Gotta get those likes and retweets, hey Ed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

and the racism starts.

Indigenous people had a choice to not drink alcohol. In every country, in every situation, it was their choice to drink the poison. We can't forget that we are not the bottle that feeds. They hurt themselves with or without us.

Spam him with messages about how he committed fraud and broke various federal laws and ask him how great he feels cheating the system while others suffer?

why are you posting krassenstein tweets?
what is the point of this? are you ed?

Every day is Indigenous Peoples day in America. The land has 15000 years of human habitation and direct cultural inheritance.

US oldest country on earth, puts China's paltry 5000 years to shame.

>kikestein bros.

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Right..... Human sacrifice practices. Death from broken bones or dental decay..... Soooooo much better was life before the west came.

Indians sucked as slaves.
Thats why we had to import blacks....

fuck of VPN Ed.

Don Cheadle weeps

>LOL fuck Columbus!
>While I sit here at a Starbucks taking advantage of all that the New World has to offer, totally not thanks to pioneers and explorers like Columbus

>Dear Ed
>What about the indigenous people of Palestine?

>blaming Colombus for USA
He didnt even step foot in North America, let alone the United States. Most accounts say he only ever found Haiti and northern South America.

It pisses me off. It makes me want to round these people up and send them to Zimbabwe

>hates Italians

Can someone redpill me on Christopher Columbus. Is the left screeching over him bullshit as usual?

this faggot right here

Damn, shame about the replacement of civilizations in basically other country during various rises to power.

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Ed isn’t pro-Israel. He sucks brown Palestinian cock.

it will always be Rhodesia to me

columbus ony landed in cuba faggots
america was then discovered by the spanish

>whites have literally been in the 'americans' for over 500 years
>somehow some backward savages who killed the previous inhabitants a few hundred years earlier are the 'real indigenous people'

probably the most invasive lie the communists push in order to demoralize and delegitimatize western culture.

Happy Columbus Day!

Dan Carlin did a Hardcore History episode (Gobalization Unto Death) where he discusses the Chinese emperors, and every once in a while, one will get it in his head to build a massive fleet in a show of wealth and force and sail it around the South China Sea. He goes on to note that if one of those fleets had made it to North America, the indigenous peoples would have had it as bad, if not worse, and there was nothing “unique” about white/Western culture when it comes to taking advantage of less developed people.

They were hunter gatherers that didn’t have the concept of trade until Europeans arrived. Not our fault they believed beads were worth as much as land

Its both fucking days you niggers.

>if one of those fleets had made it to North America, the indigenous peoples would have had it as bad, if not worse
Definitely worse.


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I love Dan but we all know this conquering is conquering. The Indians would have never been a force due to their constant tribalism and backwards culture.

I just can't stand all this namby-pamby boohooing about the bloody Indians!
You won! Alright? You came in, and you killed them, and you took their land! It's what conquering nations do! It's what Caesar did, and he's not going around saying "I came, I conquered, I feel really bad about it!" The history of the world isn't people making friends. You had better weapons and you massacred them. End of story.

They just hate white people and western culture. They’ll use any reason to throw shit at it. It’s best we ignore Faggots like kikestein.

Their screeching is stupid but it's not like Columbus is a hero. It's dubious at best that he even found North America.

>Accept Christ as your savior, take a bath, come join our world spanning empire and send some of your best to our universities to educate your race
>Hey, so Ping read the cracks in the chicken bones and aparently your left femur can be ground into an elixer that grants powerful boners.

Damn right Ed, say no to illegal migrants like that beaner Christopher Colombus.

All this says to me is we should close the borders so it doesn’t happen again. Can we push this?

If you don' t like the country you are living in: get the fuck out.

I go back to that video once a month or so just to see the look on that stupid niggers face
He absolutely can’t BELIEVE even a lowly Indian kept niggers for slaves. You can see his world view shatter and his spirit break.


How can you even refute what he is saying if you consider yourself a moral person?

why does this jew hide his blue target symbol?

Who were the previous inhabitants

He wouldn't have been able to get rich off pyramid schemes if the Indians had won

Fuck indians.

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This may be the dumbest tweet he's ever made.

This wouldn't have happened if they had strong borders.

The indigenous people have a higher birthrate and better way of life than they had back then. At least now they can own casinos and drink gasoline to their hearts content on the reservations.