Hey Jow Forums, feeling pretty bored/depressed so, tranny here, ama
Trans ama
Other urls found in this thread:
will you livestream your suicide?
What's your doctors name? I just want to know so I can sue him for malpractice. You people need help, the right kind of hormones. But always the doctor is offering you the opposite, to make you more sick, to take more of your money. I don't want medicine to be like that in the future. So please, tell me the names.
Not politics or current events
>Falling for the tranny meme
user. You'll never be a cute anime girl, stop running away from reality.
Have you considered testosterone therapy? It's more reversible than the alternative
What kind of ways are you contemplating for your eventual suicide? Have you tried already and failed at that too?
why havent you killed yourself yet
I'm pretty sure that judges are not concerned with your emotions, no matter how hot you think your feels are.
Post Kik swee-T
If I ever do decide to kill myself I'll try to take as many niggers as possible with me, maybe itll make the news
Ehh, if it wasn't my doctor I'd be ordering from online pharmacies
Know your enemy right? Thought pol wanted all fags to die.
Why on Earth would you think anyone would give a shit about you enough to make an ama, you do realize there is nothing special about you right?
That's my question.
I'm a woman so that's where you're wrong bucko
That's not an answer. Of course you would protect the interests of people like that. Sad.
This isn't politics you stupid little slut post your legs at least or pose in some cosplay for us.
>If I ever do decide to kill myself I'll try to take as many niggers as possible with me, maybe itll make the news
Are you one of the 45%?
45% attempt suicide...
THIS, fuck I'm rock solid, pls post legs
Ehh, anime pic was just the only semi relevant one I had
Already too far down the rabbit hole for that user
Don't plan on killing myself
Because I thankfully pass
Only have a discord, got tired of kik bots
Already got a shitload of (you)s, so yeah.
I'll give you a hint, almost every trans doctor has (((stein))) or (((berg))) in their name
But I'm loyal to my bf, what do you think I am? A degenerate?
>doesn’t post proof
pathetic, die
>But I'm loyal to my bf, what do you think I am? A degenerate?
Traps are made for the white mans cock. We can't breed you so what else are you good for?
It's not too late to embrace the truth and let Him heal your soul
I'm not a schizo
I came pretty close to choking on my shotgun once upon a time, but thankfully I never did
Ehh, don't feel the need to prove it
My boyfriend is white, so, there's that
>ehh, I've given up on religion. Kinda wished I could still believe, life can definitely seem pretty bleak and meaningless sometimes.
how exactly do you define the fact that you "feel" like the opposite gender? it makes no sense to me. you were born biologically as one gender, you've never been able to experience what a biological woman feels like, how do you go about saying that you suddenly "feel like a woman" if you've never felt it before? it's like if I started feeling weird for whatever reason, and then I started saying to everyone "I feel like a pigeon" or "I feel like a cat". how do you actually know that inside you feel like the opposite gender, and thus must make a sex change to allign with your inside personality? and no, being more feminine in personality doesn't make you a woman.
>so, tranny here
you're a man with issues, pic is of a woman, you'll never be her or anything like her, get help!
Pics or gtfo faggot
You want to be treated like a woman, so post your tits you disgusting whore.
Also, do you consider yourself mentally ill? Are you an atheist?
>But I'm loyal to my bf, what do you think I am? A degenerate?
mutilating your genitals because you have a hormone inbalance is degenerate.
Why choose to be a girl when you could just be a pretty boy?
Why do you come here knowing you'll get lambasted?
Also, do you like Blair White?
Do you get irritated by the regressive left claiming to speak for you on issues like trans rights?
And, finally, do you believe trans people should have to wait until they are 18/legally adult before they can begin transitioning?
Do you believe gender as a concept is real? Do you know how that term was coined and the failed unethical experiment by the man who coined it?
why is it that men who turn trans instantly become attention whores?
Could you imagine anyone else here spew: "Hey Jow Forums I am a cis man, feeling pretty normal, ama".
Go home to /lbtQwgwewhaaareeeee/ hon.
>My boyfriend is white
Doesn't matter what he is if he's not having children. More genetic refuse for the ovens, the both of you.
Sounds about right
Check out Jow Forums, trannyposting to the max there.
Consider that those two things may come in the opposite order
so what are you going to do once we become overpopulated faggot
Kill the niggers and faggots
Have you considered killing yourself and just how much better things would be if you did?
Good question. It's a hard feeling to describe to someone who doesn't experience it. It's kinda like feeling like your body doesn't belong to you. Going through puberty you hate every masculine change to yourself and not know exactly why, you slowly become more and more disgusted with what you're turning in to to the point where your own skin makes your skin crawl. Sorry if that doesn't make much sense. Also, never been to reddit.
I don't claim to be a normal female, I know I'm just a guy on hormones, but I thankfully pass and it's pulled me from the brink of suicide.
Laying in bed with my bf right now, can't take a pic (even if I felt like doxxing myself on pol)
I believe transgender people are literally mentally ill, this shit sucks, also yes, I'm atheist.
>taking the bait
If I couldn't pass I probably would've tried to just be a cute boy, but ultimately I hate being a guy
Ehh, I know most of pol hates all fags, can't say I blame them with the shit that gets pushed all the time. I'm only vaguely aware of who >she is so I can't say what my opinion on her is. Isn't she really right wing or something? Yes, I pretty much hate the left and the lgbt movement as a whole. I obviously would like equal rights when it comes to hiring practices and stuff but I hate the degeneracy the left always pushes. And that last question is a tough one. Becuase by 18 the damage is already done and a successful transition is very difficult to achieve. Some meds can delay puberty's effects, so maybe that's a decent enough compromise.
you're still here?
>Does Maltreatment in Childhood Affect Sexual Orientation in Adulthood?
>Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma
>The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study.
Should zoophiles have rights?
cringe actually believes in race wars they will never happen faggot
Says the cringy faggot who sits on Jow Forums white-knighting crossdressers. Kill yourself.
>But I'm loyal to my bf, what do you think I am? A degenerate?
Yea, but the worst degenerate is your boipucci slayer of a boyfriend, only literal freakshows get along with your kin.
Just kys already
Is “kill yourself” a question?
How does it feel to have a world go against your virtues trannys same sex marriage and niggers fucking your women
A lot of trans-guys in my area are on the hook-up site, Double List as prostitutes. All the gay guys and CDs on this site are just happy to hook up no charge. Is it a Trans-fantasy to be a prostitute ala Pretty Women?
I wasn't kidding, you're so concerned about overpopulation you should contribute to the solution with a 12 gauge to the face.
>Ehh, anime pic was just the only semi relevant one I had
White is pretty right-wing, yeah. Though, in a fairly mainstream Trump populist way.
Your answers seem pretty sensible. I understand how frustrating it would be for someone who genuinely "knows" that they've been born into the wrong body to see themselves become so much more masculine/feminine as they move into adulthood, but for how irreversible so much of transitioning can be - like the sterility caused by HRT, for example - I really don't think we should be allowing minors to make such life-altering decisions.
Puberty blockers, if they do not cause permanent long-term damage, should someone change their mind, I don't think I would be against though.
>implying the kamabakka kingdom isn’t a redpilled tranny ethnostste
Don't you sometimes think it might be healthier for you to learn to accept yourself for who you were born as rather than live a lie that you can never hope to fulfill?
Does it bother you you're boyfriend just fetishize you and doesn't care about you as a person
Fuck off and die
Its hell is what it is.
No idea what you're talking about with that last part. As for if gender is a thing, do you just mean that male and female traits are a thing? I feel like im missing something with your question.
>women are attention whores
>men who want to be women are attention whores
Color me shocked
Bored because I just got home from work and don't know what to do, and depressed because life feels generally bleak on the world stage. Guess I've been looking at the news too much lately.
I considered it a few years ago, didn't want to hurt my family though.
Fuck off and kill yourself.
congratulations im sure you're become bart of the 46% for sure.
Hell is just another flavor of heaven
Honestly I had a Jow Forums tranny suck my dick and let me fuck her ass for a Jow Forums pass.
The funny thing is she gave me the wrong email address so she couldn't use it.
Literally begged me to used another $20 in ETH to give her another one but I didn't owe her shit.
She ended up spending an entire week just being my bitch in order to earn it again, I don't know why trannies can't just get jobs.
theres a whole board dedicated to your faggotry, now self contain yourself and fuck off. nobody cares about your feelings and you will never look as remotely cute as the bullshit anime avatar you try to use
the older you get, the more obvious you will be.
Sure it is.
Why do you feel the need to modify your body so you can (try to) fit into society's notion of your target gender? Why can't you be you? If it really is something you want for yourself, isn't it a mental illness? Just like those suffering from body integrity dysphoria.
RIP my trans nigga gettin beaned
At least you admit to being mentally ill. But if that's the case, why do it?
And most trannies I encounter are more likely to believe in God, for some reason.
Still here, yes, trying to reply to everyone. As far as the first two studies go, I was never abused as a kid thankfully. This shit just kinda happened.
No, beastiality is animal abuse.
No, it isn't a question.
It isn't a fantasy of mine, and I can't speak for everyone of course. I don't really hang out with other trans or gay people, leftists tend to piss me off
Puberty causes irreversible changes to the body as well. It's a sad situation to be in, if you wait too long it can increase the risk of a failed transition and thus greatly increase the risk of suicide, it's a tricky call to make
Honestly would've choked on a shotgun if I didn't transition. I would've preferred to just be okay with being a guy, but it just isn't the case sadly.
He actually didn't know I was trans at first (I told him before we met for the first date). We've been together for 2 years now and it's the best relationship I've ever been in.
I have a job, don't know the degenerate you dealt with.
I think you're confusing people who start late with people who started early, then grew older.
Answered pretty much the same question here and yes, I would say it's a form of mental illness.
Because transition is the best option to treat my situation. If I had no hope of passing I would've tried to repress to the best if my abilities. And idk, maybe having some thought of an afterlife makes this life a little more bearable. It gives you hope for a better life after this shit one.
im glad we could come to an agreement
How would it be the best option to treat your situation?
How many hundreds of obnoxious steam friends have you collected?
How do you live with your cognitive dissonance?
Do you often consider that you'll be incontinent by the time you're 50?
Do you often consider the impending wall of complicated chronic disease you'll be facing as we all reach our 30s and 40s?
Do you already have chronic illness caused by destroying your bodys natural hormone functions?
Do you only make these threads because everybody around you is tired of the narcissistic rambling you call conversation?
Being completely honest on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being woke and 10 being gullible autistic NPC, just how easily manipulated is your significant other?
Will never agree. I like beautiful ladies!
>No idea what you're talking about with that last part. As for if gender is a thing, do you just mean that male and female traits are a thing? I feel like im missing something with your question.
Oh goody! You don't know the John Money and David Reimer case. Please take a look:
"Sexologist John Money introduced the terminological distinction between biological sex and gender as a role in 1955. Before his work, it was uncommon to use the word gender to refer to anything but grammatical categories.[1][2]"
"Recent academic studies have criticized Money's work in many respects, particularly in regards to his involvement with the sex-reassignment of David Reimer[1] and his eventual suicide."
It's a fucking horror show that has destroyed the lives of many. Just remember that when people use the word "gender"
Thats good! everyone wants to be like the people they admire.
you'll never even get the behaviour and mannerisms right. all that you will ever achieve is a grotesque caricature of a female.
Because I had a chance at passing, so I went for it, and thankfully I do. Repressing isn't a very good alternative desu, tried it for a bit before I caved and ordered hormones online.
I don't really have friends. Just my bf and family. As far as potential issues when I'm 30, 40 or 50, I made it a lot further than I would've without transitioning, so I'll consider it a win. My boyfriend isn't full blown redpilled but is generally right leaning. So maybe a 3 or 4 on your scale.
Oh, ehh, I don't really care too much how they define the terms, it's kinda splitting hairs though
I pass fulltime, so I'm doing something right.
Its just a shame thats not phyically possible.
but seriously if you an hero make it something for everyone to remember
it is if you let your heart shine through you!
why can't you just be happy being a regular guy and have to instead delve into degenerate stuff? you know you could be happy, you could have a family, a girlfriend, children, but instead you choose this...
she is beautiful, i want to have children with someone like her
why sprout memes user you already know how trannys work they hate their male parts
Assuming you reach 80 years of life, how do you see yourself?
In particular do you think you'd pass for an old lady?
have you seen bailey jay she's slowly getting old yet looks fine
i feel sorry for people who are like this
Life rarely lives up to our dreams.
I forgot your picture.
does that mean you shoudln’t follow them?
I own spooky fully semi automatic guns, I'll make the news if I ever decided to
Explained it here , I honestly wish I could've just been normal, sadly that just isn't how life works.
I've never seen myself growing old. Guess I'll just cross that bridge as it comes along. Transitioning stops the body from becoming more masculine than it already has, so someone who starts early should age similarly to a biological female. The old nonpassing trannies you see are the ones who lived as men until 60 then suddly decided to hop in a dress and call themselves Caitlyn.
be honest I don't really care about tranny suicides I just like fapping to them but only when they have dicks
We don't really know how hormone replacement theory works long term when people were treated during young age. I reckon in the next decade(s) we'll have more cases of trannies getting over the 60years mark. It's not as simple as
>female hormones = I will age like a female
Sometime we must give up on our dreams.
I understand we don't have any examples yet of people who started early then grew older, but I can't see any differences being too major. Guess we will see though.
Anyways, pol, I gotta go to bed, thanks to the people who asked non troll questions.
I understand we don't have any examples yet of people who started early then grew older, but I can't see any differences being too major. Guess we will see though.