In the world where there is no proof of God existence and of life ather death how will you explain to your children why you've brought them into the world and why they will have to die?
In the world where there is no proof of God existence and of life ather death how will you explain to your children why...
>proof of God
that's called the universe.
quit being so fucking jewish.
Something cannot come from nothing. Following the logical conclusions derived from this, anyone with half a brain will understand that there must be an infinite unmoved Mover, who is the creator.
Having children is like deleting your name from heaven. Your new imperative is to die as a form of sustenance to the new generation.
I think it's a sick religion. There's no reason to reproduce unless you believe in a sick religion.
>something can't come from nothing
what causes a gecko to stick to a wall?
I say:
- You only purpose to build AI, son. Also, son, always bully nihilist fags and antinatalist sissy betas.
>no proof
Kys commie
Everything comes from nothing. Nothing remains constant. Anyone with half a brain can see that nothing is infinite.
Including god
Gotta throw it right
*tips crucifix*
!! even if you throw it wrong, it sticks due to van der waals forces. which have no vector to carry them. these forces emerge from the vacuum as a property of space.
Van der Waals forces
kys loser
Look up Gödel’s Ontological proof
Nothing is not real. Assuming that there was the possibility of a ‘nothing’ existing, and we made it infinite, there would quite literally be nothing left in all the dimensions and universes. But this is not the case.
I love this argument
>the universe coundnt have possibly existed for all time, but god does
Electrostatic interaction, according to a recent study. Certainly not nothing.
Every work needs its creator. Every piece of art needs its craftsman to come to be. Would you not say that the universe is a magnificent piece of craftsmanship and or art?
Kek, my screecap is more verifiable proof then Godels ontological bulshit. Kys commie
You don't need proof that God exists, you just need to believe women and believe survivors and believe the Holy Book.
>life after death
>Heaven is the world your offspring lives in if u live ur life correct
>Hell is when u fuck up.
Based response!!! Agreed !!!