Which is it?
Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples Day?
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new trade routes for spices day.
I thought the whole "tear down the civil war memorials" thing was about how the left don't like to celebrate losers!? obviously it's a victory day for all americans to enjoy, celebrating how far they have come to get to where they are today - a more comfortable life for everyone, INCLUDING the modern "natives" which are just asshat people who hate society.
I say we make it 'Celebrate the anniversary of the death of Che Guevara Day'!
Italian American day.
Everyone else can fuck off
'Dago Day', let's be anti-PC here.
It's Thanksgiving
Nigger genocide day
Columbus Day; I celebrate winners
Columbus day and anyone who says otherwise deserves the gas
Columbus wasn't a winner after the 4th voyage. He died poor and in shame.
The fact that people actually think this kike was Italian is still hilarious
>The deck logs of the Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria are written in Hebrew
>Jews had just been kicked out of Spain
Columbus committed genocide against the Indians. Its documented. He was a jew looking to open up the Sub-Saharan slave market, which jews and arabs had run for thousands of years.
>and still do
>White southerners convert the African slaves to Christianity and allow them to worship openly
Whites people are devils
They were savages. Columbus did nothing wrong.
Fuck off mexico
t. northern mexico
indegenous people day
indigenous people day
I was traveling in Canada in October 2014 and the hotel had a Thanksgiving dinner buffet. Thanks for the extra Thanksgiving that year.
Remember, indigenous people often engaged in brutal acts such as scalping or human sacrifice. Let's honor their culture and values by naming a holiday after them!
Columbus was a TYRANT! He should have allowed these people to mutilate and cannibalize eachother in peace.
Lie about history day. Columbus reached America in Roman times.
How can you discover something that was already owned by millions of natives? Seems l like white privelege at work
because they had written language and self awareness
natives are literally animals shitting in the woods eating berries, who never built anything
Columbus Day. Enjoy the time off, boyos.
Compared to Cortez and Pizarro Columbus was relatively tame. Interestingly, when Cortez conquered the Aztecs he had help from other indigenous tribes that the Aztecs had brutalized. Such a wonderful, peaceful culture.
I am
When japs stop worshipping self-declared genocidals at Yasukuni; Zulus tear down that Shaka crazy warlord's statues, muslims swear against Mohammed's crimes and the turks admit their genocides then we can talk about abolishing Columbus day. Until then, it should remain the same.
Shitskins shamelessly glorify their mass-murderers and warmongers but they ask you to make amends for all your crimes and feel guilty. And if you do it, they won't take it as an opportunity to learn and recognize their historical mistakes, they will interpret it as a weakness and ask you to humiliate yourself further. NEVER give ground to them.
Everybody now has to work day. Because racists.
Italo Americans have given way more to your state then indigenous populations.
I think they deserve a day to rejoy.
not me
Columbia’s Exchange day mein nigga
Columbian ***
Clearly your employer is propagating ciswhite male privilege and must be destroyed.
they should have a huff-gasoline-while-you-fuck-your-sister-on-a-reservation day
Fucking based Natives always knew how to party.
Columbus Day. Indigineous People's day is a bullshit SJW invention. Kwanzaa tier.
All modern American nations owe their existence to Columbus's expedition.
In Spanish America it is Spanishness Day.
My employer is the Army, your move
italians became irrelevant because an italian discovered a new trade route day
This is the only thing I agree with SJW's on, Columbus was a huge fucking asshole,
he really did rape and commit horrendous acts against the native peoples, it wasn't by extension either, he personally did it.
Cristobal Colon is a patriarch of the Hispanic peoples, the Latino peoples.
Banning Columbus day is racist.
Watch this video youtube.com
Hispanic America and Latino America are mixed race.
Hispanics banning Columbus are literally banning half their genome.
The natives were subhuman, it's like stepping on an ant hill. Who the hell cares
The SJW's are coming. Get ready. Better bring your best HOOAH!
>grabbing the entire new world by the pussy
based beyond reckoning.
Yeah, well, so did injuns.
So, pick your poison.
This guy is pretty jewed all around, but everything he says in the video is true. Columbus wasn't the boogeyman faux historians make him to be.
You're all wrong faggots
Its Leif Erickson day.
Fuck the Indians.
>he really did rape and commit horrendous acts against the native peoples
All by himself. Must have had a shitton of NPCs at is disposal.
Its Columbus was lost day
>be navigator and change world history by discovering new continents nobody else knew about
>Indy ppls day
>we at in huts and killed each other for centuries
He balled too hard
Neither, it is a man who found a place unrelated to the Americas proper and got either undeserved praise or weird and warped undeserved hate for his findings.
I think his greatest accomplishment that can be rooted back to him was the fact that he cut off people's noses and hands....for taking part in or running a child sex slavery ring.
I dont know why people get so caught up on it, not like the guy landed on the Americas on purpose, nigga was just trying to find a new route to Asia.
>Colombia was named after Columbus
this is not India, indigenous and Indians GTFO my continent
he got raped by feather niggers and never had a booming colony
Technically the indigenous people discovered America long before white tards invented boat.
>Leif Erickson
>need some wood for my shitty new land in
>Finds the new world
>Sets up colony
>Goes back home
>Forgets where colony is
>Colony no longer exists
>Hey guys I discovered 'merica
NO HUMANS are INDIGENOUS to North America.
ABORIGINAL is the proper word.
Little known fact: There are cities in mexico that celebrate conquistadors to this day because their tribes sided with them against the aztecs.
Reminder that Columbus was actually a Jew.
They took this from us
>forgot pic
Eve and Adam per my Sunday school days are truest indigenous. Definition: applies to that which is not only native but which, as far as can be determined, has never been introduced or brought from elsewhere. Let’s give pre turd world Ethiopa some credit.
he was greek desu
columbus, conquered savages dont get to speak up after they've been crushed like the pathetic brainlets they were. fuck you if you think otherwise
What do spics think about the conquistadores or the Spanish in general?
I honestly think that they should've had wipe out all indios.
Sauce on the semen demon
North American aboriginals came from Asia; therefore they are not indigenous.
Habby Golumbus Dayylmao anons :DDDDD
Happy Dead Feather Rapists Day
As a person of Native American ancestry this is the very thing that pisses me off most. Stop acting like we were weak and innocent. We fucked your shit up! You literally had to genocide us to get any traction.
he was a greek from Chios iirc, he was related to georges le grec, wrote in greek and spoke greek with his bros
We have our own SJW-like tards reeeeing about colonialism and shit, but the average Joe doesn't particularly give a shit Columbus nor does he harbor resentment towards the spaniards.
And look at all you now: drug addicts secluded to shit land, and forced to peddle casinos and payday loans to get your next fix
We decided on a slow genocide all those years ago because you deserve to suffer
Obviously the first. Take your cuck shit out of here.
Those are the leftovers user.
Columbus Day. It’s a Federal Holiday. The other is just an attempt rebrand to make liberals not feel so bad.
You fucking amerindians pieces of shit. I just get trigger every time I see a peruvian. Fucking gross.
I will drink to every single kill by Hernan Cortés.
When did the injuns get genocided?
Who are the most indio and predominantly european looking sudacas you've seen in Spain?
Columbus fucking day.
And you americans are weir, we celebrate it the 12, the day that they stood on America.
1500 to 1900 AD.
Day Of The Chug
You are glossing over the FACT that North American aboriginals raped, tortured, murdered, and committed genocide on each other, CONSTANTLY.
Not to mention some tribes doing things like things like nearly making buffalo extinct through the stupidest, most-wasteful, most anti-environmental, and least-efficient "food gathering" techniques known to human history.
Makes you wonder what state the world would be in if they had advanced technology at their disposal, somehow,
google: Buffalo Jump, for example
>as a person of Native American ancestry
No one types like this without being an unironic leftist or a (you) fisher.
Fuck you right right fucking now. It was the white man with his rifles who finally drove American Buffalo to the brink of extinction.
Whoever survives the smallpox.
Top tier troll m8 he was a Spaniard kys
Umm try again sweetie
>When did the injuns get genocided?
It was never quite a genocide the way modern revisionist claim.
While there were acts that could be considered genocide during the Indian Wars it was war with tribes who were hostile and lost.
>"Remove confederate statues because they were the losers!"
>"Remove Columbus day because the indigenous people were the losers!"
There were still Buffalo before the white man came.
Kill niggers day.
Not gonna lie. I lie (you)'s.
Di nort-a look their nooses down on us, I 'ate di nort-a!!!!!!!!!
Should just be called North America day. Columbus was a lucky idiot, and we should stop trying to make a day or month dedicated to one race of people.
Why hasn't the #indigenouspeoplesday tag been flooded with stuff about white Europeans? I'm disappointed Jow Forums.
Yes, of course it was the white man.
And the iintra-aboriginal genocide, torture, rape, murder, etc?
You'll at least own up to that, right?
Or was North America just a happy paradise before the evil white man showed up and greatly lengthened aboriginal life spans and imposed evils like hospitals, books, medicine, education, engineering, art, literature, poetry, mathematics, science, melodious music, architecture, etc?