I want to talk, Jow Forums

What do you think the root cause of all societies failing is
>inb4 jews
What is the jews problem if you unironically think the jews and only the jews are the cause of every civilization collapsing?

what do you propose we do about it?

Attached: Moosefix.jpg (1080x720, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I would answer your question, but you're gonna have to post more muscular girls

I've only got the one.

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>what is the jews problem
their "problem," you dumbass faggot, is that they're E V I L

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>E V I L
Whats that mean?
is that when they'd prefer that only jews existed so they wouldn't have to share earth and it's limited resources with others?

>if you unironically think the jews and only the jews are the cause of every civilization collapsing?
Rabbis openly says they want the fall of the western world. They can't stop bragging about how they've destroyed the previous 3 empires and now they need to destroy Edom (Europe). If the jews themselves says it, if you can observe it right now, with your own eyes, why the fuck are you deluding yourself ? Stop being a coward.

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I want her to fart in my face

>and only the jews
yeah so if it's only the jews and they're so BLATANTLY FUCKING OBVIOUS ABOUT KILLING THE REST OF HUMANITY
why hasn't THE REST OF HUMANITY done something about it.

Its humanity's own nature to both desire a flourishing society but also to end it. And it accomplishes both through tribalism.

>destroyed the previous 3 empires
only 3?

How do you correct humanity?
could you breed out the parts of humanity that want to destroy society?
What parts of humanity destroy society?
which drives?


Attached: Greek Geographer Strabo on Jews 1st century.png (997x324, 147K)

Because it would be antisemitic.


Real Answer ?

Listen to this ESPECIALLY if you are not Catholic.

Who is she?

define antisemetic and explain why antisemitism is bad.

user, I'll help you exterminate all of the Jews or whatever, but I must have source.

it's not the Jews, but they do not help
It is the end of our civilization cycle
What toppled the Islamic world?
Not the jews.
What toppled the classical world? Twice.. not the Jews, decadence.
What toppled the Egyptian world?
Ancient China, post three kingdoms. Decadence.

Attached: evola.jpg (194x259, 4K)

See here -> the Jews were all throughout the ancient world 1st century

What is decadence?
Is it pleasure?
Is it having sex?
Is it collecting gold?
Is it accumulating resources and hording them?
Is it the unwillingness to work?
Is it the desire to live at the expense of others?

What is "decadence"

>maggots are on every corpse
>therefore maggots are the killers
you're an idiot, also ancient Egypt collapsed before the Jews existed as a people.
So did the early Neolithic societies of Eastern Europe.

No, they need the goyim to do productive work. The parasite needs a host. If you're genuinely not a kike, read about the Talmud. To the jew, the goyim are cattle. That's why they treat us badly, and that's why people don't like them. They also rape, torture, and murder children.

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It is peak Kali Yuga.
It is becoming weak
becoming lazy
becoming disinterested
becoming comfortable
becoming complacent
becoming less individualistic
becoming less heroic

This guy gets it.

Attached: evola.png (400x400, 160K)

>The parasite needs a host
So you're saying dependence on others is EVIL
Does that mean women are evil?
They can't NOT be dependent.

omg you are a jew. the rest of humanity doesn't know, you nigger, because you have them brainwashed

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But if the maggots were there before the person died...

get the fuck off our board, kike

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>the rest of humanity doesn't know
But everything is out in the open it's blatantly fucking obvious
>jews themselves says it, if you can observe it right now, with your own eyes, why the fuck are you deluding yourself ? Stop being a coward.


the goyim know

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i had her on FB before it got disabled, her first name is Zoey and she has a fine ass.

>the goyim know
Apparently the goyim don't care

People are cowards user. The only ones who try or would try get suppressed by an increased amount of bureaucracies who are filled with people who are complacent with their just above average salaries.

...means the person was probably sick...

It's the jews.

- /First Empire - Ancient Greece, all knowledge and experience extracted from the ancient empires;
- /Second Empire - Roman Empire, expansion of the First Empire's culture and knowledge;
- /Third Empire - Christianity, fusion between the First and the Second Empires, with the absorption of several eastern elements (such as Judaism) - the Christian Moral;
- /Fourth Empire - Europe, spreading throughout the entire world the outcome of the previous empires and the Anglo-Saxon hegemony, its culture and the English-speaking world as a result of the British Empire - the English individualism.

Jewish interests and the platform of democracy allowed easily manipulated idiots (mostly women) vote against European interests to destroy the Middle East and to destroy itself in the process.

>People are cowards
Could people be bred into something other than cowards?
could they be bred to desire competition and a future where people strive for independence, creating societies to compete, trade knowledge, and improve their lineage instead of banding together so the strong can protect the weak?

And if it could, what would that take?

Because people are like you, cowards. We tried to do something, but unfortunately, we are christians. Now it's too late, they've seized nearly all power.

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>We tried to do something,
How many jews have you killed.

Hmmm... But they've been ran out of how many countries? Guatemala 2014 included.

So the collapse of civilization is ONLY THE JEWS fault
Why are jews NOT being driven out of civilizations in 2018?

>Could people be bred into something other than cowards?
No. Now, just give your kids their HRT pills and shut up, you transphobic piece of shit.

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Decadence has allowed women to shrug off the burden of childbirth. This is the main reason for our demographoc collapse. Unbridled luxury is another cause. It allows people to waste their time with trash like gender studies, as they no longer need to work to live. They can afford to talk about meaningless tripe like sociology, which as a field creates only division, as people are put into smaller and smaller boxes and more exclusive groups.

great solution, coward.

We remove our brave from the population by sending them overseas to die in foreign wars. We’re left with cattle.

It's not too late.
People are very slowly waking up to how far the jews have infiltrated our socities and religons.


The Last Pope who was forced to step down said that the third message of Akita was the same as the third message of Fatima.
Even if you don't believe in God listen to the podcast and read the message.

I'm not a murderer and I don't care. I've just stop playing the jewish game, boycott everything jewish and discriminate them everytime I can.

>The root cause of society's failing

Apathy. I think the "Whatever" culture of 90s kids lead into apathetic adults. Now everyone is "literally dying" or "going to kms" or just weakly discussing how it's all tiresome and we're all doomed.

As for a solution, I haven't come up with a good one. The 24 hour news cycle causes a steady barrage of negative press and warnings that death stalks us at every turn. I just think people need to embrace the world around them. Go to parks, eat good food, make new friends, don't fixate on all the negativity we're forcefed.

>them overseas to die in foreign wars
Then we should breed people to be smarter, to not fight in wars that don't affect us.
maybe we could set up a militia of sorts, instead of a federal military.

how can we make women less manipulable?

>I'm a coward

Yeah but... Why is our civilization collapsing?

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You are a burger, you've got guns, right ? Why aren't you dylann roofing a synagogue right now ? Go on, save the white race.

Because I don't think the problem is ONLY THE JEWS

Nice slide but I'll bite.
Here is a simple challenge if you in fact truely think the Jews are not to blame.
>Find one bit of degeneracy in western civilization that doesn't have a Jew behind it
>Find one bit of smut or degeneracy in media that doesn't have a Jew behind it
>Find on race baiting article in western civilization that doesn't have a Jew behind it.
>Find one piece of interracial sex propaganda that doesn't have a Jew behind it
>Find one piece of gangster culture that doesn't have a Jew behind it
>Find one anti nationalism or anti patriotism news piece that doesn't have a Jew behind it
>Find one anti white culture article that doesn't have a Jew behind it
>Find one pro immigration article that doesn't have a Jew behind it
Jews are 100% behind the destruction of western civilization.
If you can just find one we can talk
>You can't.

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federal reserve
civil rights
the strong funding the weak (disgenic welfare)
lack of a stable family
no communities
no freedom to create communities

I challenge you to do the same and not also find women at the core of every problem.

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Not following the word of God as stated in the new testament is ultimately the cause.
The Bible clearly says to persecute and expel the Jew. We ignored that portion of God's will after WW2, God did not persecute the Jew for his sake but ours.
>Find one pro communist piece that is not pushed by the jew

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> I don't think the problem is ONLY THE JEWS
You see, you are the problem and I'm quiet sure you are jewish...
Your people want the destruction of Edom. They use Ishmael to flood Europe and start a war. When Edom fall, the messiah will come back. I think you people are nuts. Fucking hardcore LARpers who follow muh book way to literally.

The old testament was Jews you fucking brain-dead monkey.
Hence the new testament.

>They use Ishmael to flood Europe and start a war
Absolutely, because middle eastern countries have been attempting to get away from the banks since before bush was elected.

The military is a necessary evil. They act to protect American interests by any means. This includes protecting American businesses. When American businesses act in opposition to the American people, the military acting on behalf of American businesses stop becoming a necessity in the eyes of the people and are now seen as just evil. That’s the heart of the divide in this country.

The Jew attempts to deflect the question.
Anyone that is reading this thread will be woke within the day.
Thank you for helping the cause.

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complacency of all the problems;
nothing and were fucked. who cares enjoy your life

the root of all societal failures is humans ourselves
but the kikes are always accelerating it and they start it 99% of the time
>What is the jews problem
see pic related

as to what should be done kill all the kikes and then raise everyone with a sense of honor such as that anything close to corruption
degeneracy or other wise would cast shame upon you your family and descendants for all of time and if that doesn't work than just kill
everyone who doesn't comply

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See image. The pruning is happening

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The federal military acts at the desires of world leaders, not the american people.
This is EXACTLY why the militias were dissolved in the first place.

You're stupid.

didn't click

Your mom.

>thinking women are smart and capable of making rational decisions.

Oh, user.

>>thinking women are smart and capable of making rational decisions.
Do you think they can't be fixed by letting the stupid irrational ones die instead of being taken care of and bred?

Welfare state, obviously.
The welfare state is voted on and absolutely bloated by women voting.
Women voting will always be a thing so long as weak men give them the right without earning it.
Weak men are allowed to survive because there is no necessary conflict forcing competence.

Good news? Society as of now is not sustainable long-term. Once it fails, it will be a hostile environment.
Hostile environments force competence.

My only hope is we learn from that one this fucking time around.
Rome all over again.

>Weak men are allowed to survive because there is no necessary conflict forcing competence.
How do we correct this problem and ensure that society can survive?

I have not met a single rational women in my entire life, only dykes pretending to be.

I'm not counting Karen Straughn but iirc she's got some issues too.

Apparently pugs used to be wolves.
seems silly to think that couldn't be duplicated.

so i was friends with somebody that used her profile pics on facebook. I just now realized that was not really her.

Conflict creates itself. As the welfare state gets bloated and occupies more and more of the budget (it's already more than half) there won't be enough for anything else. When that 'anything else' also means the army they'll either desert and become a paramilitary group or America will get weakened and invaded.

The country is liable to fail well before that since the American Universities have already stated to be anti-science, giving the chance of other nations to become the World Power, namely China.

The breeding of dindus may also cause internal conflict when they no longer can be supported and start rioting.

Failure is imminent and there is no one who can avoid it when we're at this stage; not realistically. Once the west falls there will be conflict. If that enough will be able to motivate them to rise again when the East has already been given a head start, that is not possible to know.

>The federal military acts at the desires of world leaders, not the American people
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Americans that are anti-capitalists, atheists, feminists and others are on the side of subverting America. Many of them spew the same lines about the military industrial complex and Wall Street being the most evil places in the world. The funny thing about it, is that globalization serves both of their interests because both of them think it’s the only way to get rid of the other and seize control. Maybe we’ll see a rise of decentralization but with so many globalist radicals I’m sure there will be a lot of pushback, if not complete censorship of anything involving decentralization.

>What do you think the root cause of all societies failing is

I'm reading this book that should answer to your questions, i dont know if it propose solutions...but you need to wait because i've started it only a couple of days ago.

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The cause is most definately that society forms a set of values which almost certainly bring about a good life, because of this, those born into a good life don’t understand what life was like before the good life and let their curiosity tell them to reject sociatal values just to see what would happen. This leads to a rough life and the cycle begins again.

>oh noes the femininsts want to play military
no they don't.
they want others to play military for them.
if a militia isn't your style how about mandatory service for all citizens?

>when we're at this stage
for future use.
what could society do to promote conflict and competition internally?

>you will never wrestle moosefix

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I knew a woman who was just as tomboyish as her, as a matter of fact she reminds me of her.

She was fucking crazy and on meds constantly.

Yeah well I don't want her to force my face into her personality, so it's okay.

Attached: nanomachines, hun.gif (320x240, 784K)

>pic unrelated
Should be banned

>Her to force my face.

You do know that women aren't that strong right? She looks like your average dyke. Tired of seeing emasculated men promote their submissive fantasies.

Why post if you don't give a shit about the thread?
I believe that an image of a physically fit girl is directly related to the fall of civilization.
I think the desire to be dependent on others leads to society collapsing inward as it's no longer being supported.
I believe women jews and other 'minorities' desire this, or have been manipulated into desiring this.
I believe this desire is deeply ingrained into women genetically, as they have never been exposed to gene death for not being able to acquire resources due to their lack of physical fitness or rationality.
I believe that jews, being a matrilineal society that ban competition and argue over everything using pilpul, have selectively bred themselves to be weak parasites.

I would like for society to worship independence, and self sufficiency.
I would like for us to solve the problem with humanity that is the desire to live at the expense of others.

Don't be a cocksucker and post faggy bullshit because you think girls are cute and don't want to think.

And the homosexual reveals himself.

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I just looked at this women, she's literally just some dyke working for a Jewed company while talking about how depressed she is.

Women trying to be like men has only led to depression, also I don't know about this chick but in-order to survive in the lifting industry women have to depend on soft core steroids and would be useless otherwise.
Get rid of your unhealthy fetishes instead of claiming for it to be normal and pushing it on others. There is something wrong with you that makes you view yourself as inferior and needing to be controlled and you must fix that.

They’re there to subvert/weaken it on behalf of leaders who oppose America’s current state and want power for themselves. There isn’t any other way to beat America’s Constitution, financial, and military power. It has to be destroyed from the inside and it’s being accomplished by these smaller groups. Feminists in particular, are a huge asset for them. They destroy the family unit, fertility rates, reduce work efficiency, and can act to get rid of any undesirable man to the cause over a simple allegation. They’re useless to you because you aren’t using them to your benefit. However, that doesn’t mean others won’t.

>if a militia isn't your style how about mandatory service for all citizens?
It’s less about how the military is organized and more about who they serve. Militias can be subverted to fight each other, that’s how many civilizations fell.

>I just looked at this women, she's literally just some dyke working for a Jewed company while talking about how depressed she is.
good for you.
that's pretty feminine in my opinion, talking about how depressed you are like thats going to change something, almost as if she's crying out in the hopes that someone will give her something, sounds like she desires to live at other peoples expense.

>physical fitness is bad
wow ok.

>It’s less about how the military is organized and more about who they serve.
I disagree.
People should be forced to fight the wars they cry for.

Why are Jow Forums fags actually the biggest basedboys on the planet?

Physical strength and making yourself fit for combat is healthy for MEN, where is it is extremely unhealthy for women as they give up fertility while still not being good for combat in any sense.

Women should be fit for having babies lots of babies, not whatever faggot shit you fantasize about.

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I have a problem with your suggestion that the athletic woman in your picture is a failure. That is the condition of a woman who can help chop her own wood, feed her own livestock, hoe and plant a half acre before breakfast, and still raise 4 kids while pregnant.
You seem to be mistaken, sir.

>I have a vagina don't make me work!

>What do you think the root cause of all societies failing is
>What is the jews problem if you unironically think the jews and only the jews are the cause of every civilization collapsing?
They actively attack or subvert everything that isn't Jewish.
>what do you propose we do about it?