Taylor Swift is /ourgirl/

No, not yours. Ours.

No racists, No KKK, No fascist USA.


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nobody cares about some hooker.
we're all too old to give a shit about porn anymore.
deal with it.

I don't care.

user, I have something to tell you, but promise me you won't freak out...

hillary has in it the bag now

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>no racists
So how does it feel to be a bigot?

We have Kanye anyway.

Cringe and blue pilled

Taylor Swift is Anton LaVey's daughter and as it turns out we don't really like her. You'll still see all the Nazi memes because we like the aesthetics.
Kanye is winning harder these days. Tay is falling to literally who tier on this board.

Did the left accualy fall for the natsoc meme ppsting about her!?

No we dont, he shills cuck porn

cant win em all i guess, you can have this one

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So brave of her, I mean, coming out with such controversial opinion in today's climate... Look at all the backlash she's gotten so far! I can't imagine how is she even holding out, so strong.

This is to be expected. She's like 30 with no kids. She already hit the wall and is on her way to being a pussy hat cat lady.

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the new Americans

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She hasn't got kids because she can't stop messing around with married men.

You keep her, We will keep the supreme court.


Welcome to Jow Forums. Its mostly ironic...you do know that dont you?

Besides if Tay didnt want people to think she was far right she shouldnt have quoted Hitler all those times and posted on /b/.

And you have proof of this?

>Jow Forums is just satire

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its over

>Its mostly ironic
used to be, sadly the newfags thought it was real and now it feels like stormfront lite.

Well, to be fair the hating niggers thing is legit but tayposting was always a joke.

You're both unaware and compliant idiots.

hello (((fellow oldfag)))
lurk more

Taylor Swift is greedy.

So let me get this straight - you take this place 100% serious down to every word and you're gonna go on the streets any moment now and start lynching minorities? I mean what's stopping you? In the US of A especially, the longer you wait the slimmer your chances are gonna be given than white population is declining.

>communists ranting about property over a person

the ride never ends

>kavanaugh confirmed
>roe vs wade on thin ice
>metoo killed in the process
>democrats take a nosedive in midterm polls
>"b-but we have taytay, checkmate drumphzis"

Yeah I'm not losing any sleep.

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Taylor Swift is /yourgirl/

No, not mine. Yours.

She is not racist, not willing to lynch blacks, not willing to train lacrosse players in sarin tank battalions.

She is not a symbol of female power.

We are training our lacrosse players to deliver sarin against our enemies.

We are preparing them for a genocidal operation.

The government observes our plans and their employees slowly commit suicide when they realize they should have been giving the American people power instead of shit.

You dingbats shes signalling. You have no idea what pressure she's been under during Kav. She didn't even write the post. She's just a slightly right of centre performer, women arent meant to be political anyway.

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tay is racist as fuck, shes just using poc to try to get a W for her handlers

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why would any musician give out their political opinion?

when she was quiet, people wondered.
but she opened her mouth and revealed herself to be a fool.

Trump curse timer has started. She's just another retarded chick.

selena gomez is my girl. maybe emma roberts. or ivanka trump. but not taylor.

also you guys know she's a dyke right? like not even making that up, she's almost out of the closet at this point.

You can have her. Yikes.

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Taylor endorsed a man over a woman, she waited until after said man announced his support for Justice Special K. Taylor has never supported a female candidate. A woman’s place is truly in the House I suppose.

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>In my mind, you kind of ended up with a very opaque situation three and a half decades ago where there was no particular corroboration of it or disapproving it,” Bredesen reportedly said. “It’s something that happened when they were in their teens, if it happened at all. And I just sort of felt like it didn’t rise to the level of you would disqualify somebody from the Supreme Court based on that stuff.
>literally Tays Candidate

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This. Taylor Swift is just another mtf project monarch asset

The whole point of racism is to pretend it's okay that you're a loser because other people with the same color of skin aren't. There's no point in being racist if you've actually accomplished anything.

Taylor Swift was a Gaslight Meme.
Pic related always was, and always will be /our/ Queen

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Based on Tennessee demographics it was concluded that many young white males brows pol.
From this the Democratic party decided to buy Tay to sway votes.
But like always, failed to realize that it was JUST A FUCKING MEME.

She endorsed a man who supports kavanaugh. lol dumb bitch.

no one cares about celebs except the very same waifu spamming faggots like you

She just got so much hotter. Go tay tay!

You think that was by mistake

This. Although by newfags i hope you mean shills

I'm seeing more shills around here lately. It's like you people are scared of something.

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what am i supposed to see here?

And just like Nasim, Taylor will one day shoot himself.

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