Degeneracy thread.
Looking to expose contemporary degeneracy to a friend.
Degeneracy thread.
Looking to expose contemporary degeneracy to a friend.
Children can't consent to crossdressing, which even trans people will recognise causes some social problems.
Police in UK are taught to hate white people but still act the mickey with niggers
>Looking to expose contemporary degeneracy to a friend.
>reddit spacing
pic related
And then there's the cases of obvious child abuse that we laugh away because it's "harmless fun" and ellen approved
urge to kill rising
Notice the pedospiral, they are not even pretending anymore!
History of LGBT/Faggotry
>"Nah we just want equal rights bro, we dont want to brainwash kids or anything, nah the slippery slope doesnt exist, we arent gonna make pedophilia legalized"
>"So what? There are LGBT trans kids, ofcourse billions of dollars should be used to "help" transkids! Bigot!"
>"Transkids themselves tells that they can consent, how dare you tell them what they can do with their body!"
>Painting the retards to make yourself feel better
fuckin nuts
many paths lead towards satan
I understand they have rights and shit, but the first time I saw a downer driving a car I veered off the fucking road and nearly crashed.
holy shit
>mfw the future is doomed
I wanted to call it drag syndrome as a joke but that's what it's actually called.
My sides
Goo goo ga ga
Yasss queen slayyyyy
Fuckin Christ...
why did I cick on that
god damn if my son acted like this much of a fag on tv he'd get a fucking ass whooping as soon as he came home
Wtf why does it look like he sewed wads of chewed gum onto his nipples
>slavic fat pads
Excuse me, what?
> presents "if your period was a person"
what is this I can't even
things are getting worse by the day. In less than 80 years, there will be 9.5 billion people on the planet. There will be so much degeneracy, we'll just have to ignore it.
>I have a right to vote
>kid had no idea what to do with himself while mommy watts was texting, so he starts blowing the nearest long black thing like a conditioned reflex
Every time.
To bask in the glory of the future of man.
slavs, they grow chippy chipmunk cheeks for the winter :)
There’s a strange pedo symbol too
Why do YOU need feminism, anons?
There's not enough promethium in the world...
Preheat the ovens to 1488.
makes me laugh everytime, it's just perfect. The boys doing this stupid shit and the white girl being so awkward. And then there is hijabi girl
Be honest if you saw this crossing the road you would consider running it over and you would actually cry real tears.
bystanders wouldn't be able to tell they were tears of joy. it would all look like a terrible accident. a little too easy if you ask me.
What the fuck
couldn't even fix his first genetic problem and he's already working on a second one!
God bless this country
Nosferatu no!
Destroy it. Destroy it with fire.
>trannies with literal retardation
how is this news
Newfag here. Why is reddit spacing a big deal? I thought it was just faggot reddit opinions that Jow Forums doesn’t like.
Or rather, destroy the people who would even consider creating such a community for totally impaired people.
Destroy it. Destroy it with great fire.
>Therefore I now appeal to the entire German people and, above all, to my old fellow-fighters and to all the soldiers to gird themselves with a yet greater, harder spirit of resistance, until we can put on the graves of the dead of this enormous struggle a wreath inscribed with the words: And yet you were victorious."
holding the nipple stiches together.
The idea of Reddit spacing is nonsensical. There are people here who want to be part of an upper in-group so badly that they will ridicule any minute straying from the norm.
Type however the fuck you want.
>downie trannies
Just when I think we’ve hit rock bottom...
redditors like you are not allowed here newfriend
try going to other websites more your style, like twitter, reddit, facebook, instagram. leave us alone
People who use double returns instead of single returns are called "reddit spacers" by new and retarded children.
Is it wrong that I love this gif?
Bwuahahahaha. Literal gimps. Literal fucking gimps being pushed as progressive. Ho boy.
It's the easiest way to recognize a soft reddit cuck
Here's one
this is why i don't watch Australian TV anymore.
lol i remember this. the dude didnt think it was weird.
this is evidence of fucking evil
As much as I love to shit on Swedes, the context of this video is that the children were told to act out a stereotype of the opposite gender.
Hype and influence.
We need another world war, seriously we do, let the faggots fight first.
Think you can you make it past my gunt, user? Hardmode: no broom handle
no.... that can't possibly be real
Mascarade Violation
I always loose it when the towel nigger shows up
Falmers look different from what I recall.
Shit like this is why I think our (((food))) has been tampered with. Poor people on limited incomes blow-up like balloons on shitty cheap diets of junk food. It’s amazing how awful that stuff really is for a human
It isn't. At like a BLM or pro choice rally or some shit, some guy was slammed into a hydrant in an altercation.
he's a Jewkrainian
r*ddit spacing is a good sign that you're from r*ddit and haven't lurked moar before posting. That means you don't belong here and need to fuck off.
You don't get it. You don't belong here. Fuck off to whatever the fucking sub it is you come from, reddit nigger. Try 9gag, facebook groups, it will be more your taste, sodomite. Don't even lurk, just fuck off. You will never fit.
You're fucking retarded you know that?
>Changing flags will change my ID
>when even the kids are redpilled and they have only the retards left to convert
Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!
WTF!? Why don't the goyim realize it's just another cash grab? What parent would allow their child to be mutilated?
>What parent would allow their child to be mutilated?
uhh, the average american goy parent has half their sons cock chopped off when we're born
when I was a kid my grandpa would tell me the whole world would go to shit once the hippy generation got old enough and took over control of our society. I didn't know what he meant by that but now I know.
So Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie adopt a handful of shitkins, and then decide to let their only biologically white child to transition? Maximum pedowood cuckage right there.