>tfw your cock has a comfy turtleneck
feels good man.
>tfw some jewish doctor cuts it off and sells it to oprah
must feel bad man.



Germans identified Jews by circumcision, so they tricked all the mutts into getting cut so (((THEY))) can hide among them.

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I honestly don't care. The only reason anyone does is because someone said they should.

porn is so hard and rough because circumcised penises are waaay less sensitive, because the foreskin actually protects the glans. i couldn't even touch my glans until i was 16 because it was that sensitive.
circumcised men basically have to fuck 4 times as hard to feel anything. and that's why i can't watch most porn, because i can't relate to it at all.

No one likes hardened dick tip.

Good point. Actually makes sense.

>Circumcised looks better

Attached: Circumcision - pain for life.jpg (500x429, 41K)

>made ego boost threads mocking uncuts
Never seen that. Regardless my point stands, initially these threads were educational and no doubt encouraged countless US pol users to not engage in the kike foreskin shekel scam if they have children. Now it's degenerated into mockery.

Holy shit.

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>Circumcised looks better

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Oh, and (((they))) PROFIT from it too

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They are honestly gross, all dry and just icky.
Though a foreskin that hangs over the tip of the dick is not hot in any way shape or form.
Has to just cuddle the tip then it is cute.

>because he fell for the peer pressure
>getting surgery
>because all the other gayboys did it
you fags need to kill yourselves.

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>Homo Sapian foreskin for sale

Attached: Foreskin for your skin.jpg (470x688, 40K)

Actually he did it for a girl, long story.
People are dumb when they're 18, you know.

I have never even heard of dick where foreskin still hides the tip completely once it is erect.

the same shit with boys believing their foreskin is "too tight". my skin was too tight too, but it has stretched over time and now it's not tight at all anymore.

Ive only seen one, not something you are excited to suck.

imagine being this programmed

Everyone's foreskin is "too tight" at first. For most it becomes loose around before puberty, some need to stretch a bit, and in very rare cases they actually need to be cut.

circumcision to infants should be outlawed
Once kid turns 18 then it should be totally up to him at that point

Pic related: This poor fuckers face makes me rage

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>it’s another “Men who get Wet” thread
I feel bad for uncuts & their dick clits. Just buy a vibrator.

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yeah it's a crime

what you are allowed to have preferences on tits and pussy but i can't with dick?
Suck my meat flaps.

>feeling bad for healthy people

know what's funny? I can CHOOSE to get circumcized at any time. I wasn't mutilated by a jew

I like Australian women. They're the exception to the 'women aren't funny' rule.

>another victim of American education

Should only be used for legitimate medical reasons. If an adult wants to do it and has the money to pay, sure, your body, your choice.

you want to suck my warm estonian cock?

Look at this thread on Twitter and be amazed at the ability for someone to be in denial:
"Circumcision risks are very low, with high benefits. Change nothing of tbe sex lives for the males, loses no function, and a safe procedure. So I see no problem in circumcision."

The worst part about circumcision is that it perpetuates itself. The victim has to cope, claiming it's better, then doing it to their children.

Infant male genital mutilation violates the code of medical ethics.
Cosmetic surgeries should not be performed on anyone who is unable to offer informed consent.
I hope Forgen can progress so that I can be whole one day.

I dont think there are threads that make me angrier than these ones

>Penis vibrators for the dick clits
I can’t believe you girls actually do this!!!

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what are you even talking about lmao

its bizness they use foreskin for cosmetic products. i cant imagine living with uncut dick and need to lube it just to fap because its so dry and hurts

cut dick /*

Am I making you wet? I head uncuts start gushing like girls when their horny.