If you have black hair and brown eyes - you're not white

reminder - if you have black hair and brown eyes - you're not white
i myself have brown hair and green eyes, beautiful combination

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=blue eye vision problems&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1

bump. colorful hair/eyes are Aryan trait

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Worry about your race-mixing women first instead of who's white and who isn't.

Yeah yeah I know.

What next, I'm not white unless my dick is under 6 inches

>t. (picture)


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hit the table and the scissors will answer

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Underneath your Polish skin is Polish blood. Underneath Australian skin, only mud!

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Polish people are Iranian Sarmatians (pure Aryan blood)
Pic related is my ancestor :)

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Croatians are the only white South Slavs left, they should rule over Balkans

blue eyed people are the master race

Cool. Now gimme dat.

Such a good movie.

Yeah we all know but over half the users here are amerimutt who think you can be white with brown eyes, hair and olive skin.

My girlfriend also is Polish and has brown hair and green eyes. Do you look Jewish or have Jewish ancestry?

I almost puked just reading that.

>Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:
>>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>>Are X white?

Pure Slav
Can you leave this thread? It's for Aryans only shit skin

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>Olive skin
Brown skin

but olives can also be green

my bad bro, I thought being white was not a prerequisite to believing white people have a right to exist. I'll now support your subversion and annihilation. honest mistake.

And black.

No one wants to be white, aka recessive, aka deficient.

We will steal your jobs. We will steal your girlfriends. You better hide from us. We are coming.

i have brown hair and light brown eyes but white skin...what am i?

blue eyes are weaker than brown eyes and much more susceptible to vision problems.

Can someone tell me what pic related means on the end of the nose
I have a very faint version of it, hardly noticeable, but it's still driving me crazy

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Sure I can, delusional idiots aren't fun company.

>what am i
A shit skin

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rekt my science mutated monkey google.com/search?q=blue eye vision problems&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1

Me too, man this stuff is really complicated

Sl*ves are not human

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How common is the brown hair green eyes combo in Poland? Are the majority of people who have this combination Slav or Jewish?

Red beard, blue eyes, black hair

Correct. White requires either light eyes, light hair, or pink nipples.

I got blue eyes and brown hair. Feels good man.


jews do not ever say this.

>brown hair green eyes combo in Poland?
not that rare, but most people (around 55% have blue eyes)
>Are the majority of people who have this combination Slav or Jewish?
I don't any person who look like Jew, has Jewish traits so I don't know
Blue eyes are for seeing better at night and for colder climates. I don't have blue eyes but I don't expect la creatura will be able to read with comprehension kek

Black hair - in 9/10 you’re probably right. But Europeans have always had brown eyes.


>Iranian Sarmatian
That's horseshit. POlish nobility adopted Sarmatian traditions but recent DNA studies suggest that those closest to Sarmatians among the nobility were Tatars

Source? From out of your head retard? Blue eyes from recessive mutations. Deficient in melanin. Theres no benefit whatsoever, its purely aesthetic at the price of deficiency. Nice apartment.

So you're saying that you don't personally know of anyone in Poland who has Jewish features (curly dark hair, oily skin, Jewish nose)? Do you know a good amount of people?

Also I'm visiting Poland in a few weeks. Where should I go?

Guess Benjamin Franklin isn't white then. Or Kant, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Nietzsche for that matter. Damn, really makes you think.

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>Also I'm visiting Poland in a few weeks. Where should I go?
You should stay in your shithole and never visit Poland. We've had enough of you street pissers. Your subhuman behaviour is beyond comprehension

Let's discuss the Jewish role in Wahabbism

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Wrong thread...

Good, now I can say nigger

Kraków most definitely
>curly dark hair, oily skin, Jewish nose
nope nope and nope and I know shit load of people in my city. come and see

What's with the aggression? Have my people (the mighty Anglo-Saxon race) done something to offend you?

I was also coming to because I want to scope out the area and see if I could start a business there, selling curry, jerked spices etc. Would that be a good move? Does the market exist for that?

then wtf am i?

You always post the same fucking picture of yourself.

Benjamin Franklins hair was blond or light brown and his eyes were grey you imbecille.
Nietzche had grey eye color as well

Why would anyone want to visit poland

What the fuck is it with you fair skinned retards? The white race is under attack and you want to divide it with muh Aryan features. Green eyes are for women faggot and blonde hair is pussy shit. Suck it kike.

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Stick to canadian grocery store shitposting threads Poleshit

>selling curry, jerked spices etc.
English subhumans are the worst tourist that ever existed. They piss everrywhuere, they are loud as fuck and they always get their heads smashed in whenever visiting Poland.

>the mighty Anglo-Saxon race
Hmm.. *flashbacks of WWII
nah, what's in the past is in the past, you're welcome in Poland. Start visiting from Kraków

if polacks are white how come they act like niggers and are poor like gypsies?

if i have polish descent, am circumcised, and have brown hair and brown eyes am i a cryptojew?

>bejamin franklin
See I was thinking of the wrong guy, it was Thomas Jefferson that had brown eyes. But I can find nothing about Nietsche having grey eyes. Settle down sperg.

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Just Jewgle Nietzsche eye color you dumb fuck.

Good pic but Tesla had blue eyes. Blonde people tend to be degenerate but they can be turned to greatness too, it's not all trash.

you're polish so de facto subhuman. go meme somewhere else

Gf wants to. I haven't been on holiday for many years so I thought it'd be worth it.

Good thing I won't be saying much and just blend into the rest of the people. Doubt you can tell I'm English just from looks.

You didn't say, is there a market for curry and jerked foods?

You most definetely are, Schmuel


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It seems he did have lighter eyes. Now stop acting like a nigger.

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>Good thing I won't be saying much and just blend into the rest of the people. Doubt you can tell I'm English just from looks.
I think your yellow crooked teeth and the thousand cuck stare will reveal your identity quite fast.
>You didn't say, is there a market for curry and jerked foods?
Not really.

Fucking mongol detected. Go back to Asia behind the Ural subhuman shitkrainian

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Niggers are always wrong ergo I'm the white man and you're the nigger my shitskinned friend.

I have light brown hair and blue eyes. My hair turns gold in the summer though, and my skin turns brass. I'm definitely an Aryan

>t. slav


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According to Schlomo the troll this is a nigger.

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Makes me think they're a bunch of niggers

Mine is similar but it goes more from chestnut to a gold tinged brown
My eyes are grey

Kek, better than being a Polack

>brown hair
lol nigger

Lithuania? How did you break off from my leash, come back here bitch!

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Moyshe says this is a shit skin... Fight amongst yourselves goyim!

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But you're a Somali.

I'd rather be a """shitskin""" than a subhuman pole.
Very high achieving niggers then, guess negroes aren't that bad huh.

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That's so epic. You're AWESOME

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It's a Scythian trait. Their hair use to match the harvest in season. My skin is the same way. It turns pale while my hair gets dark in the winter.
You do realise the Mongols went through Poland yes? Look at Khabib's head, he looks like a literal chimpanzee.

But you already are a shitskin and you'll never be a Pole despite how much you cry about it at nights.


How many schekels a letter are they paying you Ira Jewy Jewman? I suppose this is a "mongol" or a "shit skin" as well, eh Ezra Finkelstein?

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>That's so epic. You're AWESOME

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This! Fuck Shitkra**e

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By the way Ukraine is one of the whitest countries in the entire world I think it's like 99% white because we have no mass immigration as the GDP is so low...
we have basically total blonde hair blue-eyed white racial purity in my country and that is not the same with Poland or Russia but none the less I would never say that someone who has dark eyes is non-white you fucking fag

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>Brown hair
>Green eyes

Another man of honour, I see.

I never claimed to be a polish chimp though

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I have black hair and brown eyes, but I'm white and German women love it.

For the children bewitched by the Merchant lies...a brief refresher

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>By the way Ukraine is one of the whitest countries in the entire world


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>brown hair and green eyes
good to see another member of the true masterrace