The Black Sun (Saturn) traps man in the Cube.
Occult 101
>stairs on the left
that's some gmod building shit.
We need to break down the current painting obviously there is more than simply Satan trapping man in the physical world
and we must break down what the other three mean in
Morning, Styx
blah blah blah jesus blah blah blah NEXT!
Satan didn't trap us. We trapped ourselves by biting the apple. Satan only tempted us. It was our lack of willpower that caused this mess.
The figure trapped in the cube is an Orans, a female figure symbolic of the soul, depicted in early Christian art for hundreds of years. This symbolizes that there has been a death and the soul is being transported up, or possibly lowered down. The cube represents the framework of material order and physical reality.
you're incorrect about hell being the inferno, user.
hell follows death.
sheol is the pit.
Satan = source of temptation
if he didn't mettle, where would the temptation have come from? the apple would've never been eaten.
I always find it funny that Christian's refuse to accept personal responsibility for biting the apple. Niggers blames others. Kikes blame others. Men take responsibility for their actions, you little faggot.
quit capitalizing the fallen one's name, you jackasses.
no honor.
But the snake did it! The woman did it! but but but muhhhh muhhhh savior!
>being superstitious
>thinking Satan is something other than your own dark nature
humans cannot be possessed, only indulged.
but the fall of man came from listening to a woman.
never forget, women are the temptation.
What should we do? How we can escape this trap?
>thinking that humans have dark nature
you're dumber than the jews.
blonde boy is the anti-christ
red square coming down on him is blood of jesus
middle picture is the fall of the angels aka götterdämmerung aka rev12
there is no escape.
we finish the ride.
Let go of it. You insist on being here by knowing good and evil ie. making judgments. God judges, we don't. But people love to judge. So they sin and die.
this is partly accurate.
but your sin doesn't come from judgment alone.
your sin come from your desire to please yourself in any way.
Do you think by double posting we will listen more? Wrong.
Letting go includes letting go of desire.
So... should I beat my gf because she fucked up me or some other men to take an apple and get traped?
why would you beat a dead horse?
I don't give a fuck what you do.
When do you think Jow Forums will become atheist to be contrarian again?
can't let go of desire because you desire to live.
you're stuck with it, user.
gotta finish the ride and embrace your sin.
you're debt is already paid anyways.
Within a year of realizing Q us real and the boomers aren't leaving.
>he thinks Jow Forums was ever contrarian
>Satan only tempted us
The snake in the Garden of Eden wasn't Satan, you dullard.
You literally cannot live a Christian life without judging...
what if ride never ends?
>that serpent
I already said Satan is your own dark nature you fuckfaced cuckold.
all rides end, user.
a new one just starts.
Why was knowledge a bad thing for us to have?
Hail Satan!
Thinking causes a false reality to be born, which we got lost in. Bad is subjective. Some people love this place. They don't know or don't care that it's illusory. Until a person experiences the bliss of letting go they don't have much motivation to do it.
hail jesus.
The power lies in the CHOICE. Humanity was given a fair choice, and we dun fucked up.
we were made out of clay to become outcasts.
this is by design, user.
The stock market is tanking right now. I'm short stocks, that means I'm making money while other people are suffering. They are losing money that is going right into my pockets. Feels Fucking Good Man.
That's one of if not the most insightful thing I've ever seen posted on 4chins. No one ever asks that usually. Some people really wouldn't enjoy waking up yet.
Honestly, I consider smart stock-trading one of the less immoral ways of getting wealth. All parties involved are playing the same game, and it's all free will.
The checker floors obviously represent the duality of life just as the masonic checker floor represent the same thing but I suppose they cannot make it that obvious. Then we can see the person trapped inside a cube with lines connecting to the black sun representing Satan or Saturn trapping man in this physical world and Satan being the highest being in this painting. Then we see a boy standing on the checker floor with a quarter of his body being covered in the same red as half of the squares are as in that is his dark side the dark part of mind for his is Aryan and is mostly good. Next to this boy we see people people talking about him as if he is an art work debating his meaning, seeing that these people are lower than all others in this painting perhaps they are the most ignorant as if they do not understand higher thinking given there is a nigger also here there is more credence to this possibility or perhaps something else. We also see a burning tree behind a man sitting down perhaps reading a book or looking at his hands perhaps this tree represents the burning bush in the bible so it is safe to say the bush representing god is placed lower than the sun representing Satan as in Satan is more powerful. Or the burning bush may represent the world falling apart with the man sitting next to it as if he has no idea or doesn't care. The pyramid definitely has meaning but I cannot pin point what it exactly means. Also it's safe to say that the black sun holding the woman in the material world is also holding every other being in this image in the material world. Also one thing I had not noticed was the "black sun" actually being an eclipsed sun perhaps representing Satan taking over and therefore trapping man in this material world or perhaps represented as blinding man or our vision.
Pls if any one else picked up something pls say.
God(or his demi-gods) banned us from the garden, he probably predicted that Eve would bite anyways. This is the only explanation for our desire to rejoin God in heaven. If it was our own choice we would all be in perpetual rebellion, and everything points to the Fall being a deliberate action outside of man's control.
>All parties involved are playing the same game, and it's all free will.
Yup. They offered up the money that I'm taking now. I am not stealing. I am not cheating. I'm simply coming to a fair meeting. Still feels sort of evil jewish like but whatever gotta pay rent hahaha
Knowing good and evil is discernment. not judgement.
Humans tend to try to weasle out of things. It won't work here.
While the first and second paintings obviously have meaning they are much more ambiguous I have a few thoughts but currently they contradict each other and the one's that don't are not enough evidence I will post the theory for first and second painting when I have come to a conclusion I have already posted about the 3rd painting here
If God is omniscient then why would he predict he new they would bite the apple so he purposely created flawed beings knowing we would sin. And it's not as if life is a test God knows everything so why would he need to test?
Of coarse it's our instincts that tell us to try to escape blame of any kind but it's a conscience that tells us we must stay it is our higher thoughts our connection to our higher forms.
pol Anons: "YES!!! Yes yes yes oh god please yes my boring fucking life please redpill me!!!!"
The context of my statement is that saying "it isn't a judgement to call something evil" doesn't fix the problem, it's just splitting hairs and hoping it makes a difference, which it doesn't. Jow Forums is going to have an immense problem with the idea if not knowing good or evil. Jow Forums exists to judge what is good and what is evil. Sadly most Christians on the internet do too.
God is evil and god and the devil are the same entity
Because God loves jokes. Of course he sincerely loves us and values us, as we also entertain him, his spirit, and his angels. The tree represents a desire to unify with the One, and the threads that connect to our origins. You cannot be truly human without biting the apple.
I thought this painting was of Baron Trump?
Why do you all "need" Jesus? That I never understood. It's like a drug for you guys. You speak about it and you get a hit of feel good chemicals released into your brain. Was that kike Karl Marx right? Is religion really the opium of for the masses?
Agreed a judgement is resolution but you can have a resolution of your thoughts about someone. A judgement is a decision made about someone based on what they have done they only receive that judgement when they are somehow impacted by it. To say that we cannot think something about someone unless we are going to tell them/ give them the judgement somehow then it is not a judgement is stupid.
Fuck off you masonic fag.
Burning bush also in the first pic
First thing we should do after fixing Earth is blow up Saturn
Who's with me?
We've been watching you Aussie. You're on our watchlist.
Do you know what Saturn does?
Truth is truth. I, unlike the masons, don't think it should be worshipped.
CIA fag inside info
You're assuming this is all real. It is an illusion. That's why judging it is wrong. You are trying to play teacher before you've even become a serious student.
Always gotta remain unseen
ITT: Cool and informative occult thread devolves immediately into godtarded jesus idiocy.
Go suck a dick you fucking retards.
Looks like a cheap knockoff Salvador Dali. Pretty pathetic honestly.
The cube wouldn’t trap men anyhow. Either this work or your interpretation of it is shit. Anyone who understands correct math understands this.
Since when is Satan the same as Luzifer?
>godtarded jesus idiocy
Couldn't agree more user, couldn't agree more.
Truth is a goal, not an act of worship.
'Eating the apple' is another way of saying Satan ass raped eve and sent her on a sodomitic trip that created this reality. We are living in a fractal reality and everyone who has or ever will live is a remnant of that traumatic rape. We are in the mind of Eve in a time loop and cannot escape
Gmod = mod of God
Stairs are also more important than you might think.
So you are saying that we were created imperfect with the potential to be both good and evil simply for the purpose of entertainment is silly perhaps for the entertainment of our self's he wanted us to understand pain he wanted us to have to create and to advance not because it is a test but because he wanted us understand. I always thought of humans as a tool for the expression of Good/Satanic forces as if we are the sword to be picked up either by God or Satan but we are predestined to have been the weapon or tool for such a being as in I believe I am a being of light and was always going to fight Evil as an expression of Gods good but of coarse I am not 100% this as no one is.
This I want to know. Who, or what, the fuck is Lucifer? Jesus freaks say Satan. Occultists say Lucy is Jesus. I'm very confused.
Luzifer - Venus
Jesus - Jupiter
Satan - Saturn
>Satan ass raped eve and sent her on a sodomitic trip
You have quite the vivid imagination and you are projecting it outwards right now.
Of coarse you have faggot whats my name then you platypus cunt. Exactly you don't know stop shit posting faggot.
da fuck? Some dumb Roman shit? No way the so-called elites worship planets.
elevators btfo stairs in 21 century. your larp photos mean nothing
A part of real Occultism is Planetary Magic. How the planets gravity depending where it is influences us.
Planetary Magic is one of the most ancient arts.
God and Satan are two separate beings although they can be seen as two separate aspects of a consciousness. As in there is a global consciousness..
My personal favorite
Projecting only works if I was defending myself. Which I wasn't
I see you brother
They've been following the skies for thousands of years, user. Does that surprise you, user?
I guess that makes sense. Magnetic fields and stuff can alter our consciousness. But dedicate a life to a planet? The ritual stuff is what I don't get.
don't you fear God?
you will be weighed, and likely found wanting