Why do you support abortion?

why do you support abortion?

pic related is 14 weeks old

more here instagram.com/p/BnMhoLmlqhx/?taken-by=mrs_angemi
the last pic is very disturbing

Attached: iq039.png (988x1184, 1.84M)

because teh rights adn interests of already extant persons (adult, or sometimes not so adult, women) are of more importance thant eh potential interests and rights of non persons who have not comce into personhood.

the foestus is morally significant, jsut not as morally significant as an adult actual person.

destroying one is not morally without cost - it has to be justified by weightier moral issues, but it is not a high cost.

Because I’m not going to cry about something that resembles a human.
Abortions are typically performed before the fetus can register any real feeling of pain anyway, and as said, the interests of the living outweigh those that do not yet live.

You can be morally opposed to abortion, that’s perfectly fine and no one should fault you for it, but you need to understand that criminalizing it would not make it go away. Just like with laws against drugs or alcohol, it would just be forced to go underground, where it would be much less safe for all parties

Looks like a nigger. Seriously though. Niggers look like fetuses. Maybe thats why theyre all so fucking stupid. Theyre all born prematurely.

because it was a nigger

Because it's the only form of population control we have against niggers in civilized countries

Abortion should be freely available to everyone. Abortion has a natural eugenic effect: it's mostly low IQ people, minorities and degenerates that get abortions. Why would you want those people to breed?

What race is it

Human life is not inherently valuable and to believe so has lead us down a path of world pollution, overpopulation and resource depletion. Breeding should be a privilege, not a right

>Jow Forums: it's ok to kill people for the greater good
>also Jow Forums: muh beautiful babies
Bruh, it's just a piece of flesh that can't feel pain and has no experiences. I say we allow abortion up to the end of the first trimester.

majority of abortion clinics are in black neighborhoods

I don't support any abortions. I don't care what race it is, no babies should be legal to kill.

Finally, someone had the courage to stand up say it.

Attached: 305849679345.jpg (445x424, 52K)

Because most abortions are from niggers.

Tell me shekelbergstein, why do you want to drastically increase the number of niggers in America?

Abortion is murder, plain and simple. A woman's "right to choice" is just the rebranding to make it more palatable.

That fetus is packing a huge cock. Long...but not girthy. That must touch the ceiling erect.

Yup. Those pics are disturbing .
Pic of fetal feet at 27 weeks. My daughter was born premature at 28 weeks in 1987.She was 4lbs. Wife got toximia from the damn cat . I was only 22 yr old. Scariest moment of my life.
Anyways my daughter was 26lbs on her first birthday , Graduated Valedictorian in highschool,Prom Queen , Masters degree high paying job, bought her own home solo, eventually got married and living a wonderful life . I couldnt be prouder.
Those pics @ 27 weeks. Geezuz

Now dont get all emotional about a hump of cells in the shape of an human.

Well it should be allowed for niggers only

I support state euthanasia of fully grown niggers, why not a half baked one?

You are currently a hump of cells

>it would just be forced to go underground, where it would be much less safe for all parties
More dead liberal (not-)mothers is fine in my book.
