Why aren't you helping black people more?

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Wait, is she on our side?

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Isn't equality kind of a black culture thing though, so we shouldn't be appropriating it?

Where's her sense of diversity?


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It's infighting if we get involved we become the target.
Better let them go at each other while we sit back and drink Monster.

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Help them with what? They seem pretty adept at stealing and throwing balls. What am I supposed to do? I'm not teaching them human skills if thats what is being asked of me.

Why would we be organizing to decrease the quality of our life lol? The only whites who claim to be "allys' with these retards do it for social credits. When it comes down to the wire and nigs are trying to take whites homes, you know those white traitors are gonna switch back.

>White people dismantling racism
Why? The shitskins keep telling us it benefits us, so why would we dismantle it?

>Create whites only group to help blacks
It’s white saviourism and racist
>Dont create whites on group to help blacks
It’s racist

Ban everyone who posts twitter screencaps

Racism is directed toward whites and the patriarchy is just a dog whistle for logical decisions.

who cares about niggers?

Damn wypipo and their

>shuffles deck
>pulls out card

Trying to end racism and patriarchy

Because when you help them, they rape/rob/murder you to express gratitude. It's like adopting an abused pitbull and it shows gratitude by shredding your kids

I don't do special interest groups.

isn't it enough we ended slavery ?

i don't know how anyone could doubt Ford's testimony, i think we're making a big mistake by letting kavanaugh go through. He also seemed to lie about his drinking and party habits, it's going to come back to bite us

he's already missed to the start of the fall session, the senate is largely safe, there is no reason he can't be replaced and the SCOTUS seat could be filled in the next session.

Kangs shouldn't need any help. They would be in space if it weren't for whitey.

Just went on her twitter. Ya this bitch isn’t on our side. Your right. It’s infighting. Let them punch left.

As an interesting experiment I try to read these statements with the colour redacted.

>So: who are the organizers and groups that are working with other people on dismantling racism and the patriarchy? Seems like a lot of folks are still acting as allies to people. Who's talking to/organizing within communities?

Does this make more or less sense than what she originally said because I have a hard time understanding it one way or the other. Just what the fuck is she talking about?

We have black twitter on lock. We’re everywhere, you know. We’re the Jews now.

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You're too late, concern shill.

that isn't very diverse

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>colon after the word 'so.'

>Darkies BTFO

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No she means whites should be not considered equals (allies) but subservient (vassals)

God helps those who help themselves

Why is she still in my country?

Is this just a stupid pasta you are spamming in unrelated threads? Kavs confirmed faggot. Get over it. Better focus on getting crushed in the midterms now.

I didn't realize that my nonaggression principles had negative effects on niggers. Maybe if they'd LET white conservatives organize, shit would actually get done in the black community.

I thought "white communities" didn't exist to these people.

((((White organizers)))

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