This is okay in America

>this is okay in America
this is not okay

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and that's a good thing!

>Americans need all of this to feel safe
lmao what a bunch of fucking dorks, All I need is my longbow and billhook

this is ok

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>Russianfaggot commenting on American rights

This is expected in America
>OP is a subject

Its called a hobby...

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>not okay
you're just mad because you're a jew and we have ammo.

this, yanks are pussies

>No FALs
No this is not okay

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Show us where the guns that are locked in a vault are touching you

Stored in a safe, well maintained... Looks fine to me.

Copypasta threads are not okay, OP.

if i could own a single handgun i would sleep so much more comfortably

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That is a picture is inside a police weapons locker.
Are you day one out police should not have access to adequate weapons?

>Are you day one out police should
what the fuck am I reading?

Yeah he doesn't have a lever action.
Fucking faggot.

gonna fuck up the tension in those mag springs

Based and redpilled

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Not okay at all! Keeping your magazines loaded for long periods damages the spring, which may lead to failure. Remember to not store your magazines loaded in bulk! Only keep one or two loaded in case of break in, and rotate which one is loaded every once in a while. Only load in bulk if expecting shit to go down.

Yup, that is not okay at all.

You're just mad they are not AKs.

Blow it out your ass

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How many times have people posted this one picture and asked the same question. Youd think this was the only picture of alot of guns on the internet

>single point sling mounted on the butt of the stock


of course not hes russian

I've been trying to get my fellow burgers medievalpilled, but for some reason they don't seem to huge on jamming a brandistock through home invader's heads. Pansies.

this picture
this is all i want

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I’m mad too actually. We need to revisit a lot of these shitty import restrictions. I want proper Russian and Chinese AKs imported again.

>1 post by this id

Looks okay to me. There's a fair bit of redundancy and a complete lack of taste but we're talking about people who'll eat McDonalds every single day here.

Come home white man

Russians have the right to purchase guns for self defense in addition to hunting and sport. Illegal guns are also super fucking cheap over there, due to all the soviet era surplus circulating in the streets. Word is you can get an AK for a few hundred bucks.

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Its okay, and beautiful

start a war with china and sell us guns faggot

Changing out those mags to check on the springs would be f u c k e d.

This is perfectly okay. It's not like the guy has killed anyone with those. Fucking Russian shillbot.

Seems to be OK in Switzerland.

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yes. need cheap quality aks. a proper ak can only be made with commie slave labor

Some people overdo it. Like I was doing a job in a woman's house and someone knocked on the door. She first went to her gun cabinet and grabbed her AR-15 and looked through the peephole, then set it down and opened the door and it was just a salesman.
My uncle grabs his shotgun and walks outside just because a helicopter is flying overhead like he thinks there's some fugitive in his back woods.
I get the impression that many of them aren't really paranoid, but just want to look for an excuse to flash their guns.
Thankfully I have a friend who just blatantly says he wants to show me his new gun, and we go out shooting them from time to time. Those are the kind of people I like, not this "omg I need muh gun because I heard a cow moo" shit.

I need to start keeping track of the flags in these shill threads. I swear the last time this exact pic and text was posted it was an Aussie flag. Could be a proxy, I suppose. Anyway, sage.

but it could be a nigger mimicking a cow to sneak into your property to rape your daughter

How about you try and do something about it commie.

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user, that's not how springs work...

Tfw I've got more ordnance than that

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Of course you don't like it. You hate it
When subjects can shoot back for a change, don't you?

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Wheres the shotguns?

It could be, but it's also broad daylight in a 97% white city.

You mean tension over an extended period of time doesn't make things change?

how does a loongbow work against a dune coon in a boxtruck?

never relax

That's actually not true. Its constant loading and unloading that damages the mag springs

Its fucking beautiful. That what that is.

>I could conquer Britain with this arsenal..

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>Like I was doing a job in a woman's house and someone knocked on the door. She first went to her gun cabinet and grabbed her AR-15 and looked through the peephole

not sure why you have a problem with this, as answering the door is one of the most vulnerable moments

step 1: master the long bow by training for 2 hours every sunday until you can draw 120lbs
step 2: get dysentary
step 3: roll your arrowheads/billhook in your infectious faeces
step 4: you can now draw a biological weapon to a strength capable of piercing 2mm thick steel

>having the means to defend yourself from a tyrannical government is not ok
> t citizen of recent tyranny

Cucks just never learn their lesson.

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clearly people don't get shot so much in the US because it's easy to get guns, that be silly to think

One gun is safety, this many guns if for fun.

You couldn't conquer the average rural village with that.

The only thing that's not ok is that I can't own such a glorious arsenal in my country

>what is a stress-strain curve?
>what is the elastic limit?
maybe read a book sometime?

To add to this, the spring tension isn't at all why you shouldn't do this. It's because the feed lips can experience creep and bend over time, causing jams. Magpul mags with the cover on are what you want for long term storage of loaded mags.

>Russians have the right to purchase guns for self defense
Wat. We could use only traumatic handguns with plastic bullets as a self defence guns, that is barely count. Shokers and other shit don’t count obviously


You can't buy whiteness.

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These guys are my heroes

>what is compression
>what is time
>what is metal

Fuddloar bullshit.

Arms are mandarory for Swiss citizens and Iceland is the most armed nation on Earth.
Luxembourg is also highly armed.
All 3 have the lowest murder rates by any means in the world and they proportionally are more armed than the US.

What about spring compression, though?

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Americans are absolute mongoloids who think more guns=more safety.


it would take a lot (more than a human would be capable of doing in a lifetime) of loading/unloading cycles for repetitive cyclic stress to affect the grains in the spring.

I agree, too many ARs, nigga needs to diversify his rifles a bit more. Shit, get a PTR 91 or an SKS or an M1 Garand, something. That many AR's is like skipping leg day.

fucking this, and to to mention we might have some unfriendly neighbors, that are liable to chimp the fuck out if the gibs go away.

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It’s almost as if weaponry isnt the problem and subhuman Am*ricoids are

>Post Soviet Satellite nation that had no guns

The more guns you have
the less guns everyone else has.
the federal reserve can't just PRINT guns.

Or cows gone bad.

No FALs...dafuq how can you be buying your third or fourth gun and not have a come to Jesus moment and make that gun purchase a fal

yeah... you really need to read a book.
or, take a class. community colleges nowadays offer introductory classes to material science which would help you understand why you're being retarded right now.

> tell somebody about whiteness
Im Bulgarian by myself and know how you look like

It's almost as if that's an unfair comparison.

So fucking jealous

>Clearly people dont get brutally stabbed to death in countries with tight gun control, that be silly to think

murder rate actually INCREASES cos you just create a bunch of defenceless victims.

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Does this apply to needless?Is there a way to POP!Someone without them feeling it?

>this is not okay
Fucking this. Imagine your friends and family doing a keystone kops routine at this tiny locker when the apocalypse hits. If you can afford all those guns then you can afford a proper barrack for them you cheap-ass faggots.

>colleges make you the big think
that's why usa has a central bank.

Came here to post this. keep like 5 of your mags loaded then cycle through them after a month

I see where you're coming from, no Russian imports

Needles? Sure, Do the same thing with one and put it on the end of a walking stick and “accidentally” scrape migrants with it, Alternatively just put faeces in a syringe and inject it into halal meat

My boomer dad had a loaded ruger MkII magazine locked in a crate for a couple decades. Works just as well as the brand new mag I bought for it before the boating accident.

totally fine imo, i would get a gun if i lived in specific parts in the usa

>not sure why you have a problem with this

I think we could agree that needing to get an AR15 to check on the front door in the middle of the day is a bit over kill. Unless you just live in a straight shit hole the odds are you being home invaded in the middle of the day close to zero. The chances of you fucking up and shooting someone or your self by accident if everything/anything at the front door is get muh gun slowly creeps up every single time you do it
The sort of person who is middle of the day, better get my muh gun for the doorbell really makes me question their over mental ability to be trusted around a firearm in the first place. Being you don't have to even answer your door in the first place.
Guns solve gun level problems, they are not really needed for shit that is solved with say a decent lock or a heavy metal grate screen door if you're truly paranoid.

alright, faggot.
let me put this in terms you can understand right now.
have you ever had a mechanical failure of a buffer spring due to work hardening? no. why not? because the engineers designed it so that it COULDN'T PRACTICALLY be work hardened.
now, figure out HOW they did that and then you can come talk to the adults.
Hopefully, between now and you realizing that, you'll realize WHY your argument makes NO FUCKING SENSE from a materials science perspective.
now, shut the fuck up and sit in the corner.

Aйдe бe!

No retard more guns=safe community
Not everyone can afford thousands of dollars of weapons. But if shit goes down it is good to have a friend with an arsenal.
Sorta like look the knuckle draggers are rioting over Trumps fourth court nomination. Quick to Jeff's house!!!

either way, grab your gun.