Based and redpilled, yet another proof that the degeneracy comes from American goyim, not Jews.
>Jewish public entities say what American leftist goyim want them to say otherwise there're no shekels but public shaming and scandals.
Based and redpilled, yet another proof that the degeneracy comes from American goyim, not Jews.
>Jewish public entities say what American leftist goyim want them to say otherwise there're no shekels but public shaming and scandals.
You try way too hard kys
Well this is no surprise.
Don't eat pussy,
or your mouth will turn into a pussy!
No we don't. We don't give a fuck. She is a women, there will be no blowback for her.
The right is a dead movement walking.
>The right is a dead movement walking
So we're unkillable (can't kill what's dead), that's a good thing.
> munch the box, get the pox
wait, are you saying that Kaitlan "Gag the fag" Collins is NOT /ourgirl/ who has infiltrated CNN from within?