Seen at a Korean immigration office today by me. I thought of you guys.
Seen at a Korean immigration office today by me. I thought of you guys
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It won't happen. It can't. It won't.
EA is way too homogeneous to be poisoned.
Isolated event?
Also your population is pretty redpilled.
I’m going to be honest, that kid looks more or less full gook. Your genes are strong as fuck.
gross monobrow
Didn't you guys riot at the thought of muslim immigration and kick out a Satanist cultist that was your president? You'll be fine.
You need to check your eyes. I can fucking smell the pajeet in that kid. Kid looks almost full poo.
i would immigrate in no time,but one korean once told me we (europeans) are lazy that we dont work on weekends.. yeah i will never live in korea
Korean girls are easy. Singaporean guys are easy pass for these whores. They can't wait to leave South Korea for some reason. It's mind blowing that women from both Koreas wanna get out.
Where at? Seoul?
That's asian work culture for you. Almost puts Germany to shame.
is SK importing poos? why?
winter is coming to korea
Koreans are leaving for countries like Singapore unironically. Korean immigration applications here are soaring.
Get your women under control before they destroy your country, gookbro.
The kid is clearly closer in features and complexion to the mother; at best maybe a shade more shitskinned. If that poo wasn’t standing there you’d probably think nothing of it.
how do you say yes in korea.
Lol i warned you asians. All prosperous asian nations have been earmarked for mass turd world immigration.
based singaporean BVLL
fuck, they want this for all the world. My city got a lot of niggers few months ago. We wouldnt have seen a nigger in our entire lifes here. We need to stop them bros, you know who, they will not stop.
Koreans put in a lot of time at work but they don't work hard and they certainly don't work efficiently.
>Saladin and his wife take a South Korean woman hostage.
Be glad he's spreading his superior Aryan genes in gookistan
with worst koreas birthrate I could see a handful of people becoming the majority within 50 years.
Skin, hair and facial structure look so different it's nothing like the mother. I think you've been too long with pakis and poos or in worst case you're one so you can see the racial difference better from yourself.
did The Jews™ do this?
lmao, what?
Butthurt chink detected
We tried to stop this.
Yes. Look it up. Its always a guaranteed thing.
No source + no links + no explanation + no context = kikogo fuck yourself chink
I don't know what the term is when your women are being fucked by indians
fucking refugees are trying to show up on jeju island. Get this shit, they show up on fucking airplanes lol.
Filthy Miguk here, spent time talking with my korean friends mother about politics. Shes /ourgal/
Hated obama
Knows president moon is a communist
fucking hates refugees because they always try and push their own culture on the koreans.
Knows about how fucked europe is.
and many many more things we agree with.
There is the begining of anti USA amoungst the young korean generation.
I witnessed a nice protest of president moon, lots of older koreans that hate him and respect the USA Korea friendship. So I was happy to see that, but the youth is getting spammed anti american propaganda in the media.
Thats literally ur country. Medieval caste system poos
Don't they actually just waste more time than actually being useful? It's just a part of a salaryman culture that is pointless.
The rule of thumb is if turd world sees gibs they will come.
All that showing off on social media looks mighty nice.
I took the picture myself. It's the magazine of the Korean Immigration Service.
I’ll save this pic to trigger yellow fever fags
why is everyone on the planet just shuffling around like a zombie, are they really that bored?
Sorry Korea. It was your turn.
>but the youth is getting spammed anti american propaganda in the media.
Same here. Its almost like Americana is dangerous to them or something.
>Skin, hair and facial structure look so different it's nothing like the mother.
Wut. I’m not even saying it’s identical, she’s a bit darker, but looks far more like the mother than the father who looks like a different species standing next to the two.
Looks like (((they))) are busy at work in Korea
>go watch the angry foreigner,great channel
spread these videos around
I think this is ironic because the asians in india north east. They lynch poos that try to rape their women.
LOL. Dear zipper heads - you need to put a stop to this shit. For your own good.
You'll are racist. Kid looks like a roach.
asians are part of the problem, they should stay in their overcrowded hives
Its like they want to be sweden
You know who is responsible? Women.
Nah man that's a pajeet. Don't let the same gender fool you. Kid's gonna have hard time and the family will move to west.
Yes and yes.
>asians are always attacking white people.
>they didnt notice this happening
Someone should send this to that jeong cunt
BurgerKike here: you can bet super-kike Soros paid for this. He’s even working on getting Israel blacked.
Yeah, over there I can image. But if they were here I wouldn’t necessarily detect the kid as a mutt.
Another interesting thing, Korean men are importing SEA women. Because 0 women want to work and live in the country side all the men who stay behind get fucked with 0 women to date so the end up marrying women from SEA who see agriculture work as freedom from their shit ass country.
I see this in USA, we have a mexican problem becasue whites got to lazy to do those shitty kind of jobs and living way out in the country side so we happily let the mexicans come and shit in our own house. Fucking sucks dick.
Anyways I really have a deep love for korea, and I hope they dont fall for jewish tricks like USA has. When I look at the youngest generation 15-20 they seem like just dumb fucks like my generation. ITs like Korea is 7 years behind in jewish tricks.
At least there is a strong christian presents. I go to church and they are pretty conservative there and share similar views and anti commie sentiment so its good.
could be so. that's kinda the problem too.
Nice try kike, but we know there's no such thing as an honest jew
Your liberals fucked up. They thought the rest of the world is like republicucks, and will just fold under "you rayciss". fucking deluded. America changed its behaviour with the world - now yank NGOs are everywhere, shilling racemixing, gaybutts, trannies... You're basically chaos gods kek
Is it true you have an icecream that looks like a condom dick?
I don't know. But they definitely did this.
give it another few years, I was thinking 10 a few ago, so maybe 6-7 more
George Soros really needs to die.
>u're basically chaos gods
I know. We just want to be left alone though. 10,000 fleas biting and twisting us in every way. It sucks.
So does his kid and so do all the Roths. And ginsburg. And Merkel. And Schultz
All mixed couples should be gassed desu.
Even more so if those young Koreans are westernized. These people have no sense of individuality. They absorb all the romanticized Hollywood shit and think life is so much grander in the West that they get surgery to look more white and then latch onto the ideologies they see in those movies. So basically every westernized korean hates Trump. Why? They don’t fucking know.
Oh, so now you don’t think Soros was behind it? That’s a good goy.
Anyway i predicted it. Everyone talks about white genocide but asian genocide is also planned.
Did you think they the internationalists just wanted european countries to be mutted? lol no they want the whole world to be one big smell shit.
It is so fucking weird... If you told me the world's strongest country would waste its money shilling free love and feminist soap opera i would call you crazy. Thankfully time has its own ideas, and Trump showed up, so the silent shilling is now open propaganda.
Germans don't even work long hours. They just do it efficiently, and get shit done while they work. Asians prefer the ''appearance'' of work, over actually doing work.
I noticed marvel says 'by any means neccessary' at least once in every episode from every series of theirs
Dumb Ugly Mixed Obedient Consumers
Every little mixed up piggy is the same and equal. They all love each other.
A Gigantic, Rootless, Cultureless, Soulless Goyim Horde with one mission in life.
I see profit....EVERYWHERE
1. It doesnt
2. Probably an unrelated model kid
Ive fucked more koreans that any other kind of bitches, many of them were virgins.
안녕 친구야!!! ㅋㅋㅋ
that makes a lot of sense
korean savages don't understand very well how toilets work either
indeed, those revulsing primitives don't flush shit stained toilet paper, but instead just bin it, like mere gayreeks, or brazilian oozarus
koreanimals really aren't much above poojets
Thing is the most Westernized Koreans hate Trump because le racism and shieeet, and the least Westernized Koreans also hate Trump because Yankee Go Home.
So the alliance is doomed because most people will be inclined to be leaning hostile. Only positive Ameriboos actually value it, despite how important it is to Korea's stability, the self-determination meme means that even recognizing anything the US did here makes you a faggot traitor by default
>get surgery to look more white
Fuck off you retarded white trash English teacher, you clearly don’t know shit about the country you live in. We need to start killing whites in korea t b h.
pffft, hollyjew cant fucking sell a bottle of water in a desert right now, their myth now sucks. with twitter, we saw how retarded the movie stars are. plus, they are shilling shit movies now.
I just watched descendants of the sun and its better than most dumb netflix and hbo crap.
Ok, Muhammad.
The people who go full retard and get the jaw + eye + everything else surgery are going too far you have to admit. I would actually agree with you that they surely aren't trying to look white, because no white people look like that. They're going for Aaaaayyy Llllmaaaooo chic
those are all jaw bones from a surgeon in Korea, it is extremely common feature your people don't like about themselves for some (((odd reason)))
yes yes hate whites. While the poojeets and muslims and niggers rape your country to death behind your back
dont you have a black man to hug, mr Macron?
That’s supposed to trigger me? I see korean guys with 10/10 blonde models here.
having a pretty face helps a lot in asia, you get better jobs and positions.
You're a kyopo right? I can tell by the aggression and massive chip on your shoulder
want to find yourself a sugar daddy, balkanimal shitskin?
a lot of whoring from your third worlding shitholes, in the first world
lol sure. Ive seen white models in korea they are 7/10. Less attractive than some korean women
Whites, especially germanics have massive jaw bones. If koreans get plastic surgery to reduce it, how are we trying to be whiter?
I guess Indo-China is growing again
>was the head of "Democratic Party of Korea"
>Sabotaged every attempt to prevent '97 financial crisis from happening as the opposition leader (and possibly colluded with Soros)
>after that crisis, became the president of ROK
>immediately sold most of Korean banks to Jewish bankers instead of bailing them to "modernize Korean financial sector"
>made marriage immigration piss easy and coined the term "multicultural family" to promote race mixing resulting in making one tenth of all marriage in SK between SEA women and Korean men
>adopting fucktons of affirmative actions to benefit his political followers and yank up public sector employment
>prevented the collapse of NK and let them develop nukes and ICBMs
I hate that fucker with a passion.
Good I hope this cancer will spread everywhere if Europe goes down I hope the entire world does.
its the eyelid and nose job. All the asians do it
She looks like a poo. I wouldn't know she was half gook if I didn't see her parents.
wow, an immigration office targeted at people who want to immigrate. unbelievable.
most people immigrate because they met their partner in a different country fucktard, that's why it looks like that. it's called "target audience".
In china they have an exponentially growing african population.
Shits hilarious because the niggers are stealing all their women