>The ((((EU)))) jews want to settle 330 MILLION REFUGEES in Finland alone
>The ((((EU)))) jews want to settle 330 MILLION REFUGEES in Finland alone
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You call them people. I don't think they are people. More like big belly locusts, pregnant and not stopped by security measures. Making Europeans pay for locust eggs hatching every day in European hospitals, totally shameless.
This table is stupid in so many levels. How can Spain have a bigger density threshold (911in/km2) than the Netherlands (606in/km2)? The first is hilly and dry and the last is an endless plain with tons of water.
>480 million
excuse me what
>marxist retards calculated that you can fit X amount of people into European country if you stack them one next to another
And Europe will have a gdp per capita that makes Bangladesh look good. Globalists are fucking psychos.
>43 million
How about no.
Romania is supposed to be able to handle 909 inhabitants per km2. Netherlands CURRENTLY has around 394 inhabitants per km2.
This is so wrong. They aren't planning to build a prosperous society, they want to turn this into a bangladeshi shithole.
They made an entire report static.mvlehti.net
How are you still kickin so well?
People don't need so much room in slave camps
Kinda wonder how this would affect the environment if billions of people were crammed ontop of each other while using fossil fuels. But you won't hear that from environmentalists.
Omg ur such a bigoted racist! I bet you vote for EKRE!
Pretty sure Austria can fit 80M people in some mountain valley or other. May have to stack them creatively or maybe even apply mass-reducing measures but it can be done.
not efficient
no that's just the calculations for how many an area can hold
>made in 2010
>8 years later the EU is close to breaking apart
Top kek
>"Luxemburg (Grand Douche)"
Kikes are the enemy of all of man
Valley? More like favelas all up the alps.
I think these people want to relocate mankind so they can get white people into Africa to civilize it for good
the money wasted on bringing them in, housing and medical is ridiculous. we might be better off fixing whatever shithole they are coming from so they stay there.
but then who would over-socialized EU bureaucrats distribute interracial sex manuals to? how then would they display their superiority to the commoners from whom they extract their livings?
>stack them creatively
>not efficient
What do you mean not efficient? Where there is will, there is a way like in pic related
I'm sure Sweden can take in 48 times its current population.
Just imagine our strength afterwards.
Sounds like a some commie gobbledygook.
Damn... RIP europe
>Already 44.000.000 and FULL AS FUCK
>Wait a minute goy we want 400.000.000 because talmudic fanfic.
These putos nariguos de mierda are getting some serious mandoble when this shit gets known.
you take your niggers and you like it bigot
Something new will emerge. Even without the EU local politicians will continue selling us out. There is no way to vote ourselves out of this situation, democracy and the whole system is a lie. Waves of shitskins are flooding in right now at this very moment.
Hold up, they are planning to fit about 4 billion refugees in Europe in total. This cannot be real.
It is, see
nvm that was how many could fit sorry i'm stupid
But still, 4 billion cannot fit!
Congratulation France you are gonna be the biggest country in Europe, population wise.
We are proud of you.
>242 million people living in the Italian peninsula
Who the fuck did this
Plenty of space when they finish demolishing all the cathedrals and replace them with commieblocks, goy.
RIP europe
Source please that EU supports this
I want to ask science people why the EU would recommend something that will cause global warming.
Here's the full report: And if anything, (((((they))))) will probably use Global Warming itself as the excuse to move billions of "climate refugees" into Europe in the first place.
Any doubt left about leftists being insane and Eu being cancer?
It's a report commissioned by the EU, which is somewhat of a tacit endorsement, but it's not the EU coming out and saying this is their goal. Also it is from 2016 so I wonder why this is getting attention now.
The opposing goals of mass immigration and climate change is just a fun way to fuck with lefties.
Yes, we will constantly say we are concerned about overpopulation, but simultaneously move half of the worlds population into Europe because muh birth rates.
Why is this allowed?
Why haven't you Euros gone on work strikes and started blockades at every train station, airport, and shipyard?
Only you can stop this.
or else just write
RIP europe: its was good knowing you until you took on 1 billion migrant niggers.
Press S to spit on grave.