Thot Gets Patrolled!!

Attached: Melissa Gentz.jpg (1080x1082, 130K)

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Both look very caucasoid, but in all fairness the whole "I'm engaged or married but please check my pic showing my ass with nothing but a g-string on" instagram shit needs to stop.

>wait i have to take a cute selfie for my insta

Attached: Thot alarm.jpg (480x601, 27K)

the faggot should have known better before marrying a whore

>a man is heard yelling the following in Portuguese: ‘You do not accept the man who has more dominance than you.

>You do not accept, you think you’re the man of the relationship. But you’re not, you’re a woman, you see, you have to accept that.’

Why the fuck are women so obsessed with make up? Sometimes I wish I could bruise them so they don't wear it for a day. Fuck the "shame" it's more shameful they are afraid of their own face

It's literally packed full of women like this, and as you can tell from the diamond ring, she's married. He can't even keep her under control by knocking her up on a yearly basis, because muh body competition.

literally the first pic in the article is without makeup you insane sperg. calm your fucking kneejerk reaction kek


Where's her insta
Need to put that face next to tits and an ass

How he a million at 25... What a chad

Ok, checked her instagram, absolutely nothing special about her showing off, he's a lunatic. In comparison

Prototype Stacy, engaged to pretty face soccer player.

checked and based. the dude has fucked up though.
you can't make a hoe a housewife. he'll beat her to death before she stops whoring. but I suppose when you're a 25yo chad with million$, there is a long line of thots pretending to be w/e you want them to be to the previous thot's place.

I've seen this picture floating around but I'm really suspicious of it. Why doesn't she have any swelling?

>Oh no, I got mauled. Better take a selfie!

that looks like a week old bruise

because swelling settles, but the bruise marks last. I had a buddy that went around with a red and blue eye for a month after a real knockout

fuck you bitch
>that's not make-up! it's concealer***
>that's not make up either it's undercoat**
>that's also not make up it's mascara*

get raped by immigrants and your children shot dead in the harbor please


What the fuck, her instagram looks totally normal... It is the dude in this that is retarded.

>what is evidence
you slow mate?

Look at her instagram though... I also thought she prob was a softcore porn actress. But when you actually see her stuff the dude just comes out as mentally unstable.

kek literally fuming. I love pissing off emu victims, so easy

I endorse this message

That potato in his neck blocks all oxygen delivery to his brain. Why the fuck do i have to explain that shit to a Nordic?

I feel for the guy but you can't smack a bitch if you're a millionaire. That's exactly what she wants. He's about to really feel this in the wallet.

>Bretz, a motocross champ who has been participating in the Brazilian Motocross Championship circuit since he was a teen, is reportedly the son of a man who owns one of Brazil’s biggest grocery store chains.
Daddy's money. Faggot got to play motocross touch-butt with his pussy friends all day when he was growing up. what a life

I bet he votes for Bolsonaro.

This could be partially fixed if he forced her to drink 6-8 grams of vitamin C.

She's a complete whore.

Attached: Female martial arts.webm (720x1280, 1.96M)

are you fucking delusional?

hes 100% in the right (sure, he should have avoided her to begin with: shes THOT af)

im a millionaire myself. i can demand a little bit better. theres no fucking way i would let my gf or wife post the shit equivalent to what this melissa bitch is posting.


>lemme me take a pic for insta instead of going to police, teehehehe


don't date Insta-Thots

what the fuck lol

Hurr durr me millionaire gaaaaahhhhh think rich on shine web he he

Elanor Rigby
Wearing a Face that she keeps in a jar by the door.
Who is it for?
All the Lonely People.
Where do they all come from?
All the Lonely People,
Where do they all belong?
Elanor Rigby
Died in a church and was buried along with her name.
Nobody came.

>women never start shit start pack.edition

Did this guy unfoot her with a takeout box?
While taking a sip of beer?

>tfw no young Ann Coulter-looking IG thot gf to beat

She probably deleted the degenerate pics. Or he is an insecure closet fag. HH

into the trash she goes

Attached: 2018-10-08 15.56.52.png (1026x641, 428K)

If a woman has a black eye, there's roughly a 100% chance she deserved it.

>before she got put back in her place
toplel, the guy said something about reminding her that he's the man and she's only the woman. Seems like she really forgot her place.

Attached: 2018-10-08 15.57.53.png (1020x634, 644K)


She just happened to be recording him. Yeah...ok.

It seems more plausible that she wanted to end the relationship and said some really fucked up shit to him, knowing he would flip out and possibly hit her, she could then sue his dumbass and take a bit of his money on the way out the door. He fell for her trick and now she's going to get what she wanted.

Did you guys hear about the Christy Mack story? I think that dumb bitch did the same thing. She was fucking some other guy and told her boyfriend (Rampage) to come over. He caught them having sex and beat the fuck out the guy, and nearly killed her. She was expecting him to instead lose his shit over the guy and be left unharmed. All as some retarded way to get back at him. Granted, he obviously shouldn't have reacted the way he did, but with a fucking name like Rampage what can you expect?

Women are manipulators and when you realize that you'll see how often they manipulate. They do it all the fucking time. Even a woman approaching you at the bar is likely just looking for free drinks.

I think it was more politically motivated, he prob votes for Bolsonaro and she is some sort of leftist.

Becase the pics were not thot like. I think her pics were fine. Didn't show too much skin anywhere. Or you peole maybe prefer women wearing burqas. In that case you are more on muslism side than on white peoples side.

get woke, get your face broke

Attached: 2018-10-08 16.01.16.png (1034x633, 513K)

Do you mean clothing wise? Or politics wise? I would never date a leftist woman anyway, it wouldnt be an issue for me personally. But I think if he only beat her due to clothing he has mental issues. Nothing wrong with her clothes, I thought it is basically what a woman should dress like, not too little, not too much.

topkok some beta orbiting cunt wrote her a fucking song hahahaha

Attached: 2018-10-08 16.05.23.png (1049x640, 675K)

He wanted to be with a whore. Now he will have to pay her off with millions, because he was too stupid to understand why the whore was with him.
Both of them get the rope.

brainwashed insta thot confirmed

Judging by her lefty photos, it's just a brainwashed whore who thinks she's powerful because she's 20-something and has a pretty face, and is lashing out at the "patriarchy". Inb4 wine, cats, existential hell, suicide.

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Oh look at that. A smug cunt thinking shes extremely powerful due to her vagina.

Sounds like the dude was based and redpilled.

Yeah, and she got the last laugh because he is going to jail, and maybe prison.

Smart men don't beat their women like this. Smart men learn how to beat women without leaving a mark. Smart men also know how to issue threats properly, threats that women will take to heart and never misbehave ever again. Smart men are just as psychologically manipulative as women and know how to use this manipulation defensively, accurately, in order to get their way.

This guy was barely a man. Smart men don't get caught. I'm not saying that beating women into submission is a good thing, but sometimes it is necessary, depending on the woman.

Nice makeup job but she would be swollen as fuck

If I had a dollar for every time I saw a woman in porn with a wedding or engagement ring on her finger, I'd have a few hundred bucks by now. Men allow this to happen, shame on men.

Should've just used a sack of oranges.

Never trust a brazilian.

And didn't spill a drop. Priorities.

Did she scrub her social media?


Brazilian even loaded can't keep his woman satisfied. Starts showing bob and vagene to strangers. Not all that shocking t b h

Are Argentines and Uruguayans better?

Attached: Vkxoe9r8djetnxjw40.jpg (642x1239, 248K)

>feeling cute, might delete later xx

I fucked a troll

Attached: 14265374485897.jpg (710x304, 58K)

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This never gets old

Yep... bossmode engaged

Attached: 40447646_318261448908389_2346374044355395584_n.jpg (750x844, 102K)

>speaks latino
>coalburning whore
Literally who gives a fuck.

Attached: female_brains.jpg (1334x694, 342K)

Also notice how quickly the White Knights appear.

>Both look very caucasoid

She is literally German-Brazilian bro.

This is supposedly the picture that resulted in him getting crazy and pissed off and literally breaking the bathroom door to attack her.

He said "girls with boyfriends shouldn't have pictures showing the boobs in social media!"

Attached: melissa-gentz.jpg (1200x752, 190K)

But this one shows more.

Attached: 40361421_257117368274272_6704668197888458752_n.jpg (1080x1334, 236K)

Jesus fuck that qualifies as a model these days? Look at that profile she looks like a fucking witch. Disgusting.

Attached: 9C762CF2-ED11-42F9-83BF-C8AB45F17BAC.jpg (346x146, 8K)

Attached: you-stupid-bitch.webm (640x354, 1.19M)

Attached: funwblacks183-balla-beating.webm (1024x576, 1.57M)

did he died

Brazil has very few women like her, so they get worshiped here, but she isn't really a model per se, just a "instagram model" as in spend all day on social media posting selfies for likes while her wealthy partner works all day.

that is a 22 year old?

Why is instagram even a thing?
Who the fuck likes to look at fake pictures of strangers?
We need a return of the black plague, sooner rather than later.

>Who the fuck likes to look at fake pictures of strangers?

This is something i don't get either. But apparently they're trying to become "social media influencers" to get paid to make to selfies with product placement.

Because women look like literal fucking shit without makeup on, and at the end of the day all women care about is getting Chad's attention - who is too much of a subhuman knuckle dragging retard to be able to resist the makeup trap.


he's black

coalburner. what do you think her personality is like?

>wine, cats, existential hell, suicide.
hopefully an accident will make this happen a lot sooner than later

that pitbull just looked at her like
>you don' goofed up
>i ain't getting involved

in situations like this its best to pounce on here and apply pressure to the chest and throat slowly increasing the pressure until she starts to gag. Once you feel the first gag reflex increase pressure on the chest. If you have a hand free then pull her hair back causing the neck to arch, this will allow greater leverage against her windpipe. At this point she will start to suffocate, continue looking into her eyes until she focuses and makes eye contact. Maintain eye contact right until you see the eyes start rolling back, at this point lift her head up straight and smack her as hard as you can in the face.

If you used the prescribed techniques correctly while maintaining eye contact then you will have exerted the feminist djinn from the body completely.

Take her home afterwords and fuck her right in the pussy.

Attached: 1538878682060.webm (184x138, 2.94M)

>in situations like this its best to pounce on here and apply pressure to the chest and throat slowly increasing the pressure until she starts to gag. Once you feel the first gag reflex increase pressure on the chest. If you have a hand free then pull her hair back causing the neck to arch, this will allow greater leverage against her windpipe. At this point she will start to suffocate, continue looking into her eyes until she focuses and makes eye contact. Maintain eye contact right until you see the eyes start rolling back, at this point lift her head up straight and smack her as hard as you can in the face.
>If you used the prescribed techniques correctly while maintaining eye contact you will achieve that biggest erection that can be achieve by natural and artificial means.
>Take her home afterwords and fuck her right in the pussy.

/b/ Jow Forums

> do this goy, go to jail for 30 years