Hey Jow Forums, mutt here.
I struggle with identity sometimes because I'm only 93.7% european (according to (((dna tests))) anyway) and I have around 2.5% african and a few percent of other random ethnic groups thrown in (dutch-afrikaner by the way). I don't know what racial group I would identify with if not white. Would anyone object to me doing so? Am I doomed to be a mutt?
Hey Jow Forums, mutt here
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Which 2.5%? can you digest lactose? are your ears made of soft or hard cartilage? etc, etc, etc basically what I am saying is the tests are bullshit and to move out of tasmania and over to bizzaro brownland if you're feeling not white enough to fit in.
They throw in that 2% to make you question your whiteness like you are doing now
the fine print of the contracts are hilarious they basically only test 20 genes
>93.7% european
You're white.
I can indeed ingest lactose, I've drunk two litres of milk today alone hahaha
Don't tell anyone. Keep it to yourself. If you pass for white and identify as white, keep doing that. Eventually those genetics will be bred out of your future offspring. Once read a similar discussion on Stormfront years ago, they said don't ever bring it up if you have some on-white genes, to identify solely as white. Once you start identifying as mixed race, you subconsciously start acting like a mixed race mutt and the degeneracy starts creeping in. Whiteness is also in your mind as well as your body.
You should be asking if his nips are pink.
First, you're stupid to trust google DNA (or 23andme as it is commonly known) with your genetic info. Second you're stupid to trust them to be honest to you.
Third you have no idea about the torture that it is being a creatura, so shut the fuck up.
Yes you are a mutt and this is inescapable. But there are also whites with shit genes or bad phenotypes. At least you probably have okay IQ or you wouldn't post here.
thanks for the dna goym hueheueueheh
that they are my friend
You're white brother relax, don't believe (((Google)))'s DNA tests. Seriously people working for 23andme have been fired for fucking with the DNA results of white people. Look it up.
saved, thanks user
100% European here, off yourself
It all boils down to nipple/vag colour
I'm colorblind, pink is just a meme to me
I'm 2% Asian and still white.
Is there a way to get to know your real ancestry or do all companies like 23andme lie about your results?
Then why do people like me get 100% white? Sounds like a cope, an unncessary one at that because anything below 10% nonwhite isn't a big deal. If we're talking 2-3% then it's trifling.
youre unironically a nigger
Stop enabling the d&c kikes and their "x aren't white" shilling
Fuck their retarded dna tests
Once we gas the kikes we can figure out which ethnostate each of us belongs in
Until then, if you'd get jumped in the hood, barrio, or muzzie no-go zone... you're white if you're ready to fight
You're not a mutt because you have 2,5% african blood
you're a mutt because you don't make distinction within that 93,7% white european
ofc finland is a hapa
I've got a good ol negro spiritual I heard once echo'ing around in my head. A real ear worm, a jazz classic, it's tittled " Home is where the heart is, my heart is in my dick."