Canada is Not Expensive Don't Listen to Jow Forums - look at these prices

I have bothered to go to the grocery store and prove once and for all that Canadian prices are not high. Don't listen to Jow Forums, we've got shit handled up here.

This pic proves how well the canadian supply management system and the politicians it owns are running the country. Other countries wish they had a system that could give them such prices. the fridges on the left of pic related are from quebec, the rest is southern ontario.

pretty much the only downside is the fuel costs, and the prices actually stop you from worrying about being demographically replaced, which is a good thing:

gas $1.25-1.35 per litre

Even diesel is $1.35-$1.40/L

Attached: canada prices.jpg (3196x2302, 1.15M)

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Don't listen to this guy, it's so bad that my fridge looks like this now

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>$20 for 1 kg of chicken
that's a horrendous price.

canadian anons need to start photographing their fridges. to prove this guy wrong!

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>$20 chicken breasts
Hate to break it to you leaf but that's fucking ridiculous. I can get a whole chicken for like $8-$10.

Do they put fluoride in milk and salt too? Or just in tap water and water bottles?

Attached: food price sadist.jpg (500x436, 51K)

here' some yellowing chicken on sale

Attached: chicken beef.jpg (3456x2087, 1.42M)

Jesus dude, miracle whip is a sometimes food and you bought the American sized jar.

What's in those big bags at the bottom of the fridge?

That is really expensive

These two were very nice btw and even without the sale they are still only £4 for two

Attached: 20181002_182710.jpg (4128x3096, 3.65M)

Studentfag detected.

premium grade milk straight from the cartel

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Ahh, the based full-time grocery collapse-poster

Why would you buy that much milk at one time? It looks to be about 6 litres. How could you consume 6 litres of milk before it goes off? What's inside the bag? Is it a bag with multiple cartons inside?

each bag has many smaller bags which are sealed

then what's in those smaller bags?
multiple tiny cartons?

>4.75 per gallon of gas

Is this expensive?

Attached: 20180929_143322.jpg (4032x3024, 3.67M)

what's in those cartons above the bags of bags of cartons?
don't tell me multiple little cartons

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an american would rather die than pay such prices, but it' s a good deal in canada

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price check on halloween treats

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I would bet anything that those are made with meat glue.

I just paid 10,000 yen for a plate of sushi. Japan is collapsing!!!

they would have to be labelled as reformed beef.

Attached: canadian governemnt worker busted shilling.png (962x619, 110K)

Nigga is that dairy in your fridge?

i just took out a home equity line of credit to buy some poreef

It’s called candy you pussy little faggot

you must be some kind of cognitive collossus but it's 'trick or treat'

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2 pounds of ground beef for $8? Shit, I pay $8 for a 6 pound bag of ground beef at Save a Lot

here is some grass fed ground in non bulk prices

Attached: 10 bucks.jpg (960x1280, 284K)

>50 for two pounds of completely average supermarket dyed loins
That's more like what I would spend on the whole meal, not just the loins. Do they try to keep every product competitive with american prices then dump the remaining cost into the meats?

Cant be that desperate you still have molson to see you through.

holy fuckerino

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molson isnt even owned by canadians anymore

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are you storing beer bottles in the fridge in a fucking plastic bag? are you autismstd?

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compare canadian to these polish prices russian bro

But their politicians look like this.

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>I take pictures inside a 7/11 and Movie Theatre vending machine so the whole country must be priced like this
When I went to the Fred Meyer in Washington I was surprised at how everything but meat was more expensive

cgdf shoo shoo

No one cares. You think showing high prices would create sympathy for Canadians?
And soften our attitudes towards you?
When your childrens faces melt off we will laugh at you,
no one gives a shit about your faggot country.

You're obviously still alive and not paying me taxes, so thats unacceptable.

Bad shitpost tho. He is pretty based

such is price of progress

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I wish my movie theatres sold milk and raw meat desu

utopia must be just around the corner

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that chicken is the more expensive organic one, also that price is awful, if you're smart and actually talk to people in grocery stores the ammount of fresh food you can get marked down is amazing. i usually pay a third of the price you have there on the chicken.

only problem right now is beef is getting extremely expensive

>haggle wal-mart
>haggle costco
>haggle no frills
>haggle the bulk barn

haha, holy fuck user are you a nuisance customer?

This is why there will never be an end to the horror

>miracle whip
It’s like you want the Jews to win...

north americans only go shoping once a week, the couple times i was in europe we shoppee every day, thats only like 3-4.5l not 6 by the way.

milk you mongoloid


why would you put milk in a bag. it seems like literally the worst container you could come up with. Is this an example of the canadian milk cartel just trying to make 1 more shekel?

I didn't ask to be Canadian

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A family of 6.

there are no zehrs in toronto. zehrs are loblaws rural ontario flagaships i don't think theres one in the entire gta. buddy should have gone to a loblaws


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no i shop at actual grocery stores and not those shitholes made for immigrants and poor people

bulk barn isnt a grocery store either you retard

Who fucking cares. Canada is crazily expensive. Stay away. We will perservere. Nobody should lose sleep over this issue. Feed your own guts and we'll do likewise.

you are positively seething

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>20 for 4 small chicken breasts
Jesus fucking christ

>lol u mad

How do leafs even survive with these kinds of prices

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how do canadians on welfare survive? are they all slated for organ donation?

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The prices here are slightly higher than the US... but Canadians still have a much lower cost of living. They don't need to pay for a useless health insurance industry that contributes nothing to society. They don't have to worry about outrages rent or real estate prices.

They suck the protein out of a big black nigger cock. It feeds them well enough to keep them alive. That's why most of them look like picture related.

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Prob this desu

Is that caribou? Did you cook that in your igloo?

Wouldn't their wives be the only ones surviving then

yes, I would pay 5 fucking dollars here in the US for that

they probably dont starve to death it's likely they get malnutrition related illnesses and die. or overdose/suicide.

but those organs are going somewhere.

i do that every day when i come from work with a beer bag because i am too lazy to take the beers out of the bag.

try going to costco instead of your corner convenience store nigger

its almost like you are fucking retarded or something

Are you kidding? Our taxrates are obscene, and rent/real estate prices are fucking off the charts. also we can't write off interest like americans. The banks collect mortgage interest tax free since we shoulder the burden.
Canadians get fucked by our own government 6 ways from sunday for everything from hydro/gas to cellphone/cable rates.

Uhh OP.. i got this for $8.64 usd here in the use

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if canada creates 41k private sector jobs and brings in one million people in a 12 month period, does everyone just get fleeced?

Canada ONLY produced 41K Private sector jobs in 1 year.

canada cant afford to add more than 41k pople at most, or it is importing them to be unemployed.

>keeping coffee in the fridge

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Here you go you data mining tool.

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Pizza pops?

$1.35/L for gas its $5.11/gal. I haven't ever seen gas prices get that high here in the US.

Yeah buddy. Case of 28 for $10 is a little pricy but I figure they’re convenient for work or when I’m lazy.

Gas here when I filled yesterday was $1.22/L

it's arranged like a communist grocery store, there is nothing of substance in that fridge

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>That little chicked for $18
Holy fucking shit, can Trump just make the death blow already?

Meh, you can’t see 65% of what’s in there.

Holy shit, no wonder you leafs can't into burgers.

well go re-arrange it and come back when you have something that wouldnt make an american blow his brains out if he saw it like that in his fridge.

>Actually going out of my way do to something for some Jow Forums faggot when we both know neither of us care.


No fucking way.

Can someone, memes aside, explain how Canada hasn't collapsed yet?

>go to movie theater
>theres raw chicken breasts in the vending machine
They should be selling rotisserie chickens people would actually eat them in the theater

hard mode: post your meat freezer

>canadians dont have a secondary meat freezer

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collapsing is a process, it takes time. there is no theme song and by the time normies notice it, they cannot escape.

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>In Canada, milk comes in bags.

Attached: israeli milk bags.jpg (3456x2304, 966K)

What the fuck? That’s impossible.

Corn fed chicken is yellow kid


Try $35/kg.
>pic related

Attached: $35:kg chicken breast.png (1294x854, 595K)

I don’t have one personally. Just moved into a new apartment 3-4 months ago and don’t have the space. My dad has one though.