What the fuck is this

America, we need to talk.

Attached: supremevermin.jpg (1200x630, 71K)

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MOther fucker have you not heard of LORD BUCKETHEAD OF UK!
Pic Related.

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I'm interested

This is ridiculously old

well old or not a lot of europeans were not even aware of his existence

He's oddly redpilled.

He a meme candidate. I know someone who wrote him in back in 2016.

How come? He looks like psycho leftist

He is.

What's his popularity in the US?

His name is Vermine Supreme and his proposal of a pony based economy is surprisingly sound.

Next to nothing. I guarantee you about 99% of people don't even know who he is.

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In America anyone can run for office regardless of wealth, status, or popularity

Is it even ironic..?

What is this?

Virtually non existent. It's a meme. But from what I remember, he was running as a "friendly fascist you can trust," advocated for "mandatory toothbrush laws," and thought everyone should get a free pony as the foundation of a pony based economy. He got a hundred votes in new Hampshire, I believe. There's also a video of him throwing salt at the people he was debating, which seems pretty based. Honestly, it all made more sense than the commie spic ocasio "organizing" quote from the other day.

Vermin Supreme
I met him at a Ron Paul rally. Better than most politicians.

is he redpilled? or just insane?

is there a difference?

Reminder that this guy got 250 votes in a single area


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Hrs like a schizo but he does the whole thing to laugh at how stupid politics are.
It’s a big joke that the system has to take seriously

I mean, more than most, I guess.

It's just performance art and a persona

Relax, he's just a dickhead.

I think this is key. This guy is a playable character and was able to figure out that the system is a broken charade and was willing to confront that in the face of ridicule.

still better than Killary

he has my vote

and my axe!

>he's a manlet
That's why he wears the bucket

Does France seriously not have satirical actors?

lol he's a manlet

No joke he used his megaphone at the Boston Free Speech protest last year to try to calm down a bunch of Antifa faggots that were mobbing me. He's not on our side, but his heart and head are in the right place and his performance at the 2016 libertarian convention was legendary funny.

>Just think, now you're all set to hunt and kill to your heart's content!

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I smoked weed with him once in boston

they, my friend, are the most based and redpilled candidates to ever grace our presence

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Vermin supreme is like 5 years old now.


>him throwing salt at the people he was debating
The absolute state of American politics.

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We used to yes but we even manage to loose that now its all shit

I’ve seen him a few times on a few articles, but can’t remember who he is or what he has said. Pretty sure he’s just some crazy hobo wearing a boot for a hat.

>Candidates not bringing a pocket full of salt to a political debate.
You still have a lot to learn about running a first world superpower, Arganon.

Its "art"



Wounder what would happen if salt was thrown at Hillary

She is a pillar of salt.

and my sticky

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Historically, salt is a fairly common defense against witches. So, super effective?

did we?

>Vermin Supreme
aka a Human

aka a god

Some comedian, that runs for positions just to laugh at how fucking stupid the whole thing is, dudes also an anarchist.

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The most red pilled political candidate. I'd vote for him if I could