Jow Forums, i go to a typical liberal college and my professor wants us to have a conversation about Kavanaugh...

Jow Forums, i go to a typical liberal college and my professor wants us to have a conversation about Kavanaugh. Obviously it's going to be a lot of emotionally charged and invalid arguments, so I'm hoping someone can help me get my facts in order/link me to a straight forward source of objective info so I can attempt to educate these babies.

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fact: kavanaugh is not fit to be a SCJ

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Explain to them that everyone named BY THE ACCUSERS either can’t remember or says it never happened.

There’s no corroborating evidence for any accusation.

And remember, corroborated evidence is when someone testifys that they know that the event actually happened because they were either present at the event or were apart of the event in someway.

It is not evidence when someone say you said something years after an event

Checked quints

Don't bother educating them, they can't understand and never will. Just fake your opinion and wait for them to destroy themselves. It's better than jobbing because you dared to perform wrong think.

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Honestly I'd just skip class, fuck that shitshow

When they bring up his “temperament” say that he isnt biased against dems, just the individuals on judiciary who ran that shit show. And say that no one should be expected to dispassionately defend themselves against rale accusations. Judges are dispassionate on cases before them. There is a reason they recuse when it involves them personally.

Start crying halfway thtough and say your professor diddled your poo hole. If anyone asks for any proof or time frame say they are victim blaming rape apologetic republicans. Make sure to dye your hair weird before hand and dress like a fag.

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Fon't show your powerlevel, you have nothing to gain from it.

you wasted quints on this shit


im the one in my class who wins the oppression Olympics in terms of what the left considers privilege, so even if i do show my power level they wont be able to let themselves actually tare me down considering they all rank way higher in their "privilege". it'll be TOO BIGOTED for them

You will find no Logos among the Leftists' pillars of persuasion, educating them is pointless. NPCs dont think logically. Their emotions guide them to what they want to believe.

The Left is remarkably good at digging their own grave. Attack WHY they think the way they do, not WHAT. Trigger them and let them ruin everything fpr everyone. It is about making them seem unreasonable in the face of facts and logic, not presenting them with facts they dont care about.

In America, people are innocent until proven guilty.

And there was shit for evidence, and all key witnesses had no recollection of a party like that even happening.

unless you are black or latino

Best way to go about it is not to make yourself put to be opposed to their caus otherwise you will immediately be silenced. Instead act like you are on the fence and uninformed. Pretend to be innocent. Ask about how much evidence there was and if there were any witnesses who came forward to back her story. Just pretend to be stupid because they will either not answer your questions or fumble around and deflect. It will make them look really stupid and the others in class will see it. They may not change an opinion but it could plant a seed in at least one person.

>white guy makes an ass of himself infront of all the women in class
>Brown and black guys and liberal men support women's position
>White conservative guy continues to be unfuckable incel posting on Jow Forums

You guys kneecap yourselves it's hilarious

one talking point they will definitely have is the fbi not interviewing what the media is calling "corroborating witnesses" which in actuality are character witnesses as all the other material witnesses allegedly present fail, or outright refute to corroborate

"shes a good person and is believable" is not relevant, why the fuck would the fbi waste their time? the funny thing is they made such a big deal about this not being a criminal proceeding, but they wouldn't bring these witnesses forward because often times character witnesses fuck up under cross examination

Even if you're black or latino, there still needs to be evidence.

>black or latino
That is the evidence.

It's a nothing burger pushed by the media. It's actually pretty sickening when you really consider the fact that the allegations are from when he was a teenager. And they did a deep dive into his high school yearbook. What the fuck does a 50 year old dude have to do with his teenage self? Shit makes no sense.

Based Goblin Slayer.

>fact: kavanaugh is not fit to be a SCJ

he might actually be a great judge, and seems to have that reputation, but his meltdown when the democrats asked mean questions was pathetic. "I WANTED A HEARING THE NEXT DAY!!!". over, and over, and over.

and when he started turning the question around, "HAVEN'T YOU EVER BEEN DRUNK", or whatever it was, that was beyond pathetic. The senator was not up for the supreme court, child.

bottom line: this conversation is doomed whichever side you are on. I'd just memorize Susan Collins' speech, which was 100x more intelligent than anything Brett said.

it doesn't matter. he won and is a SC judge now so just rub their faces in it.

Nothing matters except swing voters.

How is someone so pathetic that they carry ptsd from being groped as a teenager? How is that even a thing? I was in fights and shi in high school all the time. It was pretty rough, but i hardly remember any of it because you grow up and move on

Zero evidence. I don't know why everyone ignores this.

You think you’re the majority. But look around you. Do you feel in charge? Women are statistically more attracted to right wing men, and being the one dude in the room going against the current will only add to that.

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this desu and it only made them look worse and the silent majority is gonna be happy to keep fucking not giving them anything they want.

Are you going to ask Jow Forums to do your fucking homework until you get your fucking degree or are you going to do your own fucking research like you're expected to?

>going to a liberal arts college
just kill yourself already

Dont, just play the bullshit game and get a gf you can impregnate.

You really want to shit on their world?
Point out its impossible to know who's right and that you aren't comfortable destroying a mans life or telling a potential rape victim to fuck off.
Out virtue the signalers

it's literally not homework, not even a political class. it's a casual thing, which is why im asking since i know no one else will do an ounce of research or actually look into facts from varying sources.

Say you want to refrain from commenting in case some woman in class decides to falsly accuse you of rape in retribution for your point of view.

This 100%

Save yourself a rape allegation and don't bother. Do not redpill/spaz out in a lecture hall.


Nice. Then slay them my based black mate

Just bring up the fact presidents would duel with pistols and senators would beat each other with canes to near death temperament isn't real it's a man made mask.

Turn it into how people that are extremely narrow minded and refuse to budge have dogmatism. Point out that arguing with narrow minded people at the end of the day will not progress anything forward but instead will divide family and culture. Therefore you choose not to make any direct statements about kavanaugh for one side or the other. Instead you choose to be opened minded and not want to be dogmatic.

this is the only way to do it
in fact dont research it at all so you genuinely are ignorant
the facts speak for themselves and any revealing of your power level will be bad news
>does anyone really want to live in a world where anyone can make a vague totally unsubstantiated
accusation 40 years later to destroy a person
>Hopefully this is a powerful lesson about why people must confront abusers immediately we cant have predators running around for decades
>I never realized how damaging these incidents are to the female psyche perhaps we need to return to segregation and patriarchy during the teen years to protect women

This is good advice. It's basically the socratic method, using cluelessness as a camouflage.

The accusations are easy to shoot down because there's no corroborating evidence, period.
If they bring up "temperament", ask if they've ever met a judge before. These people aren't robots or angels and ignoring that he has 12 years of record to show his mild manner.
If they bring up "partisan", ask why RBG can be critical of Trump, skip his SOTU, and be considered a 'face of the resistance' while being a non-partisan arbiter.
If they bring up Roe, laugh in their face and tell them that Roe is legislating from the bench with no foundation in the constitution. Also tell them to calm down because it would become a state issue again and there's little doubt blue bastions would even touch it.
If it's about an FBI investigation, ask them what they think an FBI investigation is and laugh. All it ever was was questioning witnesses, none of whom corroborate the details.
If it's about the closeness of the vote, tell them to thank Harry Reid for going nuclear.
If it's about hating women ask why Republican women are fired up about the partisan hit job.
I can't think of much else but good luck.

probably best not to say anything or maybe just dont show up unless you care about what grades youre given

Don’t show up that day. It is an attempt to destroy anyone who is a radical leftists

Just came here to check those digits.

Build the biggest straw man you can by taking their logic to it's final form:

Are you saying that serious accusations are enough evidence to cause someone to be ineligible?

Are you glad we didn't hold Hillary to that standard?

If it is only potential sex crimes that deter us, do we live in a world where someone can make a claim against any person in power and have them removed whether or not they are telling the truth?

>attempting to engage a fanatic with logic and rationale

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Bring your psp and enjoy paying for a class with zero substance.

Wear a MAGA hat and record.

Always lead into an argument with an objective truth. Then bring about subjective opinion to establish a connection to the audience you want to attribute the discussion to.

Rape is bad. In many cases it is seen that the faster you communicate what happens the better outcome you will have in seeking justice. But~(counterargument)

That is a baseline example. The person will focus on the first thing you say and then try to prove you wrong but can't unless they pick out specific tid bits. Then you can figure out what they want to focus on based on how they answer and keep that going until they accept the original statement, or they are wrong.

nice quints

Keep your mouth shut and inwardly laugh at theidiot's. This is not the hill you want to die on..

Holy fuck those numbers!

>asking Jow Forums for facts and objective info
you might as well drop the class now

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>Get quad 4s
>post is so shitty nobody even cares

Watch Scott Adams videos about the situation. He does a really good job towing the line between sympathizing with Ford while simultaneously explaining there's no evidence and thus is a bunk case.

Basically he admits it's possible she was assaulted by someone, but she may not be remembering who correctly and witnesses don't support her claims. Even if she's a victim there's just no evidence kavanaugh did anything

In my country I would recommend you only say that your true opinions on the matter cannot be spoken due to hate speech legislation so you legally cannot engage with the class but disagree with their stances.
Keep your mouth shut and your mind open.

why is nobody talking about the quints? Anyway politics dont belong in university ground. Oh what was it again? Liberal college you say? ahahah well enjoy your two hours listening to bullshit

there are no liberal colleges, just colleges. Right wingers are too dumb to attend anything higher than high school

>my professor wants us to have a conversation about Kavanaugh
Send your professor and email saying you were the victim of sexual assault and don't think you can handle being confronted with that topic again in class. You will then get a guaranteed A for the semester even if you never show up to class again and don't take the final exam.

if temperament was a disqualifying fact than ginsberg would had have to resign cause she made anti trump statements during the election so she is clearly biase. if temperament is disqualification the entire demcorat party would also have to resign for the crap they pulled over the last 3 weeks.
also mention that all 4 of her OWN witnessed denie what she is saying and that a 25 year veteran in sexual prosecutions also says she has no case at all.


Delete that meme

His mission has keks blessing.
You don't understand digits

Ok.... Heres your diversion.
Say you dont support Kav because of his views on the 4th amendment.... NSA spying etc etc. Your disappointed your libertarian senator Rand Paul sold out.

Then lay out how many feeder clerks used to work for Kav are now at the supreme court and that it is these people who really run the show with research and writings.

Talk about how if Kav is guilty 30+ years of his decisions in cases should be overturned.

Basically go full lefty and smartypants and make them pull you back.

Ford was taken advantage of by her senators and lawyers. She didn’t want the letter leaked but because midterms were around the corner, the Democrats leaked it anyway. The hearing was a sideshow because of this.

Also—people can misidentify. Bring up the innocence project

>In America, people are innocent until proven guilty.
What is bail?
What is zero compensation for jail time and loosely definined probable cause?

wrong. Liberal colleges are i.e. gender studies, philosophy - trash tier for subhuman such as yourself
I study at the high status uni of technology - physics and maths - for high IQ ubermensch.

Remember when she didnt want to name the 3rd boy there? And that he supposedly looks like Kavanaugh and she dated him, and his house seems to match the area and floor plan she gave. I think that guy did it and she convinced herself, possibly my hypnosis (no rlly she co authored a study on using hypnosis to recover memories and create fake memories to act out trauma), that it was Bret to sink his nomination.

You simply say you don't consent to the conversation. If you professor persists, your professor is a potential rapist.

Look at Alan Dershowitz commentary. He’s a liberal and Harvard law professor, but he takes a very rational view.

nice try but all scientific colleges are left wing

the only right wing schools are religious schools

What about him supposedly "lying under oath". What were the "lies" and how do i debunk this argument?


Get ready to see allies where you didn't know you had any friend.

you can have a flawless argument, but it isnt going to matter. you're talking to npcs that will repeat the same worn out talking points like you accidentally clicked on a video game character twice and received the same dialog.

Take the hit and don’t participate. You’re teacher is figuring out who she is going to fail this semester. Fight them during kristallnacht, not classtime.

Don’t reveal power level, your professor is just trying to identify the conservatives to figure out who needs more brainwashing. Keep your head low.

Put it on a t-shirt...

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>show my power level
So basically you're in the minority, and won't say a word. Instead, you come here and act all edgy. I'm not impressed.
Maybe you should drop out and go back to bible studies.

>innocent until proven guilty
'nuff said


>npcs literally cannot into logic
>so lets make libs look illogical so the other npcs draw a logical conclusion

Bring those digits and no one will have a good counter-argument. They're almost as impressive as the amount of money you're wasting on your "education."

Just point out that the Democrats were trying to normalize the destruction of political opponents through unproven accusations, and if that trend were allowed to take hold, it would be the end of the Republic as no one, left or right, would ever be electable ever again.

Some liberal I was arguing with said there was proof he watched Ford's testimony with his team, though he claimed under oath he didn't watch it. Don't know if that's true, I'd check up on that though.

She didn’t get ptsd from being groped, which is why it only came up one time in years upon years of counseling

fact: you're a faggot shill.

Go reeeeeeeeeeeeee back to you small corner.

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You are forgetting lesson 1 about leftists and it is kindof sad. They don’t legitimately hold their own beleifs, they don’t actually care about anything or anyone. The leftists number 1 goal is destroying the west, it will not matter how crippled or how black you are, they will turn on you like a starved pack of wolves and pat themselves on the back for it.

Mastertip: There is no logic in debating the illogical

Find the body language expert on Ford's testimony.
Just give it a watch.

Film your professor and send it to this page.
facebook FilmYourMarxistProfessors

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Don't bother arguing against their argument, Attack on their style and over-emotional reaction.
Claim any and all false equivalency, anything is apples and oranges.

Don't take the bait. If you're forced to say anything just say something like "I don't really follow politics." The moment your professor learns you're a conservative, they WILL trash your grade regardless of what you do or say or how you do in the class.